Field Notes
<--2019-07-10 10:50:00 | 2019-08-07 09:25:00-->Other sites visited today: East End | Sherman Wetland | Mayberry | East Pond | West Pond
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Sherman Barn: 2019-07-25 09:40:00 (DOY 206)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Dennis, Alex, Josep Penuelas
Summary: Regular data collection/cleaning, spectral, swapped LI-7500A for calibration
2019-07-25 Sherman Barn Dennis, our visitor Josep Penuelas, Alex, and I arrived at 9:40. It was mild and sunny with scattered cirrus clouds. The pasture was brown (green weeds inside our exclosure). The former ponds are dry, and we didn’t see any cows on the field. The small silver laptop keyboard was working only sporadically. I had spilled some rubbing alcohol on it the previous day. I downloaded met, camera, USB GHG, and the game camera data. The wash reservoir was mostly full; we topped it off. Alex cleaned flux and rad sensors. Dennis took spectral measurements. We swapped the LI-7500A for calibration: sn 75H-2669 came down, and sn 75H-2667 went up. I uploaded a new configuration file, updated the pressure coefficients, and reset the box. LI-7500 readings (sn 75H-2669 --> sn 75H-2669 after cleaning --> sn 75H-2667): CO2 407ppm --> 420 after cleaning --> 413 H2O 817ppm --> 596 after cleaning --> 731 T 29.8C --> 30 after cleaning --> 29.9 P 101.1kPa --> 101.1 after cleaning --> 101.0 SS 85--> 86 after cleaning --> 99 LI7700 readings: CH4 1.95ppm RSSI 30--> 83 after cleaning We left at 10:25. |
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4 SB_flux graphs found
15 SB_met graphs found
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