Site | Date | Author | Summary |
Sherman Island |
(364) 2007-12-30 09:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Power was down, ground fault interrupt was blown. PGE called for assistance to get system up. Soil profile wet, likely pushing out methane.
Sherman Island |
(361) 2007-12-27 14:30:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Downloaded data for Sherman Island and from laser.
Sherman Island |
(352) 2007-12-18 12:00:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Swapped Li-corr and took soil moisture TDR and samples.
Sherman Island |
(341) 2007-12-07 09:00:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Took soil moisture and downloaded data for Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(332) 2007-11-28 01:20:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Took soil moisture and downloaded data for Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(319) 2007-11-15 12:30:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Soil moisture TDR readings taken and samples collected; downloaded data from laser and for Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(305) 2007-11-01 11:30:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Cr10x data logger programs changed; downloaded data from laser and for Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(298) 2007-10-25 11:15:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Methane was no operative (October 4th-25th) due to power loss; rain gauge was clogged; datalogger not storing values for rain gauge; collected data for Sherman Island; took moisture/soil samples.
Sherman Island |
(284) 2007-10-11 11:30:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Power was off; took soil moisture and samples.
Sherman Island |
(277) 2007-10-04 10:30:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Removed laser for mirror cleaning and instrument tune-up.
Sherman Island |
(272) 2007-09-29 16:30:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Installed web cam; swapped Li-7500; downloaded data from laser and for Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(270) 2007-09-27 09:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Power was down; installed web cam; took soil moisture.
Sherman Island |
(263) 2007-09-20 16:20:00 |
Matteo Detto |
3 TC probes were not working; datalogger reset at 14:53; cleaned radiometers; installed new 60 micron filter; swapped pump; downloaded Sherman Island data.
Sherman Island |
(250) 2007-09-07 11:30:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Power was lost on the 7th from 3am-5am and methane sensor did not restore; LI-corr 7500 power cable replaced; took soil moisture; data collected from laser & Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(243) 2007-08-31 10:40:00 |
Matteo Detto |
TC2_32 was not working; replaced inlet filter; took soil moisture; downloaded data from laser and for Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(234) 2007-08-22 00:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Replaced inlet tube; took spectrometer readings; downloaded data from laser and for Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(228) 2007-08-16 11:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Removed 2nd filter with new 2micron filter; replaced first filter; no Gelman present; replaced pump; took spectrometer readings; downloaded Sherman Island data.
Sherman Island |
(222) 2007-08-10 13:00:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Cleared radiometers; took soil moisture; downloaded Sherman Island data.
Sherman Island |
(208) 2007-07-27 10:40:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Swapped Li-corr; took soil moisture; downloaded data at Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(204) 2007-07-23 00:00:00 |
Ted Hehn |
Weather Hot & clear
Trip Purpose Site inspection
Methane site:
Remove scroll pump – excessive mechanical noise.
Install one shot relay driver on computer on/off switch to power up computer after power failure. OK device functions well afte
Sherman Island |
(201) 2007-07-20 14:00:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Changed filter 2micron and removed the Gelman; methane system shut down due to pressure drop on 13 July; data downloaded for Sherman island and from laser.
Sherman Island |
(193) 2007-07-12 11:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Problems with new solar panels and battery charging; one thermocouple was down; downloaded data at Sherman Island and from laser; took soil moisture.
Sherman Island |
(186) 2007-07-05 13:00:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Took soil moisture readings; changed solar panels; downloaded data from laser and Sherman Island data.
Sherman Island |
(178) 2007-06-27 12:15:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Downloaded Sherman Island data; checked auto power-on; downloaded data from laser; checked old files; took 4 LAI samples; set up bug traps.
Sherman Island |
(172) 2007-06-21 12:30:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Flux system was non-operational despite the power being up. Rebooted flux system. Checked fans, system connections, multiplexers, and sensor values.
Sherman Island |
(164) 2007-06-13 12:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Changed soil heat flux plate; took spectrometer readings; took TDR soil moisture readings; and downloaded data at Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(157) 2007-06-06 04:30:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Cleaned sonic; changed inlet filter; and checked and downloaded data at Sherman Island.
Sherman Island |
(152) 2007-06-01 14:55:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Checked and downloaded data at Sherman Island; took TDR soil moisture readings; checked methane pressure cell.
Sherman Island |
(142) 2007-05-22 11:30:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Checked fans, connections, and sensors; checked and downloaded data at Sherman Island; take TDR soil moisture readings; substituted IRGA; changed acquisition algorithm of PAR.
Sherman Island |
(142) 2007-05-22 09:00:00 |
Ted Hehn |
Druck pressure transducer, flow meter, exhaust tc
Sherman Island |
(137) 2007-05-17 09:00:00 |
Ted Hehn |
Installed fence stays, cleaned 7500, worked on LGR
Sherman Island |
(130) 2007-05-10 12:00:00 |
Matteo Detto |
Datalogger program for the Kipp & Zonen range changed. Check and download data at Sherman Island. Took TDR soil moisture readings. Changed inlet methane tube.
Sherman Island |
(121) 2007-05-01 00:00:00 |
Ted Hehn |
General site visit
Sherman Island |
(116) 2007-04-26 12:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Calibrated methane sensor. Downloaded Sherman Island data. Took TDR soil moisture readings. Took spectrometer reflectance readings.
Sherman Island |
(110) 2007-04-20 00:00:00 |
Ted Hehn |
Scroll pump and computer off - reset, diffuse PAR installed
Sherman Island |
(102) 2007-04-12 12:00:00 |
Ted Hehn |
Continue to improve site installation, Theta Probe serial numbers
Sherman Island |
(102) 2007-04-12 00:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Tested rain gauge. Moved methane inlet to appropriate location near the sonic. Sherman Island data downloaded, TDR soil moisture readings taken, & spectrometer reflectance reading taken.
Sherman Island |
(100) 2007-04-10 14:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Check & download data at Sherman Island. Take TDR soil moisture readings. Take Spectrometer reflectance reading. Sample additional water table ports. Sample LAI & plant height.
Sherman Island |
(95) 2007-04-05 10:30:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Installed and started flux system. Theta soil probes installed. Sherman Island data downloaded. TDR soil moisture readings taken. Spectrometer reflectance readings taken.
Sherman Island |
(86) 2007-03-27 11:00:00 |
Ted Hehn |
Setting up the site, installing met sensors
Sherman Island |
(85) 2007-03-26 00:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Output on Campbell datalogger Sherman Island Pasture
Sherman Island |
(81) 2007-03-22 09:00:00 |
Dennis Baldocchi |
Methane system was set up. Soil probes, soil heat flux plates, and druck water table sensor installed. Pickleweed found on site.
Sherman Island |
(81) 2007-03-22 00:00:00 |
Ted Hehn |
Build bracing for SI platform it is shaky
Buy chair for Sherman Island
5 watt panel mounts bending in wind need gussets.
Druck 75 cm below grade.
T&RH at SIMRS is at 265 cm above grade
Misc Notes
Denatured alcohol to sites to remove bird scat
Sherman Island |
(60) 2007-03-01 00:00:00 |
Ted Hehn |
Begin site installation