Field Notes
<--2021-08-17 15:30:00 | 2021-11-23 10:30:00-->Other sites visited today: Gilbert Tract | Mayberry
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Sherman Wetland: 2021-09-02 10:00:00 (DOY 245)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Dennis, Daphne, Robert
Summary: Decommissioned the site. All equipment and tower structures removed. Still a boardwalk and cinder blocks at hot spot location for pore water.
Sherman Wetland 2021-09-02 Dennis and I arrived at about 10:00 PDT. Robert and Daphne joined us at about 11:30 after doing field work at Mayberry. It was sunny and warm with very hazy sky. Dennis said Purple Air reports put the AQI at about 100. This is the end – we are completely removing this site today and moving it to the Gilbert Tract at Dutch Slough. The staff gauge read 85cm. I downloaded the eddy data and the met data then turned the power off. No major problems taking things apart. There was a lot of rust on the bottom layer of the solar power scaffolding but it still seemed structurally sound. We managed to keep most of the met sensors connected to the datalogger boxes to keep rewiring to a minimum. The aluminum flexible conduit protecting the soil temperature and heat flux wires was largely rotted through. And much of these lines were buried in nearly 20cm of cattail corms. I think we managed to get ground sensors out without damaging them but decided to take them back to the lab to replace the conduit and reposition the thermocouples. We dropped the 7550 temperature dongle in the water but didn't realize it until we were setting up at the new site. We had two small trucks with short beds, but managed to get everything packed and headed to Dutch Slough at about 3pm. Equipment removed: Licor LI-7700, sn TG1-0424 Licor LI-7550, sn AIU-1569 Licor LI-7500A, sn 41 Gill WM 1590, sn 120906 Campbell Sci. CR1000, sn 38211 Campbell Sci. AM25T, sn 7909 Campbell Sci. AM16/32B, sn 21689 Campbell Sci. NL115, sn 13054 Campbell Sci. CS547A, sn 5688 Campbell Sci. CR10X, sn 25799 Kipp & Zonen PQS 1, sn 140457 Kipp & Zonen PQS 1, sn 140454 Kipp & Zonen PQS 1, sn 140450 Hukseflux NR01, sn 2466 Decagon-METER SRS-Pi PRI, sn 912903006 Decagon-METER SRS-Pr PRI, sn 930203026 Decagon-METER SRS-Ni NDVI, sn 882103059 Decagon-METER SRS-Ni NDVI, sn 2046503404 Hukseflux HFP01, sn 11325 (mux DE3) Hukseflux HFP01, sn 11329 (mux DE2) Hukseflux HFP01, sn 11328 (mux DE1) Texas Electronics TE525MM, sn 65552-615 Vaisala PTB110, sn L2510774 Vaisala HMP45AC, sn W0730036 Stardot Netcam SC, sn 0030F4D214A5 PME miniDOT-usb, sn 906606 Arable Mark I, sn A001911 Midnite Solar MNKID-B, sn KB15214 Fabricated BB-Fab, sn BB-SW Kyosera KU265-6MCA, sn 158APW4M0000193 Kyosera KU265-6MCA, sn 158APW4M0000190 |
2 photos found
20210902SW_TruckOnePacked.jpg ( 2021-09-02 14:20:53 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Decommissioning of the site - everything packed into two trucks
20210903SW_TruckTwoPacked.jpg ( 2021-09-02 14:21:39 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Decommissioning of the site - everything packed into two trucks
7 sets found
Can't check MBWPEESWGT_mixed
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16 SW_met graphs found
4 SW_flux graphs found
Can't check SW_Temp
14 SW_Temp graphs found
3 SW_arable graphs found