Site | Date | Author | Summary |
East End |
(351) 2019-12-17 12:30:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Reinstalled conductivity sensor, removed abandoned power line that was still hot.
East End |
(350) 2019-12-16 12:00:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, adjusted eddy clock -46min
East End |
(339) 2019-12-05 11:40:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, lots of blowdown, power was off--fixed, missing half-day of data
East End |
(318) 2019-11-14 13:20:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, downloaded miniDOT, collected last batch of litter bags
East End |
(304) 2019-10-31 13:15:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
No water under the tower, swapped 7500, plant samples for Alex, moved the bottom boardwalk lower.
East End |
(295) 2019-10-22 12:45:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
7700 calibration, tipping bucket calibration, cleaned wasps out of HMP60 shield and restored fan to working state.
East End |
(289) 2019-10-16 12:05:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, collected veg samples, wetland is starting to brown
East End |
(275) 2019-10-02 13:40:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, installed eosGP sensor
East End |
(261) 2019-09-18 13:45:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Removed eosGP sensor because it was railed high, cut veg around solar panels, found camera enclosure that was stolen last year.
East End |
(247) 2019-09-04 14:20:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Standard data collection, lots of wasps, Installed Eosense CO2 probe
East End |
(231) 2019-08-19 12:50:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, swapped miniDOT batteries
East End |
(219) 2019-08-07 12:15:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, installed water level desiccant tube from Sherman Barn
East End |
(206) 2019-07-25 13:50:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, swapped PARin sensor, swapped LI-7500A for calibration, downloaded miniDOT
East End |
(191) 2019-07-10 12:10:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, conductivity sensor wire loose--fixed, removed eosGP probe
East End |
(171) 2019-06-20 12:45:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, water level was back up again, no photos on camera, conductivity was NAN
East End |
(164) 2019-06-13 12:45:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Lowered miniDOT sensor
East End |
(155) 2019-06-04 09:48:00 |
Alex Valach |
Removed 2nd batch of litter bags and regular data download and cleaning
East End |
(151) 2019-05-31 12:00:00 |
Joe Verfaillie |
Kristen Maines and crew flying CH4 drone in tower footprint, collect autocam images and miniDOT data.
East End |
(143) 2019-05-23 13:35:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, did not collect camera data, disconnected one thermocouple
East End |
(122) 2019-05-02 11:45:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, swapped LI-7500 for calibration, downloaded miniDOT
East End |
(108) 2019-04-18 11:05:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, met Jaime
East End |
(101) 2019-04-11 12:35:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
calibrated 7700, windy day
East End |
(93) 2019-04-03 12:30:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning
East End |
(73) 2019-03-14 13:25:00 |
Camilo Rey-Sanchez |
Regular data collection and cleaning
East End |
(59) 2019-02-28 12:25:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, reference GCC photo, attached miniDOT to plastic chain
East End |
(53) 2019-02-22 11:20:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Initial collection of litterbags, fixed 7700 wash pump controls, got truck stuck in a mudpit
East End |
(43) 2019-02-12 14:30:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, swapped 7500 for calibration, upgraded 7700 firmware to 1.0.27, 7700 wash reservoir pump stays on
East End |
(31) 2019-01-31 14:00:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, 7700 wash reservoir clogged, swapped AirT/RH HMP sensor, updated CR1000 datalogger program
East End |
(24) 2019-01-24 14:20:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Swapped HMP60 for a HMP45, replaced plywood in upper boardwalk, uploaded new CR1000 program, changed CR1000 Pakbus address
East End |
(18) 2019-01-18 12:50:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, tules blown down, no photos, installed eosGP CO2 sensor in water, PTB110 barometer drifting lower
East End |
(3) 2019-01-03 13:20:00 |
Daphne Szutu |
Regular data collection/cleaning, removed eosGP CO2 sensor