Site | Date | Author | Summary |
Tonzi |
(347) 2023-12-13 13:15:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Cows back on the land, dried out zcam 1 box and installed new A540 camera, add FD from VR to Tree 1 location.
Tonzi |
(334) 2023-11-30 13:10:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Standard fieldwork, zcam 1 dead due to water leak, collected pt den data and swapped batteries.
Tonzi |
(317) 2023-11-13 12:10:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
New batteries for the Floor, Tree 1 FD chamber looks bad, no Moisture point reading due to dead battery, Things look moist, puddles in the road.
Tonzi |
(306) 2023-11-02 11:45:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Showing the site to Jo and Arman, the grass has sprouted, patched the Floor battery bank, standard field work.
Tonzi |
(291) 2023-10-18 12:30:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Standard field work, close to the end of midday water potential
Tonzi |
(277) 2023-10-04 12:10:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Swapped mux on Tower top met, updated program, swapped Pt Den batteries - Tree 3 seems to be dying, reset dendrometers on Trees 72 and 79, Zcam 3 needs checking
Tonzi |
(262) 2023-09-19 13:10:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Standard data collection, midday water potential, checked and collected the point dendrometer data, swapped 7500s for calibration
Tonzi |
(241) 2023-08-29 12:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Standard data collection, midday water potential, changed Floor met program, showing Alex the site.
Tonzi |
(227) 2023-08-15 12:20:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Standard data collection, HOT, fixed IRT power problem maybe, copied stardot files for update, need to update Floor 23x
Tonzi |
(206) 2023-07-25 09:30:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, LAI2200C transect, Road well sensor above water level--lowered, FD chambers battery cable chewed--fixed, new pole pruner
Tonzi |
(187) 2023-07-06 12:15:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, LAI2200C transect, IRT datalogger lithium battery dead - swapped temporarily, first heat wave last weekend
Tonzi |
(167) 2023-06-16 10:45:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Grasses about done, swapped 7500s for calibration, added Arduino RSB diffuse PAR to Tower top for inter-comparison, performance checks on FD chambers, fixed malfunctioning Tree #4 point dendrometer.
Tonzi |
(150) 2023-05-30 12:40:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Standard data collection, fixed Tower comports (hopefully), need to do FD chamber performance tests, fixed not recording reverse Bowen stats in tmet program. Swapped point dendrometer batteries and collected their data.
Tonzi |
(136) 2023-05-16 12:10:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Hot, lots of flowers, punk cows, updated met programs for Bowen ratio stats, zcam 3 window misaligned - fixed, ground IRT distrubed - fixed, first midday water potential this season, removed calkit from Floor
Tonzi |
(116) 2023-04-26 11:20:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Trees fully leafed out, tree survey by Sophie and Megan, added calkit to the Floor, new hats for FD chambers, drying out.
Tonzi |
(104) 2023-04-14 14:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
The trees are about half way through leaf on, soil cores for Ameriflux, Tower IRGA had problems - swapped, connection problems with Floor 23x but got data, Steers on the land this spring.
Tonzi |
(89) 2023-03-30 12:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Almost no leaves on trees, still very wet, Tower 7500 reading bad but reconnect of head seemed to fix it. Well level up a lot had to reposition Road well sensor, added desiccant to zcam 2 and 3, re-glued dendrometer sales #2 and #4.
Tonzi |
(75) 2023-03-16 11:50:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
A break in the rain, No leaves yet, Swapped 7500s, collection point dencrometer data and check batteries, trouble connecting to CR200, replace Z-cam 2 clock battery, Reset manual dendrometers.
Tonzi |
(60) 2023-03-01 12:15:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Just after a few days or rain - water everywhere, Standard data collection swapped soil co2 battery bank, install open FD chamber, new Li power pack for IRT, Delta laptop - did not collect Road well logger.
Tonzi |
(39) 2023-02-08 12:30:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Standard data collection, OSU SP1 seems okay, still power problems with IRT system, fixed cow fence around soil co2 area, FD chamber loosing power.
Tonzi |
(25) 2023-01-25 12:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Still wet branches and trees down, OSU SP1 having problems, replaced Tower top T/RH fan, reset Stardot clock and changed power, added diodes to Li power packs.
Tonzi |
(6) 2023-01-06 12:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Recent big storms, more to come, Standard data collection mostly okay, lost IRT data, removed top GMP343 CO2 sensor for testing, air escaping from Floor well, forgot to swap z-cam 1 card