Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Instrument:Gas Analyzer
Model No:LI-7500A
Serial No:0041
Acquisition Date:0000-00-00
Location on 2025-02-18:Rush Ranch, NULL
Notes: Originally a LI-7500 converted to a LI-7500A on 2017-05-03


Calibration: cal_Vaisala_HMP45AC_snU3030041_19990827.pdf
Calibration: cal_Vaisala_HMP45AC_snU3030041_20010626.pdf
Calibration: cal_Vaisala_HMP45AC_snU3030041_20030304.pdf
Calibration: cal_Vaisala_HMP45AC_snU3030041_20091201.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_V1_200912.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_v2_201104.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_V4_201303.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_V5_201310.pdf
Report: HMP RH and AirT Comparison 12-2017 - 2017-12-18
Report: Tonzi Tower Eddy System Compare - 2017-05-11
Report: HMP intercomparison - BA 11/2021 - 2021-11-04


Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
7130 2025-02-18 Lab none Installed Rush Ranch Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Rush Ranch to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
7125 2025-02-11 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-10-22
AGC=99.9 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=100.1kPa, Tair=22.9C, Tdew=3.80C
Zero Air at 550psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 300 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.996 -> .9957 Offset: -.98ppm
CO2 span 1.0142 -> 1.0160 Offset: -1.47ppm
H2O zero 0.8244 -> .8245 Offset: 1.1ppm
H2O span 1.031 -> 1.0328 Offset: -.03ppm
Notes: Used "514.02" as the CO2 span point in the software to get to a post-cal value around 514.07. Using "514.07" as the span point led to a post-cal value of 514.15.
7120 2025-01-30 Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2182.
6958 2024-10-23 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Bouldin Corn to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
6973 2024-10-22 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-06-17
AGC=98.9 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=25.7C, Tdew=11.4C
Zero Air at 1050psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 800 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9958 -> .9960 Offset: .54ppm
CO2 span 1.0176 -> 1.0142 Offset: 2.36ppm
H2O zero 0.8238 -> .8244 Offset: 3.3ppm
H2O span 1.0341 -> 1.031 Offset: .08ppm
6864 2024-09-27 Tonzi Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Floor Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi Floor for calibration. Replaced by sn 0065.
6743 2024-06-19 Lab none Installed Tonzi Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Floor Installed at Tonzi Floor to replace sn 75H-2176 for calibration.
6737 2024-06-17 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-01-03
AGC=100.0 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=100.1kPa, Tair=20.5C, Tdew=8.8C
Zero Air at 1750psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 400 Tdewspan=16.0
CO2 zero 0.9963 -> 0.9958 Offset: -1.60ppm
CO2 span 1.0217 -> 1.0176 Offset: 2.93ppm
H2O zero 0.8245 -> 0.8238 Offset: -3.9ppm
H2O span 1.0365 -> 1.0341 Offset: 0.06ppm
Notes: Reset SS from 101.5
6652 2024-04-11 Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2667.
6522 2024-01-04 Lab none Installed Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Mayberry to replace sn 0073 for calibration.
6498 2024-01-03 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-09-18
AGC=100 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=22.7C, Tdew=7.3C
Zero Air at 550psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 750 Tdewspan=20.0
CO2 zero 0.9965 -> 0.9963 Offset: -0.79ppm
CO2 span 1.0192 -> 1.0217 Offset: -1.67ppm
H2O zero 0.8236 -> 0.8245 Offset: 5.0ppm
H2O span 1.0292 -> 1.0365 Offset: -0.16ppm
Notes: H20 took a long time (40min) to stabilize - kept creeping up
6500 2024-01-02 Tonzi Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Floor Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi Floor for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2667.
6420 2023-09-19 Lab none Installed Tonzi Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Floor Installed at Tonzi-Floor to replace sn 0073 for calibration.
6407 2023-09-18 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-04-24
AGC=99.9 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
AIU sn AIU-1569, Presure A0=58.004, A1=15.479
Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=23.7C, Tdew=14.2C
Zero Air at 1750psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1800 Tdewspan=16.0
CO2 zero 0.9968 -> 0.9965 Offset: -1.2ppm
CO2 span 1.0202 -> 1.0192 Offset: 0.73ppm
H2O zero 0.8222 -> 0.8236 Offset: 8.1ppm
H2O span 1.0302 -> 1.0292 Offset: 0.01ppm
Notes: Very dirty before calibration. I painted a bunch of dings with white nail polish.
6346 2023-07-24 Hill Slough Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Hill Slough for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
6275 2023-04-25 Lab none Installed Hill Slough Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 0042 for calibration.
6270 2023-04-24 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-01-05
AGC=100 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=21.7C, Tdew=6.85C
Zero Air at 1300psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1150 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9961 -> .9968 Offset: 2.54ppm
CO2 span 1.0234 -> 1.0202 Offset: 2.12ppm
H2O zero 0.8232 -> .8222 Offset: -5.8ppm
H2O span 1.0382 -> 1.0302 Offset: .17ppm
Notes: Span point entered as "524.67" for sensor to read ~524.77 after spanning
6256 2023-04-11 Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2669.
6157 2023-01-06 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Bouldin Corn to replace sn 1594 because sn 1594 was not giving any data.
6139 2023-01-05 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-11-28
AGC=100.7 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.1kPa, Tair=17.4C, Tdew=10.1C
Zero Air at 1600psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1250 Tdewspan=15.0
CO2 zero 0.9968 -> 0.9961 Offset: -2.3ppm
CO2 span 1.0199 -> 1.0234 Offset: -2.37ppm
H2O zero 0.8221 -> 0.8232 Offset: 6.5ppm
H2O span 1.0304 -> 1.0382 Offset: -0.15ppm
6124 2022-11-28 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-11-15
AGC=107 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.5kPa, Tair=22.4C, Tdew=2.2C
Zero Air at 1750psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1300 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9998 -> .9968 Offset: -9.82ppm
CO2 span 1.0178 -> 1.0199 Offset: -1.37ppm
H2O zero 0.8213 -> .8221 Offset: 4.8ppm
H2O span 1.0308 -> 1.0304 Offset: 0.00ppm
Notes: SS rest from 107 to 100 after calibration. Today's calibration was with our usual box sn AIU-0674. The previous calibration was on a AMP box sn AIU-1039 and I had reset the SS from 93 to 100. Probably some difference in box coefficients that I didn't pay attention to, but the SS should be ok now.
6063 2022-11-15 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-03-30
AGC=93.5 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=101.2kPa, Tair=22.9C, Tdew=.1C
Zero Air at 1900psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1350 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9969 -> .9998 Offset: 9.35ppm
CO2 span 1.0189 -> 1.0178 Offset: .23ppm
H2O zero 0.8214 -> .8213 Offset: -.5ppm
H2O span 1.0337 -> 1.0308 Offset: .07ppm
Notes: Reset SS from 93.5 to 100 before calibrating. Used AMP LI-7550 sn AIU-1039.
6000 2022-09-15 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from East End for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2667.
5768 2022-03-31 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East End to replace sn 0065 for calibration.
5754 2022-03-30 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-12-16
AGC=100.2 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=20.9C, Tdew=8.9C
Zero Air at 850psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1600 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.996 -> .9969 Offset: 2.92ppm
CO2 span 1.0172 -> 1.0189 Offset: 1.16ppm
H2O zero 0.8227 -> .8214 Offset: -7.4ppm
H2O span 1.0335 -> 1.0337 Offset: -.02ppm
Notes: H2O span took about 40-50 minutes to stabilize. Dewpoint temp had a range of ~0.2C when setting the H2O span point.
5752 2022-03-23 Gilbert Tract Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2182.
5646 2022-01-02 Lab none Installed Gilbert Tract Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 0065 for calibration.
5644 2021-12-16 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-09-21
AGC=100.8 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.9kPa, Tair=24.0C, Tdew=6.2C
Zero Air at 1000psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1650 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9667 -> .9960 Offset: -2.19ppm
CO2 span 1.0145 -> 1.0172 Offset: -1.79ppm
H2O zero 0.8224 -> .8227 Offset: 1.5ppm
H2O span 1.0228 -> 1.0335 Offset: -.23ppm
5636 2021-12-14 Bouldin Corn Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn for calibration and brought back to the lab. Replaced by sn 0042.
5471 2021-09-23 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Bouldin Corn to replace sn 75H-2150 for calibration.
5467 2021-09-21 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-05-25
Ambient P=100.3kPa, Tair=26.6C, Tdew=11.3C
Zero Air at 1700psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1700 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9966 -> .9667 Offset: .29ppm
CO2 span 1.0137 -> 1.0145 Offset: -.44ppm
H2O zero 0.8206 -> .8224 Offset: 10.9ppm
H2O span 1.0266 -> 1.0228 Offset: .09ppm
Notes: Calibrated zero and CO2 span on 9/20. There was an issue with the dew point generator where it was producing a dewpoint ~16C when the temp switch was set to 20.00C. I calibrated the H2O span the next day on 9/21. We fixed the problem by adding more water in the condenser block on the back of the machine. The water level looked ok while the cap was on and the machine was running, but once I turned the machine off and took the cap off, the water level dropped to below the "Min" line. After I added water and turned it back on, the dewpoint generator got to a reasonable dewpoint and it seemed stable.
5527 2021-09-15 Gilbert Tract Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 0065.
5492 2021-09-02 Sherman Wetland Interface LI-7550 Moved Gilbert Tract Interface LI-7550 Moved from SW to GT with the decomissioning of SW and the beginning of GT
5285 2021-05-26 Lab none Installed Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Sherman Wetland to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
5268 2021-05-25 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2020-12-02
AGC=100 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=25.9C, Tdew=10.2C
Zero Air at 350psi, AMP CA03923 474.19 at 500 Tdewspan=20.0
CO2 zero 0.9971 -> 0.9966 Offset: -1.8ppm
CO2 span 1.019 -> 1.0137 Offset: 3.31ppm
H2O zero 0.8209 -> 0.8206 Offset: -2.0ppm
H2O span 1.0273 -> 1.0266 Offset: 0.02ppm
Notes: I initially forgot to load the previous coefficients file. At that time the signal strength was reading 106.3 and I reset it to 100. Then I remembered to load the previous cal file but only the CO2 and H2O readings changed. It was calibrated with the correct coefficients.
5212 2021-03-16 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from East End for calibration and brought back to the lab. Replaced by sn 0065.
5020 2020-12-03 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East End to replace sn 1594 for calibration.
4994 2020-12-02 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2020-08-25
AGC=99.7 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=24.5C, Tdew=1.8C
Zero Air at 450psi, AMP CA4396 408.97 at 300 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9964 -> .9971 Offset: 2.59ppm
CO2 span 1.0173 -> 1.0190 Offset: -1.15ppm
H2O zero 0.8216 -> .8209 Offset: -3.9ppm
H2O span 1.0323 -> 1.0273 Offset: .11ppm
5010 2020-12-01 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2180.
4707 2020-08-26 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi-Tower to replace sn 75H-2180 for calibration.
4672 2020-08-25 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2020-05-13
AGC=100.5 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=23.1C, Tdew=14.1C
Zero Air at 700psi, AMP CA04396 408.97 at 500 Tdewspan=20.0
CO2 zero 0.9966 -> 0.9964 Offset: -0.7ppm
CO2 span 1.018 -> 1.0173 Offset: 0.43ppm
H2O zero 0.821 -> 0.8216 Offset: 3.3ppm
H2O span 1.0256 -> 1.0323 Offset: -0.05ppm
4676 2020-08-21 West Pond Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from West Pond for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2150.
4461 2020-05-19 Lab none Installed West Pond Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at West Pond to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
4446 2020-05-13 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2019-11-12
AGC=100.9 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=21.6C, Tdew=9.7C
Zero Air at 725psi, AMP CA4396 408.97 at 550 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9968 -> .9966 Offset: -0.6ppm
CO2 span 1.0146 -> 1.0180 Offset: -2.16ppm
H2O zero 0.8218 -> .8210 Offset: -4.2ppm
H2O span 1.0267 -> 1.0256 Offset: 0.02ppm
4403 2020-03-05 Sherman Wetland-Temp1 Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Sherman Wetland-Temp1 for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2514.
4334 2020-01-30 East Pond Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Moved Sherman Wetland-Temp1 Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed with the decommissioning of the EP tower and installed at the new SW Temporary site 1250m upwind of the Permanent Tower.
4164 2019-11-14 Lab none Installed East Pond Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East Pond to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
4148 2019-11-12 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2019-07-24
AGC=99.0 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.5kPa, Tair=27.5C, Tdew=12.8C
Zero Air at 950psi, AMP CA4396 408.97 at 700 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.997 -> .9968 Offset: -.88ppm
CO2 span 1.0163 -> 1.0146 Offset: .65ppm
H2O zero 0.8201 -> .8218 Offset: 9.6ppm
H2O span 1.0243 -> 1.0267 Offset: -.05ppm
4135 2019-10-31 Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Sherman Wetland for calibration. Replaced by sn 0073.
4031 2019-07-25 Lab none Installed Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at SW to replace sn 75H-2150, which was brought back to the lab for calibration.
4015 2019-07-24 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2019-01-02
AGC=97.8 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.5kPa, Tair=27.2C, Tdew=12.7C
Zero Air at 1000psi, AMP CA4396 408.97 at 800 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9953 -> .9970 Offset: 5.75ppm
CO2 span 1.0194 -> 1.0163 Offset: -1.89ppm
H2O zero 0.8248 -> .8201 Offset: -26.5ppm
H2O span 1.0312 -> 1.0243 Offset: .16ppm
Notes: When SS was 97.8, I reset it to 100.0. Larger H2O zero offset than I expected, but H2O span was ok. Last calibration, the H2O zero offset was a similar magnitude and positive.
3975 2019-04-30 Tonzi-Floor Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Floor tower for calibration. Not replaced because the Floor 7550 box was moved to the Tower to replace the 7550 box there that died.
3833 2019-01-04 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Installed on the Tonzi Floor to replace sn 75H-2514 for calibration.
3823 2019-01-02 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2018-07-03
AGC=98 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=101.2kPa, Tair=20.1C, Tdew=3.7C
Zero Air at 1400psi, AMP Air 408.97 at 875 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9966 -> .9953 Offset: -4.19ppm
CO2 span 1.0173 -> 1.0194 Offset: -1.25ppm
H2O zero 0.8192 -> .8248 Offset: 34.0ppm
H2O span 1.0285 -> 1.0312 Offset: -.07ppm
Notes: H2O zero offset larger than I expected, but H2O span seems fine.
3752 2018-10-18 Sherman Barn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from Sherman Barn for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2669.
3575 2018-07-11 Lab none Installed Sherman Barn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Sherman Barn on the scaffolding frame in the southwest corner of the cow fence. This is the initial set up of the site.
3563 2018-07-03 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2018-03-05
AGC=00 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=100.1kPa, Tair=22.2C, Tdew=12.5C
Zero Air at 300psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 1300 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9972 -> .9966 Offset: -1.94ppm
CO2 span 1.0196 -> 1.0173 Offset: 2.0ppm
H2O zero 0.8194 -> .8192 Offset: -.9ppm
H2O span 1.0267 -> 1.0285 Offset: -.03ppm
Notes: Training Robert
3549 2018-06-26 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2180.
3372 2018-03-06 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on Tonzi Tower to replace sn 75H-2668, which was brought back to the lab for calibration.
3345 2018-03-05 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2018-02-20
AGC=99 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=101.5kPa, Tair=23.4C, Tdew=10.6C
Zero Air at 150psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 1700 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9971 -> .9972 Offset: .25ppm
CO2 span 1.0195 -> 1.0196 Offset: -1.07ppm
H2O zero 0.8187 -> .8194 Offset: 4.5ppm
H2O span 1.0217 -> 1.0267 Offset: -.1ppm
Notes: H2O span checked against our dewpoint generator and Patty's dewpoint generator
3335 2018-02-20 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-09-11
AGC=98.4 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=101.1kPa, Tair=23.8C, Tdew=-2.4C
Zero Air at 250psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 1700 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9969 -> .9971 Offset: .92ppm
CO2 span 1.0155 -> 1.0195 Offset: -1.93ppm
H2O zero 0.82 -> .8187 Offset: -7.5ppm
H2O span 1.0217 -> 1.0217 Offset: 0ppm
Notes: I didn't do a H2O span because the sensor's dewpoint measurement was hovering around 2C, and then dropping towards 0C over 30 minutes. There may be a problem with the dewpoint generator.
3237 2017-12-18 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed from East End for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2669
3075 2017-09-13 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East End to replace sn 75H-2150 for calibration.
3052 2017-09-11 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-05-05
AGC=98.4 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=26.5C, Tdew=13.0C
Zero Air at 900psi, AMP Air 408.97 at 2075 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9969 -> .9969 Offset: -.01ppm
CO2 span 1.0177 -> 1.0155 Offset: 1.05ppm
H2O zero 0.821 -> .82 Offset: -5.4ppm
H2O span 1.032 -> 1.0217 Offset: .22ppm
2971 2017-08-17 Tonzi-Tower Removed Lab none Removed from the Tonzi Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2182
2765 2017-05-11 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Installed on the Tower top replacing original 7500 which was moved to temporary mount for inter-comparison.
2744 2017-05-05 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2016-12-05
AGC=99.9 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=22.7C, Tdew=9.22C
Zero Air at 1600psi, LBL Air 513.22 at 400 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 1.0004 -> .9969 Offset: -11.7ppm
CO2 span 1.0124 -> 1.0177 Offset: -3.72ppm
H2O zero 0.8255 -> .8210 Offset: -25.0ppm
H2O span 1 -> 1.0320 Offset: -.69ppm
Notes: First calibration since upgrade from LI-7500 to LI-7500A
2741 2017-05-03 Lab none Upgrade Lab none Upgraded to 7500A with the 7500-600 LI-7500 Head Upgrade kit from Licor. I put in new bottom assembly and greased o-ring, screws and greased o-rings, and two chemical bottles. I also adjusted the potentiometer until the waveform displayed about 15,000 counts for the minimum and 55,000 counts for the maximum(Diagnostics icon > Waveform tab). After the upgrade, I attached this sensor to a LI-7550 Analyzer Interface Unit and manually input the CO2 coefficients (A, B, C, D, E, Z, XS) and H2O coefficients (A, B, C, ZX, S). I also updated the Signal Strength coefficients (B = 1.6, C = 3.2) and reset the signal strength (Calibration icon > Signal Strength tab > Reset Signal Strength).
2697 2017-04-10 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Vaira for calibration. Replaced by sn 0073.
2541 2016-12-07 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Vaira Tower to replace sn 0042 for calibration.
2532 2016-12-05 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2016-05-05
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.66kPa, Tair=20.72C, Tdew=8.12C
Zero Air at 400psi, God CO2 421.22 at 450 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 1.0002 -> 1.0004 Offset: 0.0ppm
CO2 span 1.0128 -> 1.0124 Offset: 0.36ppm
H2O zero 0.8257 -> 0.8255 Offset: -1.0ppm
H2O span 1.0037 -> 1.0000 Offset: -0.01ppm
Notes: Had trouble connecting sensor to software at first. Software froze in middle so re-started software to do calibration.
2429 2016-08-23 Tonzi-Tower Removed Lab none Removed from the Tonzi Tower for calibration, replaced by sn 0418
2266 2016-05-10 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Installed on the Tonzi Tower to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
2259 2016-05-05 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2015-10-28
AGC=50 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.03kPa, Tair=19.99C, Tdew=9.10C
Zero Air at 600psi, God CO2 421.22 at 500 Tdewspan=11.09
CO2 zero 1.0004 -> 1.0002 Offset: -0.7ppm
CO2 span 1.0107 -> 1.0128 Offset: -1.12ppm
H2O zero 0.8247 -> 0.8257 Offset: 5.0ppm
H2O span 0.8836 -> 1.0037 Offset: -2.5ppm
Notes: Large offset in H2O span. I think a mistake was made last time when the dew point was set to the H2O mmol/mol value.
2172 2016-02-23 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Vaira tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0976.
2040 2015-11-03 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Vaira Tower to replace sn 0976 for calibration.
1984 2015-10-28 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2015-04-20
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.68kPa, Tair=21.33C, Tdew=13.66C
Zero Air at 750psi, God CO2 421.22 at 750 Tdewspan=11.08
CO2 zero 1.0002 -> 1.0004 Offset: 0.68ppm
CO2 span 1.0115 -> 1.0107 Offset: 0.38ppm
H2O zero 0.8243 -> 0.8247 Offset: 2.3ppm
H2O span 0.9991 -> 0.8836 Offset: 1.96ppm
1914 2015-07-20 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Vaira for calibration. Replaced by sn 0976
1798 2015-04-21 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Vaira tower to replace sn 0976 for calibration.
1785 2015-04-20 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2014-12-22
AGC=50 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.14kPa, Tair=20.41C, Tdew=14.44C
Zero Air at 900psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1200 Tdewspan=15.96
CO2 zero 1.0008 -> 1.0002 Offset: -2.0ppm
CO2 span 1.0116 -> 1.0115 Offset: -0.02ppm
H2O zero 0.8242 -> 0.8243 Offset: 0.8ppm
H2O span 1.1234 -> 0.9991 Offset: 2.62ppm
Notes: External serial port not working. Relatively large offset in H2O span, similar to other 7500s calibrated at this time - dew point generator and Vaisala probe agreed with in 0.5C
1774 2015-04-08 Tonzi-Floor Removed Lab none Removed from the Floor site for calibration. Replaced by sn 0073
1642 2014-12-23 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Installed on the Tonzi Floor to replace sn 0042 for calibration
1648 2014-12-22 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2014-06-04
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=101.23kPa, Tair=22.30C, Tdew=13.20C
Zero Air at 1000psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1300 Tdewspan=15.95
CO2 zero 1.0009 -> 1.0008 Offset: -0.1ppm
CO2 span 1.0101 -> 1.0116 Offset: -0.82ppm
H2O zero 0.8235 -> 0.8242 Offset: 4.1ppm
H2O span 1.0013 -> 1.1234 Offset: -2.69ppm
Notes: Dew point drifting up after calibration - might have been dew point generator.
1571 2014-09-25 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the East End tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0073.
1337 2014-06-05 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the East End tower to replace sn 1594 for calibration.
1332 2014-06-04 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2013-11-20
AGC=51 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.11kPa, Tair=21.17C, Tdew=11.50C
Zero Air at 1250psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1500 Tdewspan=15.27
CO2 zero 0.9984 -> 1.0009 Offset: 8.18ppm
CO2 span 1.0139 -> 1.0101 Offset: 2.03ppm
H2O zero 0.8224 -> 0.8235 Offset: 6.5ppm
H2O span 0.9991 -> 1.0013 Offset: -0.05ppm
Notes: Both the CO2 and H2O span seemed a little less stable that usual - CO2 +-0.2ppm, H2O +-0.5C
1250 2014-03-18 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Vaira tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
1147 2013-11-27 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Vaira tower to replace sn 0418 for calibration
1141 2013-11-20 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2013-07-09
AGC=48 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.18kPa, Tair=19.09C, Tdew=13.55C
Zero air at 1500psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1550 Tdewspan=15.18
CO2 zero 1.001 -> 0.9984 Offset: -8.66ppm
CO2 span 1.0086 -> 1.0139 Offset: -3.07ppm
H2O zero 0.8217 -> 0.8224 Offset: 4.0ppm
H2O span 1 -> 0.9991 Offset: 0.01ppm
1099 2013-11-07 Tonzi-Floor Removed Lab none Removed from the Floor Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0976.
1038 2013-07-28 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Installed on the Tonzi Floor tower to replace sn1594 for calibration.
1029 2013-07-09 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2013-01-29
AGC=52 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.55kPa, Tair=21.92C, Tdew=11.81C
Zero Air at 1650psi, God CO2 421.22 at 1600 Tdewspan=15.19
CO2 zero 1.0012 -> 1.0010 Offset: -0.55ppm
CO2 span 1.008 -> 1.0086 Offset: -0.32ppm
H2O zero 0.822 -> 0.8217 Offset: -1.5ppm
H2O span 0.998 -> 1.0000 Offset: -0.04ppm
974 2013-04-26 Sherman Island Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Sherman tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035
889 2013-01-30 Lab none Installed Sherman Island Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Sherman tower to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
884 2013-01-29 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2012-07-24
AGC=52 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=101.65kPa, Tair=25.10C, Tdew=4.63C
Zero air at 1700psi, CO2 in air 392.3 at 2000 Tdewspan=15.07
CO2 zero 1.0008 -> 1.0012 Offset: 1.35ppm
CO2 span 1.0084 -> 1.0080 Offset: 0.3ppm
H2O zero 0.8201 -> 0.8220 Offset: 10.8ppm
H2O span 0.9947 -> 0.9980 Offset: 0.0ppm
Notes: Very tight correspondence with last calibration
814 2012-10-24 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Vaira Tower for calibration. Replaced by 0418
1200 2012-07-25 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Vaira Tower to replace sn 0042 for calibration.
681 2012-07-24 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2011-08-24
AGC=52 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.3kPa, Tair=25.6C, Tdew=11.5C
dry air at 1900psi, CO2 436.53 at 1500 Tdewspan=15.0
CO2 zero 1.0011 -> 1.0008 Offset: 0.51ppm
CO2 span 1.006 -> 1.0084 Offset: 0.3ppm
H2O zero 0.8201 -> 0.8201 Offset: -0.33ppm
H2O span 0.9714 -> 0.9947 Offset: 3.35ppm
Notes: calibrated by Siyan
642 2012-06-07 Sherman Island Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Swapped off the Sherman tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0418.
644 2012-03-06 Lab none Installed Sherman Island Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed to replace the malfunctioning LI-7500 removed last week.
643 2012-01-25 Twitchell Rice Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Swapped off of the Twitchell Tower for calibration. Replaced by cn 0065.
407 2011-08-25 Lab none Installed Twitchell Rice Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Twitchell tower to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
671 2011-08-24 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2011-02-24
AGC=53 SDM=7 DAC1=0-1000 DAC2=10-25
Ambient P=100.29kPa, Tair=26.05C, Tdew=14.46C
Zero Air at 900psi, CO2 in Air 405.85 at 1800 Tdewspan=19.4
CO2 zero 1.002 -> 1.0011 Offset: -2.9ppm
CO2 span 1.0025 -> 1.006 Offset: -1.81ppm
H2O zero 0.817 -> 0.8201 Offset: 18.3ppm
H2O span 0.9984 -> 0.9714 Offset: 0.74ppm
Notes: Performed by Joe and Sara
382 2011-07-06 Tonzi-Tower Removed Lab none Removed from the Tonzi Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 1594.
1201 2011-03-30 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Installed on the Tonzi Tower to replace sn 0976 for calibration
332 2011-03-07 Factory Repair Lab none Returned from repair at Licor. The lamp and the detector were bad and replaced. Licor did a full calibration resulting in new internal coefficients:

A=1.32620e2 A=4.86118e3
B=6.20216e3 B=3.14261e6
C=3.33744e7 C=1.38738e8
XS=0.0006 XS=-0.0010
Z=1.60000e-3 Z=1.18000e2


CO2 zero = 1.0020, span = 1.0025 (@ 611ppm)
H2O zero = 0.8170, span = 0.9984 (@ 12C)
333 2011-01-24 Lab none Repair Factory Sent to licor for repair. No signal, Max AGC.
274 2011-01-05 Tonzi-Floor Removed Lab none This sensor was removed from the Tonzi Floor tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
227 2010-10-07 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Installed on the Floor tower to swap out sn 0042 for calibration.
183 2010-08-17 Sherman Island Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from the Sherman Tower for calibration in the lab.
121 2010-05-28 Lab none Installed Sherman Island Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on Sherman tower after fresh lab calibration.
113 2010-05-27 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last cal 2010-02-09, SMD 7 DAC1 H2O 0-1000 DAC2 CO2 10-25
AGC = 54%, T = 18.76C, P = 100.02kPa, Td = 15.4C
N2 = 0.0 500psi CO2 = 597.4ppm <300psi
CO2 zero = 0.9881-> 0.9882, offset +0.3ppm
CO2 span = 1.0022-> 0.9984, offset +3.1ppm
H2O zero = 0.7395-> 0.7385, offset -0.095mmol/m3
H2O span = 0.9928-> 0.9804, offset +0.35C
1202 2009-12-14 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2009-09-15
Ambient P=kPa, Tair=C, Tdew=C
at psi, at Tdewspan=
CO2 zero 0.9882 -> 0.8450 Offset: ppm
CO2 span 0.9972 -> 1.0000 Offset: ppm
H2O zero 0.7360 -> 1.107 Offset: ppm
H2O span 1.0197 -> 0.9920 Offset: ppm
Notes: Embedded software v3.0.0. Not a good report - take with a grain of salt.
23 2009-12-14 Lab none Upgrade Lab none Last cal Sep 15, 2009
AGC = 55, Embedded software v3.0.0 upgraded to v3.0.1
Internal chemicals changed.
24 2009-12-09 Twitchell Rice Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed for the Twitchell tower and returned to the lab.
1473 2009-07-31 Lab none Installed Twitchell Rice Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Rice. Can't figure out which sn it replaced though....
85 2009-04-02 Lab none Calibration Lab none AGC = 56%, T = 24.1C, P = 100.0kPa
N2 tank 1200psi, CO2 tank 1400psi 344.95ppm CO2
Last Calibration 1/7/2009

CO2 zero = 1.0024 -> 1.0026
CO2 span = 0.9868 -> 0.9872

H2O zero = 1.1031 -> 1.0377
H2O span = 0.7331 -> 0.7316
4007 2009-01-08 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Vaira tower to replace sn 0073 for calibration
6616 2004-04-07 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Vaira to replace sn 0065 for calibration
4925 2003-10-02 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0418.
4916 2003-06-20 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
4904 2003-05-09 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
4899 2003-03-17 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi-Tower to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
4881 2002-12-23 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi-Floor to replace sn 0073 for calibration.
4810 2002-11-05 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
4873 2002-09-20 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi-Tower to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
4868 2002-08-15 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
4847 2002-07-11 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi-Tower to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
4884 2002-06-06 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0035.
4834 2002-04-18 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi/Vaira to replace sn 0065 for calibration.
4819 2002-02-28 Tonzi-Floor Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Floor for calibration. Replaced by sn 0042.
3809 2002-02-08 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Installed on the Tonzi Tower to replace sn 0035 for calibration
4773 2001-11-10 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0042.
4769 2001-08-17 Tonzi-Floor Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Floor for calibration. Replaced by sn 0073.
4768 2001-07-19 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on Tonzi Tower to replace sn 0035 for calibration
6614 2001-03-22 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Vaira to replace sn 0065 for calibration.