Equipment and Calibration History

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Ser No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
LI-7550 AIU-0614 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Interface LI-7550 Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
LI-7500A 0042 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
LI-7700 TG1-0155 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CH4 Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
WM 1590 153805 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Anemometer Installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. This unit replaces sn 074417 that lost a transducer when the tower fell.
AM25T 7908 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Multiplexer Thermocouple Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
AM16/32B 21690 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Multiplexer Met Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
CR10X 31308 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Data Logger Diffuse PAR Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
CR1000 66251 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Data Logger Met Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
HMP60 L1740395 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn RH & Temp Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
PTB110 L2340502 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Barometer Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
TE525MM 65548-615 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Precipitation Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
CS451 70011234 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Water Level Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. Sensor is 91cm below ground level.
Top of well to ground = 47 cm
Top of well to sensor = 138 cm
Top of well to water level = 131 cm (4.3’)
Sensor psi reading = 0.12 psi ~ 8 cm (consistent with physical measurement)
HFP01 10861 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Heat Flux Plate C Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. Need to check if this in A/B/C location.
HFP01 10867 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Heat Flux Plate B Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. Need to check if this in A/B/C location.
HFP01 11326 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Heat Flux Plate A Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. Need to check if this in A/B/C location.
CS655 17128 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Soil Moisture Probe B Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. Need to check if this in A/B/C location.
CS655 17129 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Soil Moisture Probe A Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. Need to check if this in A/B/C location.
CS655 17133 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Soil Moisture Probe C Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. Need to check if this in A/B/C location.
ML3 M003370 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Soil Moisture Probe Theta Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
PQS 1 140456 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn PAR Sensor Diffuse Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower as part of a diffuse PAR sensor.
PQS 1 140453 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn PAR Sensor Incoming Re-installed at Bouldin Corn in incoming position after re-assembling tower.
PQS 1 140441 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn PAR Sensor Reflected Re-installed at Bouldin Corn in outgoing position after re-assembling tower.
SD130BN 0030F4D21491 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Camera Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
SRS-Pr PRI 930103952 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Narrow Band PRI Reflected Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. This field-stop PRI sensor is in the outgoing position.
SRS-Pi PRI 913003004 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Narrow Band PRI Incoming Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. This hemispherical PRI sensor was installed in the incoming position.
SRS-Ni NDVI 2046503357 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Narrow Band NDVI Reflected Re-installed at Bouldin Corn in the outgoing position after re-assembling tower.
SRS-Ni NDVI 882103020 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Re-installed at Bouldin Corn in the incoming position after re-assembling tower.
Mark I A001359 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Weather Station B Re-installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower.
HMP45AC T2130005 2019-12-16 Lab none Installed Sherman Barn RH & Temp Installed at SB to replace sn sn U3030041, which had been removed and brought back to the lab for testing.
WM 1590 074417 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Anemometer Removed Lab none One traducer missing. Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
PA-II-SD 84f3ebd5ffb1 2019-12-06 Loaned Returned Lab none Returned by Tomo Yoshino and friends from their undergraduate project looking at air quality in BART stations.
CS547A 6494 2019-12-05 East End Conductivity Sensor Removed Lab none Removed from EE and brought back to the lab for drying and testing. The datalogger door was open when we arrived and the conductivity sensor interface was wet.
CS547A 6494 2017-09-26 Lab none Installed East End Conductivity Sensor Installed at EE, after I'm assuming it tested fine in the lab.
LI-7550 AIU-0614 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Interface LI-7550 Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
LI-7500A 0042 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
LI-7700 TG1-0155 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CH4 Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
AM25T 7908 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Multiplexer Thermocouple Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
AM16/32B 21690 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Multiplexer Met Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
CR10X 31308 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Data Logger Diffuse PAR Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
CR1000 66251 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Data Logger Met Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
HMP60 L1740395 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn RH & Temp Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
PTB110 L2340502 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Barometer Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
TE525MM 65548-615 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Precipitation Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
URM06 URM06-001 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Range Finder Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
CS451 70011234 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Water Level Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
HFP01 10861 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Heat Flux Plate C Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
HFP01 10867 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Heat Flux Plate B Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
HFP01 11326 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Heat Flux Plate A Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
CS655 17128 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Soil Moisture Probe B Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
CS655 17129 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Soil Moisture Probe A Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
CS655 17133 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Soil Moisture Probe C Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
ML3 M003370 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Soil Moisture Probe Theta Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
PQS 1 140456 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn PAR Sensor Diffuse Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
PQS 1 140453 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn PAR Sensor Incoming Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
PQS 1 140441 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn PAR Sensor Reflected Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
SD130BN 0030F4D21491 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Camera Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
SRS-Pi PRI 913003004 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Narrow Band PRI Incoming Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
SRS-Pi PRI 897103002 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Narrow Band PRI Reflected Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
SRS-Ni NDVI 2046503357 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Narrow Band NDVI Reflected Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
PRB-K Type #8 00000A6D72F5 2005-01-27 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed at Tonzi by minirhizotron transect west of soil CO2 profiles
PRB-K Type #8 00000A3D04E8 2005-01-27 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed at Tonzi by minirhizotron transect west of soil CO2 profiles
PRB-K Type #8 00000A6D882B 2005-01-27 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed at Tonzi by minirhizotron transect west of soil CO2 profiles
PRB-K Type #8 0000097A4AAA 2003-04-16 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed at Tonzi closest to big tree by Liukang
PRB-K Type #8 0000097A3B40 2003-04-16 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed at Tonzi second closest to big tree by Liukang
PRB-K Type #8 0000097A3C6E 2003-04-16 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed at Tonzi third closets to big tree by Liukang
PRB-K Type #8 0000097A432E 2003-04-16 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed at Tonzi furthest from big tree by Liukang
PRB-K Type #8 000007933FDE 2001-11-10 Lab none Installed Vaira Moisture Point Tower Installed at Vaira near the eddy tower by Dennis and Liukang
PRB-K Type #8 000000573FAA 2001-11-10 Lab none Installed Vaira Moisture Point Solar Installed at Vaira near the solar panels by Dennis and Liukang
PRB-K Type #8 000000574632 2001-11-10 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed near the soil co2 measurements tower by Dennis and Liukang
PRB-K Type #8 000000402FF3 2001-11-10 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed near the water potential table and original sap flow measurements by Dennis and Liukang
PRB-K Type #8 000000574B4B 2001-11-10 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed near the Floor solar panels by Dennis and Liukang
PRB-K Type #8 000000402165 2001-11-10 Lab none Installed Tonzi Installed near the understory tower by Dennis and Liukang
PRB-K Type #8 000000574B4B 2019-12-03 Tonzi Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi near the Floor solar panels. This probe has three broken pins and has not been measured in a long time but this was the first time the soil was wet enough to remove it by hand.
LI-7500A 0042 2019-12-04 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2019-11-12
AGC=100.5 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.1kPa, Tair=20.3C, Tdew=10.11C
Zero Air at 850psi, AMP CA4396 408.97 at 550 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9481 -> .9490 Offset: 3.19ppm
CO2 span 1.0091 -> 1.0182 Offset: -4.69ppm
H2O zero 0.8449 -> .8441 Offset: -4.7ppm
H2O span 1.0139 -> 1.0341 Offset: -.45ppm
Notes: This sensor was on the BC tower when it fell down because of a wind/rain storm on 2019-11-26. First calibration since it was brought back to the lab. The CO2 span is larger than I expected. More testing needed before putting it back up in the field.
SRS-Pr PRI 930103952 2019-12-04 Lab none Notes Lab none This sensor was not on the Bouldin Corn tower when we disassembled it on 2019-12-02. Although the equipment history says it was installed on the BC tower during initial set-up, the field note from the initial set-up on 2017-04-26 lists 2 other PRI sensors. I think this sensor was never put up on the BC tower and has remained in the lab.
LI-7700 TG1-0155 2019-12-04 Lab none Calibration Lab none Calibration Location: Lab
Last calibration: 2019-10-22
RSSI=87%, Optical RH=7%
Ambient P=99.9kPa, Tair=20.2C
Zero Air at 900psi, AMP CA4396 1.9497 at 650
CH4 Zero Offset: -0.091ppm
CH4 Span Offset: 0.011ppm
Notes: Testing this sensor after it fell down with the BC tower. First calibration. Offsets seem reasonable. May be a little less stable , or I was just impatient waiting for the span gas to equilibrate.
SRS-Ni NDVI 882103020 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
PA-II-SD 68c63acc07a9 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Air Quality Sensor Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
Mark I A001359 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Weather Station B Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
Mark II C002445 2019-12-02 Bouldin Corn Weather Station C Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn site and brought back to the lab after the tower fell down during a rain/wind storm on 2019-11-26.
WMP 1352 000019 2019-11-25 Loaned Returned Lab none Returned by David R. Cook at Argonne National Laboratory.
NR-LITE 041556 2019-10-01 Lab none Calibration Lab none New calibration factor of 13.4 uV/(W/m2).

Tested this sensor at Oxford Tract against AMP 4-band radiometer CNR4 sn 16084. See RT Report "Oxford Tract Radiometer Comparison - 09/2018" for details.
NR-LITE 990354 2019-10-01 Lab none Calibration Lab none New calibration factor of 13.4 uV/(W/m2).

Tested this sensor at Oxford Tract against AMP 4-band radiometer CNR4 sn 16084. See RT Report "Oxford Tract Radiometer Comparison - 09/2018" for details.
NR-LITE 990353 2019-10-01 Lab none Calibration Lab none New calibration factor of 12.6 uV/(W/m2).

Tested this sensor at Oxford Tract against AMP 4-band radiometer CNR4 sn 16084. See RT Report "Oxford Tract Radiometer Comparison - 09/2018" for details.

I'm not sure why the calibration factor is 5% different from the previous calibration in the summer, and which is the "better" calibration to use. The summer had a wider range of Rnet values, but the sensors were more clean in the fall. I think the fall calibration is better.
NR-LITE 990352 2019-10-01 Lab none Calibration Lab none New calibration factor of 14.5 uV/(W/m2).

Tested this sensor at Oxford Tract against AMP 4-band radiometer CNR4 sn 16084. See RT Report "Oxford Tract Radiometer Comparison - 09/2018" for details.

I'm not sure why the calibration factor is 5% different from the previous calibration in the summer, and which is the "better" calibration to use. The summer had a wider range of Rnet values, but the sensors were more clean in the fall. I think the fall calibration is better.
NR-LITE 990350 1999-07-29 Factory Calibration Factory Initial Factory calibration 13.5uV/W/m2
NR-LITE 990350 2019-10-01 Lab none Calibration Lab none New calibration factor of 13.0 uV/(W/m2).

Tested this sensor at Oxford Tract against AMP 4-band radiometer CNR4 sn 16084. See RT Report "Oxford Tract Radiometer Comparison - 09/2018" for details.
HMP60 G4540023 2019-10-15 Lab none Tested Lab none Tested at Oxford Tract for a week against reference sensor HMP155 sn R0360206. See RT Report "HMP155 lab and Oxford test":

The sensor was was spiky and bad, so do not use.
HMP60 L1740398 2019-10-15 Lab none Tested Lab none Tested at Oxford Tract for a week against reference sensor HMP155 sn R0360206. See RT Report "HMP155 lab and Oxford test":

The sensor was within spec, so no calibration needed. (Specifications from manual: AirT= +/-0.6°C, RH= +/-3% for 0-90% RH)
HMP60 L1740398 2019-10-02 Bouldin Alfalfa 0 Removed Lab none Removed from BA CH4 release experiment and brought back to the lab.
HMP60 G4540023 2019-10-02 Bouldin Alfalfa-ReleaseEx RH & Temp Upper Removed Lab none Removed from BA CH4 release experiment and brought back to the lab.
HMP45AC T2130005 2019-10-21 Lab none Calibration Lab none Air T calibration: y=0.94336x+0.71025, R2=0.99
RH calibration: y=1.0497x+2.8693, R2=0.99
x is the sensor output, y is the calibrated value
HMP45AC T2130005 2019-10-15 Lab none Tested Lab none Tested at Oxford Tract for a week against reference sensor HMP155 sn R0360206. See RT Report "HMP155 lab and Oxford test":

See linear regression calibration in separate equipment history entry.
Mark II C002469 2019-05-23 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa Weather Station C Installed on the southwest end of the scaffolding for inter-comparison with the existing Mark I unit and our tower data. The Mark I unit was also move from near the eddy equipment to the southwest railing.
Mark II C002445 2019-05-23 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Weather Station C Installed on a new boom fixed to the southwest corner of the scaffolding for inter-comparison with existing Mark I unit and our tower data. The Mark I unit was also moved to the new boom.
Mark II C002714 2019-11-19 Lab none Installed Vaira Weather Station B Installed on the Vaira Radiation boom to replace the existing prototype Mark II unit.
Mark II C002471 2019-11-19 Vaira Weather Station B Removed Lab none This prototype Mark II unit was removed from the Vaira radiation boom to be replaced with a production unit of the Mark II.
Mark II C002471 2019-05-14 Lab none Installed Vaira Weather Station B Installed on the Vaira radiation boom on a new extension to the west. This unit is side by side with the existing Mark I unit for inter-comparison.
Mark I A000591 2018-12-04 Lab none Returned Disposed none Returned to Arable for post mortem on failed backup air temperature thermocouple
Mark I A001311 2019-04-25 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa Weather Station B Installed by Loreli and Mikaela from Arable for an inter-comparison experiment.