Field Notes
<--2018-07-05 10:30:00 | 2018-07-12 14:05:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Wetland
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Sherman Barn: 2018-07-11 09:15:00 (DOY 192)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Kyle, Daphne, Kuno, Tyler, Heather
Summary: Completion of the site setup, instruments installed, chambers running, fence braced.
Sherman Barn 2018-07-11 I arrived with Daphne, Kuno and Kyle at about 9:15. It was sunny and hot with a little hazy and a nice breeze from the WNW. Most of the tall weeds in the field are brown, but the grass in the lower areas is still mostly green. Cows are in the field. We installed the eddy and met equipment including the Phenocam. Heather and Tyler arrived later and finished installing five chambers in a corral enclosure north of the cow fence. When we left at 12:50, everything was running. The 7500 read: 410ppm CO2, 620mmol/m3 H2O, 27.5C, 101.2kPa, 98SS The 7700 read: 1.9ppm CH4, 70RSSI Both gas analyzers were calibrated yesterday. The correct config file was uploaded, pressure coefficients updated and the 7550 box was reset. The wash reservoir was filled. The rain bucket in on a T-post in the NW corner of the cow fence. Kyle added diagonal braces to all the 4x4 corner posts. The posts look and feel real solid now. System power is on a 110VAC to 12VDC, 8A power converter. Equipment List Phenocam sn 0030F4D2148D NL115 sn 6763 AM16/32 sn 11662 CR1000 sn 47108 AM25T sn 6767 LI-7550 sn AIU-1557 LI-7500 sn 0041 LI-7700 sn TG1-0357 Sonic sn 153802 CS451 well sn 20010046 SHF Plate #1 sn 6342 SHF Plate #2 sn 6491 SHF plate #3 sn 6498 PAR in sn 110339 PAR out sn 110338 PRI in sn 913003006 PRI out sn 913003007 NDVI in sn 882103036 NDVI out sn 882103061 LW-SW sn 1570 Theta probe #1 sn 377/008 Theta probe #2 sn 54/016 Theta probe #3 sn 377/010 Rain bucket sn 49187-109 HMP45 sn U3030041 |
2 photos found
20180711SB_SiteSetup.jpg ( 2018-07-11 12:19:02 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Kyle, Daphne, Tyler, Kuno and Heather setting up the site.
shermanbarn_IR_2018_07_11_103007.jpg ( 2018-07-11 11:34:44 ) Full size: 1296x960
Joe in NIR
3 sets found
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