Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Instrument:Gas Analyzer
Model No:LI-7500A
Serial No:75H-2669
Tag No:
Acquisition Date:2015-09-10
Location on 2025-01-30:Bouldin Alfalfa,
Notes: GHG-1 package comprised of: sn TG1-0424, sn 75H-2669, sn AIU-1570


Calibration: cal_LI-7500_sn75H-2669.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_V1_200912.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_v2_201104.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_V4_201303.pdf
Manual: LI-7500A_Manual_V5_201310.pdf
PackingSlip: ps_Licor_20150910.pdf


Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
7124 2025-01-30 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa none Installed at Bouldin Alfalfa to replace sn 0073 for calibration.
7110 2025-01-27 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-10-16
AGC=99.2 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=23.3C, Tdew=1.84C
Zero Air at 825psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 300 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9203 -> .9186 Offset: -6.74ppm
CO2 span 1.0143 -> 1.0152 Offset: -.72ppm
H2O zero 0.8979 -> .9018 Offset: 24.8ppm
H2O span 1.0193 -> 1.0215 Offset: -.05ppm
Notes: Software span point of 514.07 --> CO2 reading of 514.14
Software span point of 514.02 --> CO2 reading of 514.07
7097 2025-01-15 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from East End for calibration. Replaced by sn 1594.
6924 2024-10-17 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East End to replace sn 75H-2514 for calibration.
6918 2024-10-16 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2024-04-10
AGC=99.8 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=21.6C, Tdew=14.0C
Zero Air at 1100psi, AMP FB04319 514.07 at 850 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9189 -> .9203 Offset: 5.44ppm
CO2 span 1.0177 -> 1.0143 Offset: 2.33ppm
H2O zero 0.9012 -> .8979 Offset: -20.0ppm
H2O span 1.0115 -> 1.0193 Offset: -.17ppm
6773 2024-07-23 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from East End for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2514.
6655 2024-04-11 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East End to replace sn 75H-2182 for calibration.
6646 2024-04-10 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-12-20
AGC=99.6 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=26.04C, Tdew=12.04C
Zero Air at 300psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 550 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9187 -> .9189 Offset: .59ppm
CO2 span 1.0167 -> 1.0177 Offset: -.65ppm
H2O zero 0.9027 -> .9012 Offset: -8.8ppm
H2O span 1.0206 -> 1.0115 Offset: .2ppm
6632 2024-03-26 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0073.
6503 2024-01-02 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi Tower to replace sn 75H-2180 for calibration.
6491 2023-12-20 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-08-04
AGC=100.0 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
AIU sn AIU-1866, Presure A0=58.31, A1=15.48
Ambient P=99.6kPa, Tair=22.4C, Tdew=15.48C
Zero Air at 550psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 750 Tdewspan=18.0
CO2 zero 0.9195 -> 0.9187 Offset: -3.0ppm
CO2 span 1.0167 -> 1.0167 Offset: -0.02ppm
H2O zero 0.9009 -> 0.9027 Offset: 10.9ppm
H2O span 1.0163 -> 1.0206 Offset: -0.09ppm
Notes: Reset SS from 102.6
6479 2023-12-01 Factory none Received Lab none Received back from Licor. It was shipped with LI-7550 sn AIU-1866 which went back to Licor for (another) power board repair. There was nothing wrong with this 7500A sn 75H-2669, but Israel requested we send it back as well b/c it was connected when the LI-7550 broke. Licor replaced the 7550 power supply, subjected the units to environmental tests and verified the operation of the units.
6469 2023-11-09 Lab none Factory none Shipped back to Licor for repair of 7550 sn AIU-1866. This head was sent back to to the factory at Israel's request since it was the head connected to the 7550 when the 7550 died.
6465 2023-11-06 Gilbert Tract Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Gilbert Tract for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
6361 2023-08-08 Lab none Installed Gilbert Tract Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Gilbert Tract to replace sn 0065 for calibration.
6358 2023-08-04 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-04-10
AGC=100.6 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
AIU sn AIU-1569, Presure A0=58.004, A1=15.479
Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=22.1C, Tdew=13.9C
Zero Air at 900psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 875 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9207 -> .9195 Offset: -4.61ppm
CO2 span 1.0176 -> 1.0167 Offset: .58ppm
H2O zero 0.9001 -> .9009 Offset: 5.3ppm
H2O span 1.0105 -> 1.0163 Offset: -.12ppm
Notes: Vertical orientation
6348 2023-07-24 Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn for calibration. Replaced by sn 0418.
6257 2023-04-11 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Bouldin Corn to replace sn 0041 for calibration.
6248 2023-04-10 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2023-01-04
AGC=101.5 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.6kPa, Tair=24.9C, Tdew=10.8C
Zero Air at 1300psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1150 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9187 -> .9207 Offset: 7.69ppm
CO2 span 1.0187 -> 1.0176 Offset: 0.83ppm
H2O zero 0.9029 -> .9001 Offset: -17.3ppm
H2O span 1.033 -> 1.0105 Offset: .47ppm
Notes: Offsets are recorded using the 2023-01-04 calibration as the starting config file. Attempted calibration on 4/7 but the H2O zero offset was -38.3 after needing a long time (45+min) to stabilize. The H2O span offset never stabilized. I decided to swap the chemicals then and this is the first calibration since chemical swap.
6249 2023-04-07 Lab none Maintenance Lab none Chemical swap. The magnesium perchlorate was a white powdery mass and had to be loosened with a screwdriver before it would all come out. The Ascarite II came out easily. I had tried to calibrate the sensor eariler in the day but the H2O zero offset was -38.3 mmol/m3 and took a long time (45+min) to stabilize. The H2O span never stabilized.
6242 2023-04-03 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from East End for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
6161 2023-01-06 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East End to replace sn 75H-2667 for calibration.
6141 2023-01-04 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2022-08-23
AGC=101.1 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=99.5kPa, Tair=17.6C, Tdew=8.8C
Zero Air at 1650psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1250 Tdewspan=15.0
CO2 zero 0.9188 -> 0.9187 Offset: -0.3ppm
CO2 span 1.0083 -> 1.0187 Offset: -7.17ppm
H2O zero 0.904 -> 0.9029 Offset: -7.1ppm
H2O span 1.0174 -> 1.0330 Offset: -0.31ppm
Notes: Largish offset in CO2 span.
6137 2022-12-21 Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower for calibration. Replaced by sn 0418.
5960 2022-08-25 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi-Tower to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
5952 2022-08-23 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-12-09
AGC=95.8 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100kPa, Tair=26.03C, Tdew=16.96C
Zero Air at 300psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1400 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9186 -> .9188 Offset: .94ppm
CO2 span 1.0133 -> 1.0083 Offset: 3.8ppm
H2O zero 0.9008 -> .9040 Offset: 20.6ppm
H2O span 1.0123 -> 1.0174 Offset: -.11ppm
Notes: Calibration using AMP loaner 7550 sn AIU-1039
5805 2022-04-20 Hill Slough Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Hill Slough for calibration and brought back to the lab. Replaced by sn 0035.
5633 2021-12-14 Lab none Installed Hill Slough none Installed at Hill Slough to replace sn 75H-2176 for calibration.
5628 2021-12-09 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-08-31
AGC=100.7 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=25.6C, Tdew=6.06C
Zero Air at 100psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1700 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9188 -> .9186 Offset: -.81ppm
CO2 span 1.0127 -> 1.0133 Offset: -.02ppm
H2O zero 0.9005 -> .9008 Offset: 2.1ppm
H2O span 1.0086 -> 1.0123 Offset: -.09ppm
Notes: Not much air left in the zero air tank, but the zero was stable for 2+ min after setting the zeros, so I feel comfortable the calibration was good. Initially forgot to save the new config, so re-opened the prev file from 2021-08-31, entered the 4 coefficients manually, and saved with today's date.
5598 2021-12-02 Tonzi-Floor Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Floor for calibration. Replaced by sn 0073.
5443 2021-09-01 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Floor Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Tonzi-Floor to replace sn 0418 for calibration.
5435 2021-08-31 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2021-03-01
AGC=100.8 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=99.7kPa, Tair=26.2C, Tdew=13.6C
Zero Air at 1800psi, AMP CA04119 524.77 at 1700 Tdewspan=20.0
CO2 zero 0.919 -> 0.9188 Offset: -0.85ppm
CO2 span 1.0059 -> 1.0127 Offset: -4.77ppm
H2O zero 0.8984 -> 0.9005 Offset: 13.3ppm
H2O span 1.0033 -> 1.0086 Offset: -0.12ppm
5318 2021-06-09 Bouldin Alfalfa Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Alfalfa for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
5169 2021-03-04 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Bouldin Alfalfa to replace sn 75H-2182 for calibration.
5144 2021-03-01 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2020-08-27
AGC=101.8 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=29.0C, Tdew=1.3C
Zero Air at 500psi, AMP CA04396 408.97 at 300 Tdewspan=20.0
CO2 zero 0.9184 -> 0.9190 Offset: 2.3ppm
CO2 span 1.0118 -> 1.0059 Offset: 3.03ppm
H2O zero 0.9012 -> 0.8984 Offset: -17.2ppm
H2O span 1.0121 -> 1.0033 Offset: 0.19ppm
Notes: Flow rated larger than usual - 2lpm instead of 2cfpm. Dew point generator problems before cal - dew point stuck at 34 instead of 20C. The dewpt gen was fixed an ran at 20C before starting H2O span but dewpt initially jumped to 25C but steadily declined to 20C. I double checked CO2 zero/span and H2O zero afterwards and they seemed fine.
5029 2020-12-09 Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry for calibration. Replaced by sn 0073.
4715 2020-08-28 Lab none Installed Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Mayberry to replace sn 0035 for calibration.
4692 2020-08-27 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2020-05-22
AGC=100.9 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=99.9kPa, Tair=23.7C, Tdew=12.4C
Zero Air at 600psi, AMP CA4396 408.97 at 425 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9185 -> .9184 Offset: -.32ppm
CO2 span 1.0124 -> 1.0118 Offset: .52ppm
H2O zero 0.8999 -> .9012 Offset: 8.3ppm
H2O span 1.0094 -> 1.0121 Offset: -.06ppm
4702 2020-08-26 Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Vaira for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2176.
4502 2020-05-23 Lab none Installed Vaira Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Vaira to replace sn 0073 for calibration.
4530 2020-05-22 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2020-02-04
AGC=100.7 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=23.5C, Tdew=8.3C
Zero Air at 750psi, AMP CA04396 408.97 at 600 Tdewspan=16.0
CO2 zero 0.9184 -> 0.9185 Offset: 0.44ppm
CO2 span 1.016 -> 1.0124 Offset: 1.78ppm
H2O zero 0.9006 -> 0.8999 Offset: -4.3ppm
H2O span 1.0101 -> 1.0094 Offset: 0.01ppm
4496 2020-05-21 Sherman Barn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Sherman Barn and brought back to the lab for calibration. Replaced by sn 75H-2668.
4365 2020-02-06 Lab none Installed Sherman Barn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Sherman Barn to replace sn 75H-2668, which was brought back to the lab for calibration.
4359 2020-02-04 Lab Calibration Lab Last calibration: 2019-08-01
AGC=102.0 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=101.3kPa, Tair=25.6C, Tdew=-5.2C
Zero Air at 850psi, AMP CA04396 408.97 at 550 Tdewspan=16.0
CO2 zero 0.9178 -> 0.9184 Offset: 2.3ppm
CO2 span 1.0125 -> 1.0160 Offset: -1.87ppm
H2O zero 0.9019 -> 0.9006 Offset: -8.4ppm
H2O span 1.015 -> 1.0101 Offset: 0.1ppm
4161 2019-11-14 Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Corn and brought back to lab for calibration. Replaced by sn 0042.
4038 2019-08-07 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at BC to replace sn 0073, which was brought back to the lab for calibration.
4033 2019-08-01 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2019-04-15
AGC=102.6 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=22.7C, Tdew=14.1C
Zero Air at 975psi, AMP CA4396 408.97 at 800 Tdewspan=20.00
CO2 zero 0.9186 -> .9178 Offset: -3.12ppm
CO2 span 1.0134 -> 1.0125 Offset: .53ppm
H2O zero 0.8991 -> .9019 Offset: 17.8ppm
H2O span 1.0017 -> 1.015 Offset: -.3ppm
Notes: When SS was 102.6, I reset it to 100. I uploaded the the calibration file from 2018-10-24 and copied in the manual coefficients for CO2 span, CO2 zero, H2O span, and H2O zero from the database's record of the most recent calibration on 2019-04-15.
4028 2019-07-25 Sherman Barn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from SB and brought back to the lab for calibration. it was replaced by sn 75H-2667.
3927 2019-04-18 Lab none Installed Sherman Barn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at SB to replace sn 75H-2180, which was brought back to the lab for calibration.
3911 2019-04-15 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2018-10-10
AGC=103.8 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.16kPa, Tair=24.85C, Tdew=6.62C
Zero Air 369068 at 1150psi, AMP CA04396 408.97 at 800 Tdewspan=15.99
CO2 zero 0.9188 -> 0.9186 Offset: -1.10ppm
CO2 span 1.0106 -> 1.0134 Offset: -1.52ppm
H2O zero 0.8992 -> 0.8991 Offset: -0.3ppm
H2O span 1.0034 -> 1.0017 Offset: 0.03ppm
Notes: Very stable - Joe
3873 2019-01-31 Sherman Barn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from SB and brought back to the lab for calibration. It was replaced by 75H-2180.
3753 2018-10-18 Lab none Installed Sherman Barn Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on Sherman Barn to replace sn 0041 for calibration
3735 2018-10-10 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2018-10-09
AGC=102 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=99.9kPa, Tair=26.6C, Tdew=12.9C
Zero Air at 1400psi, AMP Air 408.97 at 1100 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.918 -> .9188 Offset: 3.4ppm
CO2 span 1.0125 -> 1.0106 Offset: .9ppm
H2O zero 0.8989 -> .8992 Offset: 1.6ppm
H2O span 1.0049 -> 1.0034 Offset: .04ppm
Notes: Re-calibrated to check Katrina's calibration yesterday, which looks good.
3734 2018-10-09 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2018-06-25
AGC=103 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=99.88kPa, Tair=27.1C, Tdew=12.9C
Zero Air at 1425psi, AMP Air 408.97 at 1200 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9182 -> .9180 Offset: -.8ppm
CO2 span 1.0125 -> 1.0125 Offset: 2.2ppm
H2O zero 0.8994 -> .8989 Offset: 52.7ppm
H2O span 1.0062 -> 1.0049 Offset: 16.02ppm
Notes: Calibrated by Katrina. The H2O offset is large, but the change is coefficients is small, so perhaps Katrina wrote down the wrong offset.
3722 2018-10-04 Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry for calibration. Replaced by sn 1594
3554 2018-06-28 Lab none Installed Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at MB to replace sn 75H-2150, which was brought back to the lab for calibration.
3538 2018-06-25 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-12-15
AGC=104.2 SDM=0 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=100.4kPa, Tair=26.1C, Tdew=11.9C
Zero Air at 350psi, AMP 408.97 at 1350 Tdewspan=15.99
CO2 zero 0.9187 -> 0.9182 Offset: -2.11ppm
CO2 span 1.0157 -> 1.0125 Offset: 1.68ppm
H2O zero 0.8988 -> 0.8994 Offset: 3.3ppm
H2O span 1.0033 -> 1.0062 Offset: -0.06ppm
Notes: Calibrated by Joe
3422 2018-04-20 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from EE and brought back to the lab for calibration. It was replaced by sn 0073.
3238 2017-12-18 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on East End to replace sn 0041 for calibration. The AIU software was upgrade from v8.0.0 to v8.5.0
3235 2017-12-15 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-08-14
AGC=103.3 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=100.7kPa, Tair=22.2C, Tdew=7C
Zero Air at 250psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 1700 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9187 -> .9187 Offset: .39ppm
CO2 span 1.0144 -> 1.0157 Offset: -.73ppm
H2O zero 0.8988 -> .8988 Offset: .2ppm
H2O span 1.0091 -> 1.0033 Offset: .12ppm
3222 2017-11-30 Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from MB and brought back to the lab for calibration.
3036 2017-08-16 Lab none Installed Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at MB to replace sn 75H-2180.
2965 2017-08-14 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-08-07
AGC=103.2 SDM=0 DAC1=0 DAC2=0
Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=21.9C, Tdew=12.8C
Zero Air at 1100psi, AMP Air 408.97 at 2000 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9189 -> .9187 Offset: -1.86ppm
CO2 span 1.0159 -> 1.0144 Offset: -1.51ppm
H2O zero 0.8971 -> .8988 Offset: 6.3ppm
H2O span 1.0282 -> 1.0091 Offset: -0.08ppm
Notes: Previous calibration did not have updated pressure coefficients from 7550 interface, so I re-did the calibration
2962 2017-08-07 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-08-01
AGC=103.5 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.5kPa, Tair=22.9C, Tdew=12.9C
Zero Air at 1150psi, AMP Air 408.97 at 2100 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9199 -> .9189 Offset: -.7ppm
CO2 span 0.9533 -> 1.0159 Offset: -2.44ppm
H2O zero 0.9118 -> .8971 Offset: -4.7ppm
H2O span 0.8978 -> 1.0282 Offset: -.32ppm
Notes: Previous calibration did not have correct 5th-order-polynomials, which is why the offsets were huge.
2942 2017-08-01 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2017-03-21
AGC=100.1 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=100.2kPa, Tair=24.0C, Tdew=15.8C
Zero Air at 1200psi, LBL Air 408.97 at 2100 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9191 -> .9199 Offset: 3.65ppm
CO2 span 1.0115 -> .9533 Offset: 33.15ppm
H2O zero 0.8978 -> .9118 Offset: 78.4ppm
H2O span 1.0138 -> .8978 Offset: 2.66ppm
Notes: Manually entered in existing coefficients before the calibration because did not have existing config file (usual laptop was elsewhere). Maybe I had entered the coefficients incorrectly in the database?
2848 2017-06-23 Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed for calibration from Sherman Wetland; replaced by 75H-2514.
2679 2017-03-29 Lab none Installed Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at Sherman Wetland to replace sn 75H-2180.
2659 2017-03-21 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2016-12-19
AGC=104.3 SDM= DAC1= DAC2=
Ambient P=99.8kPa, Tair=23.16C, Tdew=9.9C
Zero Air at 1700psi, God CO2 421.22 at 350 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9184 -> 0.9191 Offset: 2.77ppm
CO2 span 1.0119 -> 1.0115 Offset: 0.10ppm
H2O zero 0.8989 -> 0.8978 Offset: -7.0ppm
H2O span 1.0109 -> 1.0138 Offset: -0.07ppm
2654 2017-03-15 East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from East End and brought back to lab for calibration. It was replaced by sn 75H-2514.
2556 2016-12-21 Lab none Installed East End Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed at East End after calibration in the lab to replace 75H-2514
2552 2016-12-19 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2016-07-19
AGC=104.5 SDM=6 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=101.24kPa, Tair=21.21C, Tdew=0.0C
Zero Air at 300psi, God CO2 421.22 at 400 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.919 -> 0.9184 Offset: -2.14ppm
CO2 span 1.0141 -> 1.0119 Offset: 1.13ppm
H2O zero 0.9987 -> 0.8989 Offset: 25.1ppm
H2O span 1.0143 -> 1.0109 Offset: 0.07ppm
2512 2016-10-26 Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry tower for calibration. Replaced by 75H-2176
2388 2016-07-20 Lab none Installed Mayberry Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Installed on the Mayberry tower to replace sn 75H-2182 for calibration
2366 2016-07-19 Lab none Calibration Lab none Last calibration: 2015-07-22
AGC=102.5 SDM=1 DAC1=- DAC2=-
Ambient P=102.5kPa, Tair=20.08C, Tdew=14.29C
Zero Air at 500psi, God CO2 421.22 at 450 Tdewspan=16.00
CO2 zero 0.9197 -> 0.9190 Offset: -2.83ppm
CO2 span 1.0015 -> 1.0141 Offset: -6.87ppm
H2O zero 0.8907 -> 0.9987 Offset: 27.8ppm
H2O span 0.9987 -> 1.0143 Offset: -0.33ppm
Notes: First time this sensor has been calibrated in the lab. Last cal was by Licor using 749.7ppm CO2 and 11.98C dew point. Offsets a little high especially H2O zero. Difference in calibration equipment and procedures?
2140 2015-12-23 Twitchell Rice-Trailer Removed Lab none Removed with the temporary tower set up near the building at the rice project for the LGR COS experiment.
2117 2015-12-08 Lab none Installed Twitchell Rice-Trailer Installed near the trailer at Twitchell Rice as a temporary site to test a COS analyzer from LGR