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Field Notes

<--2015-12-28 13:08:00 | 2016-01-21 11:15:00-->
Other sites visited today: Mayberry | Twitchell Rice | East End | West Pond

Twitchell Alfalfa: 2016-01-12 12:44:00 (DOY 12)
Author: Patty Oikawa
Others: Elke Eichelmann

Summary: Swapped sonic, soil respiration measurements, FD removed due to ripped membrane, profile A 8cm cable replaced, computer died

Arrived at 12:44pm. It was really cloudy so we did not do spectral measurements. There was sheep fencing installed along the southern edge of the field but no sheep in sight. Veg height on the western part of the field was slightly higher than the eastern side, with an overall veg height of 5-10cm. The road along the field to the tower was really muddy so we parked at the edge of the field and walked in. Elke downloaded data and swapped the sonic. New sonic sn 153805 replaced old sonic sn 120908.
I made soil respiration measurements (3-5 umol m-2 s-1). The atm FD chamber wall was ripped open so I removed the entire FD chamber sn FDC-11-13-006 including the thermocouple from channel 15, but left the panels in the box (panels 7&8). Vaisala CO2 probes sn L2030063 and sn L2030064 were removed with the chamber.
The profile A 8cm Vaisala probe was maxing out at 5000mV and the red light on that panel was on. Elke noticed that the cable to the sensor had been chewed so I took one of the FD chamber wires and swapped out the chewed one. By the time I was done the computer had died so I could not check to see if this fixed the problem. Also I could not change the settings back on the CR1000 to collect every 30min instead of every 10s. This needs to be addressed on the next visit.
Elke and I installed more black conduit around the ends of the cables to help prevent this from happening again.

7500 readings:
CO2 = 493.0 ppm
H2O = 458.6 mmol m-3
signal strength = 99.7% (102.8 after cleaning)
t = 14.86 C
p = 102.12
sos = 343.59 m s-1 (338.94 after swap)

0 photos found

Graphs display:
7 sets found

Can't check TA_met
11 TA_met graphs found

Alfalfa Temperatures

Alfalfa Soil Heat Flux

Alfalfa Soil Moisture

Alfalfa Soil Temperatures Set A

Alfalfa Soil Temperatures Set B

Alfalfa Soil Temperatures Set C

NDVI Narrow Band Radiation

Soil CO2 Flux

Relative Humidity and BattV


PRI Narrow Band Channels

Can't check TA_rad
3 TA_rad graphs found

Alfalfa Radiation

Alfalfa LED NDVI Sensor

Alfalfa PAR

Can't check TA_flux
5 TA_flux graphs found

Alfalfa Sonic Wind

Alfalfa CO2 and H2O

Alfalfa Methane

Alfalfa Pressure

Alfalfa Flux Data Counts

Can't check TA_soilco2
7 TA_soilco2 graphs found

Set A Soil CO2

Set B Soil CO2

Soil CO2 Soil Moisture

Forced Diffusion CO2

Alfalfa Forerunner Soil CO2

Alfalfa Forerunner Temperatures

Alfalfa Forerunner Probe RH

No data found for TA_arable.
1 TA_cam graphs found


Can't check TATWBABCSB_cam


Select Notes:

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation and US Department of Energy. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the supporters.