Field Notes
<--2025-03-07 12:35:00 |Phenocam link: Searching...
Bouldin Alfalfa: 2025-03-20 08:10:00 (DOY 79)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Summary: Quick visit to swap the 720.
Bouldin Alfalfa 2025-03-20 I arrived at about 9:10 PDT. This was a quick trip to swap the LI-720 for Licor. There was a little rain last night. The roads were pretty dry but the wheat was wet. I walked along the bottom of the drainage ditch to the tower. Pretty close to the tower, a den has been dug in the side of the ditch - probably coyotes. At the tower I unmounted and disconnected the existing 720 sn CW-CDR-064 and swapped in the new 720 sn CFS-00000. I fiddled with the rail fitting to get the 720 as level as possible. At the data logger I checked to see that most of the channels seemed to be reporting reasonable data. I ejected the uSD card, moved the existing data files off the card and reinstalled the card. I checked to make sure the status of the card said ok and that a file had been written to the card. I left at about 9:50 PDT. |
Estimated Next Mowing: 2024-11-02
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7 sets found
4 BA_flux graphs found
21 BA_met graphs found
6 BA_arable graphs found
Can't check TATWBABCSB_cam
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