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West Pond: 2024-05-31 10:30:00 (DOY 152)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Robert

Summary: The end, pulled all the remaining structure, two solar panels returned to the lab, scaffolding ready from reuse.

West Pond

Robert and I arrived at about 10:30 PDT. This is the end. Today’s job is to pull everything left. The two solar panels will be returned to the lab. The scaffolding will stay here, half to be picked up by Patty Oikawa and half to go to Mayberry. All the odds and ends will be returned to the lab for reuse or disposal.

At the solar panel location I took the security bolts off the panels, we disassembled the scaffolding and carried to all out. We almost couldn’t get the bottom set of frames out because the jacks were rusted on to the legs and roots had overgrown the jacks. There are concrete piers down there somewhere but we were not getting those out in waist deep water. There was also a T-post that some guy wires used to be attached to but I couldn’t find it.

At the tower Robert took down the radiation boom. The metal pins that hold the frames together were rusted into place and took a lot of pounding to get loose. We lost one pin into the wetland. The cross braces on the lowest frame that were in and out of the water were nearly rusted away. The lowest half of the bottom frames that were buried in the muck were in really good shape. We still couldn’t get the last soil temperature profile out. We cut off the part we had loose. There are also two posts farther into the wetland that the guy straps were attached to that we couldn’t budge at all.

Parts returned to the lab:
Two solar panels: sn 158APW4M0000189 and sn 158APW4M0000188
A length of large flexible aluminum conduit
Several pieces of large plastic conduit
Two galvanized fence posts – bottoms a bit rusted
Four cross over fittings (clamps)
Two Campbell tripods
Radiation boom and eddy mounts – broken pipe for Rnet
One 7ft aluminum angle used as a railing
Two aluminum angles used for solar panels and posts
Four ratchet straps in questionable condition.
Staff gauge

Parts left at West Pond of Patty and Mayberry:
Four pairs of full frames
One pair of half frames
Random pins minus one – depending on which frames you grab you might end up with the wrong number of pins.
Four pairs of cross braces
Two boardwalks with new or recently replaced wood
Four jacks rusted on to one set of frames
Lock and chain.

The day was hot (92F) and sunny with barely a breeze in amongst the reeds and willow. The water level in both ponds was waist deep – near high water mark. We cut four wood replacements for boardwalks one of which we used and three we returned to the lab for other sites.

We left at about 13:30 PDT

2 photos found

Pile of scaffolding parts at West Pond
20240531WP_ScaffoldNoMore.jpg ( 2024-05-31 13:32:16 ) Full size: 4032x3024
Pile of scaffolding parts at West Pond

Robert waist deep in West Pond pulling out the scaffolding
20240531WP_RobertScaffoldFrame.jpg ( 2024-05-31 12:13:41 ) Full size: 4032x3024
Robert waist deep in West Pond pulling out the scaffolding

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