Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Instrument:Gas Analyzer
Model No:LI-7500A
Serial No:1594
Tag No:20081001075
Acquisition Date:2008-10-22
Location on 2025-01-15:East End, NULL
Notes: Originally a LI-7500 converted to a LI-7500A on 2015-11-10


Calibration: cal_Licor_7500A_sn1594_20230516.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_V1_200912.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_v2_201104.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_V4_201303.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_V5_201310.pdf


Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
7098 2025-01-15 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East End to replace sn 75H-2669 for calibration.
7091 2025-01-13 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-09-26
AGC=100.4 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=101.3kPa, Tair=22.5C, Tdew=-3.81C
Zero Air at 875psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 350 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.8769 -> .8764 Offset: -2.38ppm
CO2 span 1.0086 -> 1.0089 Offset: -.2ppm
H2O zero 0.8147 -> .8157 Offset: 5.4ppm
H2O span 1.0096 -> 1.0037 Offset: .13ppm
7087 2025-01-09 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2667.
6863 2024-09-27 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi-Tower to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
6854 2024-09-26 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-01-10
AGC=99.8 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=100.1kPa, Tair=23.7C, Tdew=14.0C
Zero Air at 1350psi, AMP CA03923 488.75 at 1450 Tdewspan=20.0
CO2 zero 0.8774 -> 0.8769 Offset: -2.0ppm
CO2 span 1.0093 -> 1.0086 Offset: 0.4ppm
H2O zero 0.8142 -> 0.8147 Offset: 3.0ppm
H2O span 1.0062 -> 1.0096 Offset: -0.08ppm
6659 2024-04-16 Hill Slough Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
6539 2024-01-18 Lab none Installed Hill Slough Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
6524 2024-01-10 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-10-03
AGC=103 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=100.22kPa, Tair=21.03C, Tdew=9.42C
Zero Air at 450psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 675 Tdewspan=18.00
CO2 zero 0.8777 -> .8774 Offset: -1.37ppm
CO2 span 1.0092 -> 1.0093 Offset: -.7ppm
H2O zero 0.8117 -> .8142 Offset: 14.7ppm
H2O span 1.0074 -> 1.0062 Offset: .03ppm
Notes: Vertical orientation. Reset SS from 103 to 100 after cal.
6520 2024-01-04 West Pond Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from WP tower with initial decommissioning of the site
6428 2023-10-04 Lab none Installed West Pond Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at West Pond to replace sn 75H-2514, which needs to go back to the factory for RMA (PLL error, CO2 and H2O were both 0).
6424 2023-10-03 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-06-12
AGC=100.7 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
AIU sn AIU-1569, Presure A0=58.004, A1=15.479
Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=23.5C, Tdew=13.3C
Zero Air at 750psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 700 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.8777 -> .8777 Offset: .4ppm
CO2 span 1.0098 -> 1.0092 Offset: .31ppm
H2O zero 0.811 -> .8117 Offset: 4.0ppm
H2O span 1.0126 -> 1.0074 Offset: .12ppm
Notes: Vertical orientation
6421 2023-09-19 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Vaira for calibration. Replaced by sn 0065.
6314 2023-06-16 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Vaira to replace sn 75H-2514 for calibration.
6317 2023-06-12 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-03-14
AGC=101.1 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
AIU sn AIU-1569, Presure A0=58.004, A1=15.479
Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=21.0C, Tdew=12.3C
Zero Air at 1150psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1050 Tdewspan=16.01
CO2 zero 0.8778 -> 0.8777 Offset: -0.6ppm
CO2 span 1.0027 -> 1.0098 Offset: -5.07ppm
H2O zero 0.8067 -> 0.8110 Offset: 25.5ppm
H2O span 0.9989 -> 1.0126 Offset: -0.4ppm
Notes: First lab calibration since repair at Licor - the usual larger offsets. Coefficients were all entered manually and the IRGA was vertical for this calibration.
6298 2023-05-30 Factory none Received Lab none Received back from Licor factory. Lamp was replaced and the sensor was recalibrated.
6296 2023-04-14 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for repair. It had zero signal strength when we arrived. Replaced by sn 75H-2667.
6218 2023-03-16 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi-Tower to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
6213 2023-03-14 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-01-25
AGC=100.7 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=99.1kPa, Tair=19.3C, Tdew=12.77C
Zero Air at 1400psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1250 Tdewspan=16.0
CO2 zero 0.8656 -> 0.8656 Offset: 0.04ppm
CO2 span 1.0205 -> 1.0225 Offset: -1.37ppm
H2O zero 0.8869 -> 0.8885 Offset: 9.0ppm
H2O span 1.0127 -> 1.0196 Offset: -0.14ppm
Notes: Using AMP loaner AIU-2312
6181 2023-01-27 Lab none Tested Lab none Ran in the lab on the bench for 2 days and used eddypro to calculate the 30-min concentrations. CO2 and H2O data seemed reasonable: CO2 ranged from 420 to 510ppm and H2O ranged from 250 to 450 mmol/m3. Not sure why this sensor wasn't working in the field.
6178 2023-01-25 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-11-28
Ambient P=101.5kPa, Tair=23.4C, Tdew=2.53C
Zero Air at 1450psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1250 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.8643 -> .8656 Offset: 5.31ppm
CO2 span 1.0168 -> 1.0205 Offset: -2.43ppm
H2O zero 0.8889 -> .8869 Offset: -10.6ppm
H2O span 1.0136 -> 1.0127 Offset: .02ppm
Notes: This sensor was not working at BC, but it worked in the lab and the calibration seems within normal range. I'll run it for a few days in the lab to see if it's stable.
6156 2023-01-06 Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn because no CO2/H2O data since mid December. Replaced by sn 0041.
6101 2022-11-30 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Bouldin Corn to replace sn 75H-2180 for calibration.
6123 2022-11-28 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-04-08
AGC=98.3 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.3kPa, Tair=20.9C, Tdew=4.05C
Zero Air at 1800psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1350 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.8643 -> .8643 Offset: -.38ppm
CO2 span 1.0097 -> 1.0168 Offset: -4.93ppm
H2O zero 0.8891 -> .8889 Offset: -1.1ppm
H2O span 1.0106 -> 1.0136 Offset: -.06ppm
Notes: Set H2O span on 2022-11-29 using 16.00C. Ambient T=22.4 and Dew Point = 0.77C.
6092 2022-11-18 Bouldin Alfalfa Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Alfalfa for calibration. Replaced by sn 0073.
5797 2022-04-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa Heat Flux Plate B Installed at Bouldin Alfalfa to replace sn 75H-2176 for calibration.
5774 2022-04-08 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-11-30
AGC=96.7 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=30.8C, Tdew=11.2C
Zero Air at 725psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1600 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.8645 -> .8643 Offset: -.71ppm
CO2 span 1.0128 -> 1.0097 Offset: 2.12ppm
H2O zero 0.8877 -> .8891 Offset: 7.7ppm
H2O span 1.0045 -> 1.0106 Offset: -.13ppm
5769 2022-03-31 Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2180.
5623 2021-12-01 Lab none Installed Mayberry none Installed at Mayberry to replace sn 0418, which was brought back to the lab for repair.
5595 2021-11-30 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-05-25
AGC=97.5 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=27.6C, Tdew=12.7C
Zero Air at 1350psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1700 Tdewspan=20.0
CO2 zero 0.8648 -> 0.8645 Offset: -1.4ppm
CO2 span 1.0136 -> 1.0128 Offset: 0.53ppm
H2O zero 0.8861 -> 0.8877 Offset: 8.7ppm
H2O span 1.005 -> 1.0045 Offset: 0.01ppm
5488 2021-10-07 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from East End for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2667.
5283 2021-05-26 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East End to replace sn 0065 for calibration.
5267 2021-05-25 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-02-01
AGC=98.0 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=26.2C, Tdew=9.1C
Zero Air at 350psi, AMP CA03923 474.19 at 500 Tdewspan=20.0
CO2 zero 0.8646 -> 0.8648 Offset: 0.9ppm
CO2 span 1.0131 -> 1.0136 Offset: -0.19ppm
H2O zero 0.889 -> 0.8861 Offset: -15.3ppm
H2O span 1 -> 1.0050 Offset: -.12ppm
Notes: Complaining about GPS location number formats
5166 2021-03-04 Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn and brought back to the lab for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2514.
5091 2021-02-03 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the BC tower to replace sensors damaged when the tower fell last week
5108 2021-02-01 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2020-08-20
AGC=99.3 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.3kPa, Tair=28.4C, Tdew=11.0C
Zero Air at 0psi, AMP CA04396 408.97 at 0 Tdewspan=20.0
CO2 zero 0.8651 -> 0.8646 Offset: -2.1ppm
CO2 span 1.02124 -> 1.0131 Offset: -0.32ppm
H2O zero 0.8838 -> 0.8890 Offset: 29.85ppm
H2O span 1.015 -> 1.000 Offset: 0.35ppm
Notes: The usual 7550 box in the lab is running the newest firmware v8.8 and is complaining that the v8.5 config file has bad number formats for GPS locations. I used 7550 sn AIU-1866 for calibration instead. This box and head will go to replace equipment on the BC tower that fell in the water.
5019 2020-12-03 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from East End for calibration. Replaced by sn 0041.
4680 2020-08-21 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East End to replace sn 0042 for calibration.
4670 2020-08-20 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2020-02-11
AGC=98.5 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.1kPa, Tair=28.9C, Tdew=13.6C
Zero Air at 700psi, AMP CA4396 408.97 at 550 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.8657 -> .8651 Offset: -2.5ppm
CO2 span 1.0203 -> 1.02124 Offset: 4.07ppm
H2O zero 0.8831 -> 0.8838 Offset: 3.8ppm
H2O span 1.012 -> 1.0150 Offset: -0.06ppm
Notes: Zero offsets a bit larger than I expected. Air quality bad inside from wildfire smoke leaking in through windows
4505 2020-05-23 Tonzi-Floor Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Floor for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2514.
4375 2020-02-12 Lab Installed Tonzi-Floor Installed at Tonzi Floor to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
4368 2020-02-11 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2019-10-30
AGC=101.4 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=26.1C, Tdew=-4.92C
Zero Air at 800psi, AMP CA04396 408.97 at 550 Tdewspan=16.0
CO2 zero 0.8646 -> 0.8657 Offset: 4.6ppm
CO2 span 1.0166 -> 1.0203 Offset: -1.92ppm
H2O zero 0.8895 -> 0.8831 Offset: -18.3ppm
H2O span 0.9958 -> 1.0120 Offset: -0.34ppm
Notes: Ambient air very dry. Zero offsets a bit larger than normal.
4366 2020-02-06 Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry and brought back to the lab for calibration. Replaced by sn 0065.
4139 2019-10-31 Lab none Installed Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Mayberry to replace sn 0042 for calibration.
4127 2019-10-30 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2019-04-26
AGC=99.6 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.9kPa, Tair=24.6C, Tdew=-11.9C
Zero Air at 900psi, AMP CA04396 408.97 at 800 Tdewspan=20.0
CO2 zero 0.8646 -> 0.8646 Offset: -0.3ppm
CO2 span 1.0178 -> 1.0166 Offset: 0.53ppm
H2O zero 0.8868 -> 0.8895 Offset: -1.7ppm
H2O span 1.0026 -> 0.9958 Offset: 0.18ppm
Notes: Ambient air was very dry. Joe
4062 2019-08-22 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0065.
3974 2019-04-30 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Installed on the Tower to replace sn 0042 for calibration. Using Floor 7550 box because Tower 7550 box died
3942 2019-04-26 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2019-01-30
AGC=99.5 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=24.1C, Tdew=10.2C
Zero Air at 1050psi, AMP CA4396 408.97 at 700 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.8643 -> .8646 Offset: 1.33ppm
CO2 span 1.0157 -> 1.0178 Offset: -1.16ppm
H2O zero 0.8891 -> .8868 Offset: -12.6ppm
H2O span 1.0043 -> 1.0026 Offset: .04ppm
3939 2019-04-25 Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn for calibration. Replaced by sn 0073.
3872 2019-01-31 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at BC to replace sn 75H-2668, which was brought back to the lab for calibration.
3859 2019-01-30 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2018-10-03
AGC=98.88 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=100.07kPa, Tair=27.07C, Tdew=10.85C
Zero Air at 1200psi, AMP Air 408.97 at 825 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.8644 -> .8643 Offset: -.16ppm
CO2 span 1.015 -> 1.0157 Offset: .5ppm
H2O zero 0.887 -> .8891 Offset: 11.9ppm
H2O span 1.0056 -> 1.0043 Offset: .02ppm
Notes: Calibrated by Jiangong.
3838 2019-01-18 Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from MB and brought back to the lab for calibration. It was replaced by sn 75H-2514.
3723 2018-10-04 Lab none Installed Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Mayberry tower to replace sn 75H-2669 for calibration.
3719 2018-10-03 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2018-06-25
AGC=98.6 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=100.16kPa, Tair=28.4C, Tdew=15.18C
Zero Air at 1500psi, AMP Air 408.97 at 1200 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.8648 -> .8644 Offset: -1.74ppm
CO2 span 1.0181 -> 1.0150 Offset: 1.68ppm
H2O zero 0.8869 -> .8870 Offset: 0.8ppm
H2O span 1.0106 -> 1.0056 Offset: .11ppm
Notes: Spanned H2O at 20.00 because initial dew point temperature in the room was > 16.00 degC.
3708 2018-09-27 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Vaira Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0065.
3545 2018-06-26 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Vaira to replace en 75H-2182 for calibration
3540 2018-06-25 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2018-04-04
AGC=99.9 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.5kPa, Tair=26.1C, Tdew=12.9C
Zero Air at 350psi, AMP 408.97 at 1350 Tdewspan=15.99
CO2 zero 0.8651 -> 0.8648 Offset: -1.50ppm
CO2 span 1.0185 -> 1.0181 Offset: 0.13ppm
H2O zero 0.8854 -> 0.8869 Offset: 8.0ppm
H2O span 1.0064 -> 1.0106 Offset: -0.09ppm
Notes: Calibrated by Joe
3532 2018-06-13 Twitchell Alfalfa Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
3388 2018-04-05 Lab none Installed Twitchell Alfalfa Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at TA to replace sn 75H-2514, which was brought back to the lab for calibration.
3379 2018-04-04 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-11-28
AGC=99 SDM=0. DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=21.3C, Tdew=6.7C
Zero Air at 100psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 1700 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.8653 -> .8654 Offset: -.58ppm
CO2 span 1.0172 -> 1.0185 Offset: -.63ppm
H2O zero 0.8868 -> .8854 Offset: -7.2ppm
H2O span 1 -> 1.0064 Offset: -.14ppm
Notes: Calibrated on LI-7550 sn 674 with 8.5.0 embedded software version.
3373 2018-03-06 Tonzi-Floor Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi Floor and brought back to the lab for calibration. It was replaced by sn 0042.
3215 2017-11-29 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Installed on the Tonzi Floor to replace sn 75H-2180 for calibration.
3205 2017-11-28 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-09-27
AGC=99.9 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=100.5kPa, Tair=23.0C, Tdew=8.7C
Zero Air at 300psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 1700 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.8638 -> .8653 Offset: 6.09ppm
CO2 span 1.0168 -> 1.0172 Offset: -.23ppm
H2O zero 0.8878 -> .8868 Offset: -5.6ppm
H2O span 1.0047 -> 1.0000 Offset: 0.1ppm
Notes: Calibrated on 7550 software version 8.7.5
3195 2017-11-13 Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn because it was calibrated on LI-7550 with embedded software v. 8.7.5 and the LI-7550 at the tower is embedded software v 8.5.0, so we were worried this software mismatch would produce wonky data. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
3157 2017-10-19 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on Bouldin Corn to replace sn 75H-2668 for calibration.
3082 2017-09-27 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-05-30
AGC=97.2 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=100.1kPa, Tair=29.4C, Tdew=12.3C
Zero Air at 590psi, AMP Air 408.97 at 2100 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.8653 -> .8638 Offset: -6.17ppm
CO2 span 1.0187 -> 1.0168 Offset: 1.13ppm
H2O zero 0.8861 -> .8878 Offset: 9.5ppm
H2O span 1.0256 -> 1.0047 Offset: .44ppm
Notes: When I checked ffsets after this calibration, CO2 zero offset=-0.64 ppm, H2O zero offset=1.2 mmol/m3, and CO2 span offset=0.21 ppm. Calibrated on LI-7550 with embedded software version 8.7.5.
3043 2017-09-06 Twitchell Alfalfa Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
2831 2017-06-05 Lab none Installed Twitchell Alfalfa Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Twitchell Alfalfa to replace sn 75H-2176.
2795 2017-05-30 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-01-27
AGC=101.4 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=99.7kPa, Tair=19.3C, Tdew=9.5C
Zero Air at 1050psi, NOAA Air 402.69 at 1600 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.8654 -> .8653 Offset: .79ppm
CO2 span 1.0194 -> 1.0187 Offset: 0.42ppm
H2O zero 0.8868 -> .8861 Offset: -4.1ppm
H2O span 1.0067 -> 1.0256 Offset: -.39ppm
2735 2017-04-27 Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2180.
2607 2017-01-31 Lab none Installed Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Mayberry after calibration in the lab, replacing sn 75H-2176.
2603 2017-01-27 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2016-08-30
AGC=101.86 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=101.78kPa, Tair=24.47C, Tdew=2.69C
Zero Air at 1800psi, God CO2 421.22 at 400 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.8648 -> 0.8654 Offset: 1.16ppm
CO2 span 1.0164 -> 1.0194 Offset: -1.63ppm
H2O zero 0.8859 -> 0.8868 Offset: 5.5ppm
H2O span 1.0113 -> 1.0067 Offset: 0.10ppm
Notes: Saved calibration file: sn1594_0614_20170127Lab_cal.L7X
2566 2016-12-29 Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Sherman Wetland for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2180
2475 2016-09-29 Lab none Installed Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Sherman Wetland tower to replace sn 75H-2668 for calibration.
2460 2016-09-13 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from EE tower for calibration. Replaced with 75H-2514. Accidentally swapped the LI7500 at EE at this date, had not reached it's official swap period.
2442 2016-08-31 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the East End tower to replace sn 75H-2150 for calibration.
2450 2016-08-30 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2016-02-22
AGC=101.4 SDM=6 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.12kPa, Tair=24.79C, Tdew=13.72C
Zero Air at 400psi, God CO2 421.22 at 400 Tdewspan=16.0
CO2 zero 0.865 -> 0.8648 Offset: -0.70ppm
CO2 span 1.0196 -> 1.0164 Offset: 1.68ppm
H2O zero 0.8863 -> 0.8859 Offset: -2.6ppm
H2O span 1.0139 -> 1.0113 Offset: 0.05ppm
2311 2016-06-06 West Pond Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none removed from west pond for calibration, replaced by sn 75H-2176
2206 2016-02-25 Lab none Installed West Pond Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the West Pond tower to replace sn 0065 for calibration
2200 2016-02-22 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2015-11-16
AGC=102.0 SDM=6 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.90kPa, Tair=21.52C, Tdew=9.88C
Zero Air at 650psi, God CO2 421.22 at 700 Tdewspan=11.09
CO2 zero 0.8662 -> 0.8650 Offset: -4.98ppm
CO2 span 1.0243 -> 1.0196 Offset: 2.58ppm
H2O zero 0.8821 -> 0.8863 Offset: 24.5ppm
H2O span 1.0212 -> 1.0139 Offset: 0.15ppm
Notes: Offsets a little larger than usual - new chemicals last time may have settle more.
2168 2016-02-11 Twitchell Alfalfa Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Alfalfa Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2180.
2107 2015-11-25 Lab none Installed Twitchell Alfalfa Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Alfalfa Tower to replace sn 75H-2150 for calibration
2095 2015-11-16 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2015-04-20
AGC=101.9 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=101.42kPa, Tair=20.60C, Tdew=-2.88C
Zero Air at 700psi, God CO2 421.22 at 700 Tdewspan=11.08
CO2 zero 0.8658 -> 0.8662 Offset: 1.43ppm
CO2 span 1.0027 -> 1.0243 Offset: -11.42ppm
H2O zero 0.8855 -> 0.8821 Offset: -18.0ppm
H2O span 0.9935 -> 1.0212 Offset: -0.54ppm
Notes: This is the first calibration of this head after it was upgraded to the new 7500A interface and had its chemicals changed. Old coefficients from last Licor calibration loaded were loaded during the upgrade. Last lab calibration coefficients: CO2_zero = 0.8648, CO2_span = 1.0178, H2O_zero = 0.8985, H2O_span = 1.0087.
2046 2015-11-10 Lab none Upgrade Lab none I upgraded this head to a LI-7500A. It got a new plate on the base of the head. The gain was adjusted and the Signal Strength was set to 100%. New chemicals were put in. It needs to run for a few days and then be calibrated. The old 1594 box can be used for spare parts. The 1594 coefficients were entered on the new 7550 box AIU-1557.
1910 2015-07-20 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from East End to be replaced by LI-7500A set.
1796 2015-04-23 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Eat End tower to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
1786 2015-04-20 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2014-12-22
AGC=50 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.28kPa, Tair=20.38C, Tdew=12.81C
Zero Air at 900psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1200 Tdewspan=15.96
CO2 zero 0.8649 -> 0.8648 Offset: -0.44ppm
CO2 span 1.0175 -> 1.0178 Offset: -0.22ppm
H2O zero 0.8981 -> 0.8985 Offset: 2.2ppm
H2O span 1.1398 -> 1.0087 Offset: 2.68ppm
Notes: Relatively large offsets in H2O span, similar to other 7500s calibrated at this time - dew point generator and Vaisala probe agreed with in 0.5C
1776 2015-04-08 Tonzi-Tower Removed Lab none Removed from the Tower site for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035
1640 2014-12-23 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Installed on the Tonzi Tower to replace sn 0976 for calibration
1647 2014-12-22 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2014-06-10
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=101.45kPa, Tair=22.47C, Tdew=14.26C
Zero Air at 1000psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1300 Tdewspan=15.95
CO2 zero 0.8648 -> 0.8649 Offset: 0.67ppm
CO2 span 1.0165 -> 1.0175 Offset: -0.62ppm
H2O zero 0.8979 -> 0.8981 Offset: 1.1ppm
H2O span 1.0501 -> 1.1398 Offset: 0.05ppm
1578 2014-09-30 Tonzi-Floor Removed Lab none Removed from the Tonzi Floor tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0042.
1350 2014-06-11 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Installed on the Tonzi Floor to replace sn 0042 for calibration.
1344 2014-06-10 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2014-02-25
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=99.99kPa, Tair=22.71C, Tdew=13.19C
Zero Air at 1200psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1500 Tdewspan=15.26
CO2 zero 0.8671 -> 0.8648 Offset: -9.57ppm
CO2 span 1.0153 -> 1.0165 Offset: -0.72ppm
H2O zero 0.894 -> 0.8979 Offset: 22.5ppm
H2O span 0.994 -> 1.0501 Offset: -0.72ppm
Notes: CO2 and H2O zero offsets unusually large. Water span kept creeping down - change chemicals next time?
1351 2014-06-05 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from East End for calibration. Replaced by sn 0041
1220 2014-02-25 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2013-08-20
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.43kPa, Tair=20.21C, Tdew=8.81C
Zero air at 1400psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1500 Tdewspan=15.17
CO2 zero 0.8647 -> 0.8671 Offset: 9.68ppm
CO2 span 1.0135 -> 1.0153 Offset: -0.87ppm
H2O zero 0.897 -> 0.8940 Offset: -16.4ppm
H2O span 0.9973 -> 0.9940 Offset: 0.07ppm
Notes: Serial pin in external connector may be broken - use internal connector. Relatively large zero offsets.
1219 2014-02-25 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the East End tower to replace sn 0073 for calibration
1213 2013-12-06 Sherman Island Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Sherman tower for calibration. replaced by sn 418.
1054 2013-08-21 Lab none Installed Sherman Island Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Sherman tower to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
1063 2013-08-20 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2013-04-18
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.36kPa, Tair=25.60C, Tdew=13.86C
Zero Air at 1700psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1600 Tdewspan=15.19
CO2 zero 0.8649 -> 0.8647 Offset: -1.0ppm
CO2 span 1.0179 -> 1.0135 Offset: 2.28ppm
H2O zero 0.8963 -> 0.8970 Offset: 0.10ppm
H2O span 0.9956 -> .9973 Offset: -0.04ppm
1039 2013-07-28 Tonzi-Floor Removed Lab none Removed from the Tonzi Floor tower for calibration. Replaced by sn0041.
961 2013-04-19 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Swapped on to the Floor Tower to replace sn 0042 for calibration.
960 2013-04-18 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2012-10-23
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=101.52kPa, Tair=23.81C, Tdew=6.77C
Zero Air at 1700psi, CO2 in Air 392.3 at 1700 Tdewspan=15.04
CO2 zero 0.8674 -> 0.8649 Offset: -9.87ppm
CO2 span 1.0021 -> 1.0179 Offset: -7.8ppm
H2O zero 0.8857 -> 0.8963 Offset: 56.4ppm
H2O span 0.8959 -> 0.9956 Offset: -2.18ppm
Notes: Offsets a little larger than usual
899 2013-02-06 Tonzi-Tower Removed Lab none Removed from the Tonzi Tower for calibration. Replaced by 0035.
815 2012-10-24 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Installed on the Tonzi Tower to swap out 0976 for calibration.
841 2012-10-23 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2012-05-17
AGC=51 SDM=0 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.79kPa, Tair=22.2C, Tdew=0C
dry air at 1800psi, CO2 398.79 at 1600 Tdewspan=15.07
CO2 zero 0.8642 -> 0.8674 Offset: 12.47ppm
CO2 span 1.0143 -> 1.0021 Offset: 5.83ppm
H2O zero 0.8993 -> 0.8857 Offset: -1.13ppm
H2O span 0.9721 -> 0.8959 Offset: 1.82ppm
Notes: operated by Siyan Ma
605 2012-05-18 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Swapped onto the to tower to replace sn 1594 for calibration
570 2012-05-17 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2012-01-16
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.19kPa, Tair=23.04C, Tdew=8.4C
dry air at 16psi, CO2 436.53 at 1500 Tdewspan=13.7
CO2 zero 0.8649 -> 0.8642 Offset: 0.5ppm
CO2 span 1.0139 -> 1.0143 Offset: 0.2ppm
H2O zero 0.8951 -> 0.8993 Offset: 2.6ppm
H2O span 1.0063 -> 0.9721 Offset: 0.79ppm
Notes: installed at Tonzi Tower on 5/18/2012 by Siyan
550 2012-04-24 Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Mayberry eddy tower. Replaced with LI-7500A sn 75H-2182
635 2012-01-17 Lab none Installed Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Swapped on to the Mayberry tower. sn 0035 removed for calibration.
497 2012-01-16 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2011-10-17
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=12-25
Ambient P=101.47kPa, Tair=23.7C, Tdew=14.81C
zero air at 450psi, CO2 in air 436.53 at 1750 Tdewspan=14.15
CO2 zero 0.8644 -> 0.8649 Offset: 0.05ppm
CO2 span 1.0082 -> 1.0139 Offset: 3.0ppm
H2O zero 0.8898 -> 0.8951 Offset: ppm
H2O span 0.9721 -> 1.0063 Offset: 0.56ppm
Notes: Internal chemicals changed 01-12-2012
634 2012-01-04 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Swapped off of Vaira tower for calibration. Replaced with serial number ??.
433 2011-10-18 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O This IRGA was installed on the Vaira tower to replace Frank's IRGA that was installed temporarily.
432 2011-10-17 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2011-07-05
AGC=53 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.62kPa, Tair=29.05C, Tdew=14.17C
dry air at 700psi, CO2 410.49 at 2000 Tdewspan=18.3
CO2 zero 0.8654 -> 0.8644 Offset: -4.21ppm
CO2 span 1.0098 -> 1.0082 Offset: 0.82ppm
H2O zero 0.8901 -> 0.8898 Offset: -0.04ppm
H2O span 0.9558 -> 0.9721 Offset: 0.3ppm
Notes: removed from Tonzi Tower; calibrated by Siyan
414 2011-09-29 Tonzi-Tower Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi Tower for calibration - replaced by sn 0065.
383 2011-07-06 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Installed on the Tonzi Tower after laboratory calibration. Replaced sn 0041.
674 2011-07-05 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2011-04-26
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.18kPa, Tair=26.44C, Tdew=12.01C
zero air at 1320psi, CO2 597.4 at 40 Tdewspan=16.8
CO2 zero 0.8647 -> 0.8654 Offset: 2.68ppm
CO2 span 1.0056 -> 1.0098 Offset: -3.75ppm
H2O zero 0.8932 -> 0.8901 Offset: -0.42ppm
H2O span 0.9858 -> 0.9558 Offset: 0.8ppm
Notes: performed by Siyan, installed at Tonzi Tower on July 6, 2011.
364 2011-05-25 Twitchell Rice Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Twitchell tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
285 2011-01-28 Lab none Installed Twitchell Rice Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O This sensor was installed on the Twitchell tower to swap out sn 0042 for calibration.
281 2011-01-26 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last cal 2010-10-06, SMD 7 DAC1 H2O 0-1000 DAC2 CO2 10-25
AGC = 51%, T = 24.39 C, P = 101.08 kPa, Td = 1.67 C
Zero air = 0.0 1700 psi CO2 = 597.4 ppm <200psi Td = -0.4 C
CO2 zero = 0.8645-> 0.8647, offset +0.85 ppm
CO2 span = 1.0061 -> 1.0056, offset +0.4 ppm
H2O zero = 0.8938 -> 0.8932, offset -3.0 mmol/m3
H2O span = 0.9851 -> 0.9858, offset +0.03 C
270 2011-01-19 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Vaira Tower for calibrations.
230 2010-10-07 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on Vaira Tower so sn 0418 could be removed for calibration.
221 2010-09-29 Moffett Field Removed Lab none Removed with portable tower from the zero flux study at Moffett Field.
214 2010-09-23 Lab none Installed Moffett Field This IRGA was installed with a portable tower a Moffett Field for a zero flux study. The center of its path was at 250cm above the ground.
182 2010-08-17 Twitchell Rice Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Twitchell tower for calibration.
120 2010-05-28 Lab none Installed Twitchell Rice Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on Twitchell tower after fresh lab calibration.
112 2010-05-27 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last cal 2010-02-16, SMD 7 DAC1 H2O 0-1000 DAC2 CO2 10-25
AGC = 51%, T = 18.78C, P = 100.3kPa, Td = 15.6C
N2 = 0.0 500psi CO2 = 597.4ppm <300psi
CO2 zero = 0.8645-> 0.8653, offset +3.2ppm
CO2 span = 1.0041 -> 1.0107, offset -5.3ppm
H2O zero = 0.8935 -> 0.8931, offset -0.032mmol/m3
H2O span = 0.9797 -> 0.9943, offset -0.25C
116 2010-05-13 Tonzi-Floor Removed Lab none Swapped off Tonzi floor tower for calibration.
59 2010-02-16 Lab none Calibration Lab none Recalibrated in view of Siyan's comments of partial calibration on 2010-02-09.

Last cal 2010-02-09, Embedded software v3.0.1
AGC = 50%, T = 25.21C, P = 101.04kPa, CO2 = 597.4ppm H2O = 14.5C
CO2 zero = 0.8642 -> 0.8645, offset 1.6ppm
CO2 span = 1.0537 -> 1.0055, offset ~40ppm
H2O zero = 0.8932 -> 0.8935, offset 0.04mmol/m3
H2O span = 0.9935 -> 0.9838, offset 0.2C

CO2 tank = 500psi
N2 tank = 840psi
58 2010-02-09 Lab none Calibration Lab none Partial calibration by Siyan. CO2 channel would not settle rising slowly. She used the CH4 standard that I had just checked from CO2 with the LI-6262. She also changed the internal chemicals removing factory installed bottles with a bit of each chemical in each. She replaced these with bottles filled by hand, single chemical in each.
80 2009-12-04 Sherman Island Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O 2ndTower Removed Lab none This analyzer was removed for calibration from the secondary tower for the LGR trailer.
57 2008-10-14 Factory Calibration Factory Initial factory calibration:
A = 1.42489E+02
B = 3.29299E+03
C = 4.12851E+07
D = -1.27868E+10
E = 1.63445E+12
XS = 1.50000E-03
Z = -1.10000E-03

A = 5.15797E+03
B = 3.92313E+06
C = -1.89938E+08
XS = -6.00000E-04
Z = 2.52000E-02

A0 = 10.571
A1 = 26.036

CO2 Zero = 0.8658
CO2 Span = 1.00270
H2O Zero = 0.8855
H2O Span = 0.9935