Site | Date | Author | Summary |
Tonzi |
(355) 2022-12-21 13:15:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Mukund collected point dendrometer data, swapped Tower 7500 for calibration, changed power at Floor met, IRT, fixed OSU SP3 tipping bucket wire, tried to patch FD power, cold and foggy
Tonzi |
(340) 2022-12-06 12:15:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Rained, Rain, more Rain coming. Swapped Floor 7500, brought in Arduino diffuse PAR test - not much data. Z-cam 1 had condensation inside box, Tower keyboard got wet, did not get Phenocam images of FD data
Tonzi |
(321) 2022-11-17 12:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Added Arduino RSB Diffuse PAR, Removed IRT calibration, Tried to fix FD power - needs more work, grass has sprouted, fix z-cam 2 clock battery
Tonzi |
(307) 2022-11-03 10:46:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Troy, Lily, Mukund from Davis installed point dendrometers, updated CR3000 program, Floor well CR200 connection impossible, had some rain more to come
Tonzi |
(293) 2022-10-20 11:45:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Hot and Dry, JPL and French scientists visited yesterday, swapped PARout, restart of top GMP343 fixed it, Fix CR3000 wiring and programing (again!), Tried to install IRT inter-comparison - fried 23X, Z-cam1 seems okay, SP2 IRT killed by woodpeckers.
Tonzi |
(278) 2022-10-05 10:50:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Updated OSU CR3000, standard data collection, 7500 418 seems stable, removed most of old soil CO2 system, Checked PARout and LWin.
Tonzi |
(257) 2022-09-14 12:40:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Standard data collection, swapped Tower battery nuts, swapped Floor 7500 to test sn 0418, changed fmet 23x and osusp1 CR3000 programs to fix data glitches
Tonzi |
(237) 2022-08-25 10:30:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Trees turning brown, New batteries for Tower, Rotated Tower batteries to Floor, Floor batteries to Soil CO2, New battery boxes Tower and Floor, 7500s swapped for calibration, work on OSU SP1
Tonzi |
(230) 2022-08-18 13:30:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Hot and dry, midday water potential, Tower okay, Floor losing night time data. Fixed abraded solar power wire on Tower, patched Tree 1 dendrometer, rewired and new program fro OSU CR3000
Tonzi |
(217) 2022-08-05 11:10:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Maybe a little recent rain, power problems! - mostly fixed for the moment, midday water potential, missing z-cam 3 images, tree 1 dbh broken, reinstalled LattePand and Global Water logger
Tonzi |
(200) 2022-07-19 10:45:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
First visit in 6 weeks, hot day, regular data collection/cleaning using sneakernet, early morning power outages in last few weeks, removed LattePanda/Global Water Logger/Open FD chamber for troubleshooting, LAI2200 measurements
Tonzi |
(158) 2022-06-07 12:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Installed soilVue sensors and one last soil matrix potential sensor, midday water potential - need new tank, Tower sonic heading, brought in IRT stuff, lost serial driver for Road Well
Tonzi |
(146) 2022-05-26 13:30:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Midday water potential, Showing Carlos the sites (sights?), hiccup in tower data loggers or computer, removed IRTs but forgot to bring them home, ran out of time from SoilVUE and matrix potential probes
Tonzi |
(130) 2022-05-10 13:10:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Midday water potential, a little sprinkle of rain, Left IRTs running on cal panel, planning for OSU SP1 update, checked tensiometers and added clamps
Tonzi |
(117) 2022-04-27 11:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Beckman inspected the tower - sounds like it is in good shape, Added two soil matrix potential sensors, reinstalled Tree1 FD chamber, Moved IRTs for cal, midday water potential
Tonzi |
(102) 2022-04-12 11:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Keenan lab doing SIF, Removed calkit from Tower, cleaned up old wires on Tower, Removed Tree 1 FD chamber, Midday water potential, re-glued Phenocam window
Tonzi |
(83) 2022-03-24 12:30:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Tower house keeping, swapped IRGAs for calibration, fixed cow fences, flipped calkit PAR, mounted solar panel to Road well cap
Tonzi |
(69) 2022-03-10 12:15:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Trees putting on leaves, installed cal kit, checked OSU SP1 SHF plates locations, z-cam 2 tilted, cows broke the fences
Tonzi |
(54) 2022-02-23 12:30:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Few trees have leaves, Checked Tower guy wires, replaced z-cam 1 clock battery, added solar charged lithium batteries to Road Well and IRT CR1000, Bad power line to Floor HMP fan patched, checked SHF and Theta serial numbers
Tonzi |
(40) 2022-02-09 13:30:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Added Ameriflux cell modem, ran new ethernet line, new power line for OSU SP2, IRT solar/battery failing
Tonzi |
(19) 2022-01-19 14:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Standard field work, Ethernet line to Tower computer not working, OSU SP1 needs power.
Tonzi |
(6) 2022-01-06 11:50:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Power outages, Regular data collection/cleaning, foggy and overcast with wet roads, tree diameters have increased, reset phenocam clock, spectral measurements