Equipment and Calibration History

History for Gill WM 1590 153805

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
5915 2022-08-01 Lab none Installed Mayberry Anemometer Installed on MB after testing in the lab. Sonic heading = 10 deg true N.
5916 2022-07-31 Lab none Tested Lab none Tested the sonic and its cable in the lab with Joe's help over e-mail. Both tested fine. I mated the sonic cable with an Eosense cable and used the conductivity setting on the voltmeter to find the 4 eosense wires that corresponded to outputs 1-4. At rest (while I was standing still next to the sonic), the voltages were around +/- 8mV. I then used a fan to test U, V, W. The voltages went up to around 150mV. Placing the fan on the opposite side of the sonic produced about the same magnitude voltage with the opposite sign. SOS (output 4) was around 1.7V and didn't change much with the fan, as expected. I wired the Eosense cable to a CR1000 with a NL115 and ran it overnight, storing 30min and 20Hz data on an 8gb card. The data the next morning seemed reasonable. SOS had the same pattern as PanelT.

Sonic pin -> Licor color -> Eosense cable
8 (Output 1) -> white -> brown
14 (Output 2) -> green -> white
9 (Output 3) -> grey -> pink
15 (Output 4) -> blue -> black
10 (Analog G) -> red -> grey
16 (Analog G) -> pink -> yellow
17 (Analog G) -> yellow/brown -> blue
5913 2022-07-26 Mayberry Anemometer Removed Lab none Removed from MB tower for inspection back at the lab. The sonic heading was 7 deg true N before removal.
5648 2022-01-02 Lab none Installed Mayberry Anemometer Installed on the MB to replace sn 153804, which was removed b/c of bad SOS numbers. This sonic was installed at a heading of 23 deg true N as measured by my phone compass.
5566 2021-11-05 Bouldin Alfalfa-ADEX Anemometer Bouncer Lower Removed Lab none Removed from bouncer tower (lower position) and brought back to the lab at the conclusion of this year's advection experiment
5387 2021-07-20 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa-ADEX Anemometer Bouncer Lower This sonic was installed as part of the upwind tower for the advection experiment. It was installed at 242cm agl on a cross arm on the tripod tower 283m northwest of the main tower. The sonic heading is 19deg and it is about 0.5m northwest of the tripod center post.
5314 2021-06-09 Sherman Wetland Removed Lab none Removed from SW Tower at the conclusion of the sonic intercomparison
5262 2021-05-13 Lab none Installed Sherman Wetland Anemometer Cal Installed on Sherman Wetland tower next to the permanent sonic for a an intercomparison
5245 2021-04-15 Sherman Wetland Anemometer Cal Removed Lab none Removed from SW and brought back to the lab at the conclusion of the intercomparison
5225 2021-03-25 Lab none Installed Sherman Wetland Anemometer Cal Installed at SW for inter-comparison. The analog out are fed to the 7700 to record at 20Hz to check variances.
5152 2021-03-02 Cal Kit Anemometer Removed Lab none Removed from TZ Tower top with the calibration kit
5112 2021-02-10 Lab none Installed Cal Kit Anemometer Installed on the TZ Tower for inter-comparison. This sensor is the one that got wet when the BC tower fell over. It's mounted on the post just north of the main eddy sensors, at the same height, and oriented to true north.
5106 2021-02-01 Lab none Tested Lab none After being removed from a partially submerged position on the fallen BC tower, I tested this sensor in the lab. There was no evidence that water had leaked inside. I connected it to a Licor system and used fans to blow air through in on the floor. The response sign and magnitude looked about right. I plan to run it on the Tonzi tower for a couple weeks to check its performance.
5071 2021-01-29 Bouldin Corn Anemometer Removed Lab none Removed due to the tower falling over in the storm near midnight on 2021-01-26/27. Partially submerged
4302 2019-12-13 Lab none Installed Bouldin Corn Anemometer Installed at Bouldin Corn after re-assembling tower. This unit replaces sn 074417 that lost a transducer when the tower fell.
4101 2019-09-04 Bouldin Alfalfa-ReleaseEx Anemometer Upper Removed Lab none Removed from Bouldin Alfalfa with the end of the CH4 release experiment. This unit was at the top of the secondary tower
4087 2019-08-16 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa-ReleaseEx Anemometer Upper Installed for CH4 release experiment. This unit was part of a secondary, lower eddy system
3875 2019-02-06 Loaned Returned Lab none Returned by Tibisay Perez who used it at Whendee Silver's compost pile experiment in Marin
3437 2018-05-01 Lab none Loaned Loaned Loaned to Tibisay Perez in Whendee Silver's lab for use at their Marin compost site while one of their sonics is repaired.
3083 2017-09-26 East End-Temp2 Anemometer Removed Lab none Brought back to the lab with the decommissioning of the East End closed canopy temporary tower 2
2836 2017-06-14 Lab none Installed East End-Temp2 Anemometer Installed with initial setup of East End closed vegetation temporary tower for the summer of 2017
2756 2017-05-11 Vaira Removed Lab none Removed from Vaira because the Ameriflux intercomparison finished and because we received new 7500A and sonics from Ameriflux. This sonic was replaced with brand new sonic from Ameriflux, sn 170524.
2699 2017-04-10 Lab none Installed Vaira Added to the Vaira eddy tower for the Ameriflux inter-comparison and the transition to newer LI-7500A eddy systems.
2686 2017-04-04 Twitchell Rice Anemometer Removed Lab none Removed with the decommissioning of the Twitchell Rice site.
2586 2017-01-17 Lab none Installed Twitchell Rice Anemometer Installed on Twitchell Rice tower to replace sn 120906. We also replaced the sonic cable.
2576 2017-01-10 Lab none Upgrade Lab none Upgraded firmware to correct for W bug.

Old SN: Y153805
New SN: X153805
Upgrade file: Y153802-Y153806-m5.gcu
Old firmware: 2329-601-03
New firmware: 2329-701-01

All Checksum fields report PASS.

Log file: WMUpgradeLog_Y153805_170110_093737.txt

Config file below. If there are two entries in a field, the first entry is the old setting and the second entry is the new setting.


Baud Rate : 19200
Baud Rate : 57600
Output rate : P1 1 Hz
Output rate : P8 20 Hz


==== DETAILS OF DETECTED ANEMOMETER========================

Serial Number : X153805

---- SW VERSION--------------------------------------------
Anemometer Firmware Version: 2329-701

---- HW DETAILS OF ANEMOMETER------------------------------
Detected Anemometer Class : WindMaster 20Mhz
Number of AXIS on this unit : 3
DAC resolution of attached unit : 14
Number of DAC channels : 4
Maximum sampling rate : (8) P8 20 Hz

---- USER CONFIGURATION OF ANEMOMETER----------------------
Baud Rate : 19200
Baud Rate : 57600
Output Message Format : M1 UV(W)
Output Message Velocity Units : m/s
Output Message Terminator :
Retries : ON
Instantaneous Sampling : OFF
Factory Calibration : ON
Physical Communications : Auto
Resolution settings : High resolution
Alignment settings : North to spar
Averaging settings : Averaging inactive
Output rate : P1 1 Hz
Output rate : P8 20 Hz
Polar angle minimum magnitude: 0.050 m/s
Power-On Message : Display Power On Message
ASCII Format : Comma Separated (CSV)
SOS and Sonic Temperature display : SOS
Analogue output mode : -5V to 5V
Unit Identifier : 'Q'
Output Channel 1 : U output (full range = 30m/s)
Output Channel 2 : V output (full range = 30m/s)
Output Channel 3 : W output (full range = 5m/s)
Output Channel 4 : Speed of Sound
Synchronised Polling : Off

2570 2017-01-05 Twitchell Alfalfa Anemometer Removed Lab none Removed from Twitchell Alfalfa tower for firmware upgrade. Replaced by sn 153802.
2148 2016-01-12 Lab none Installed Twitchell Alfalfa Anemometer Installed to replace old sonic--brand new
2118 2015-12-08 Lab none Installed Twitchell Rice-Trailer Installed near the trailer at Twitchell Rice as a temporary site to test a COS analyzer from LGR