Field Notes

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Site = Mayberry
Year = 2021
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28 Rows returned:
Mayberry (348) 2021-12-14 16:10:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, autocam was off and only 1 photo--fixed, Stardot only had 1 photo--fixed, Tsonic too high--needs attention next time
Mayberry (335) 2021-12-01 09:10:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, super foggy, swapped 7500 and 7550, calibrated 7700, deployed RPi cam, dfPAR not working--maybe ok now, TC7 bad--unwired
Mayberry (327) 2021-11-23 10:45:00 Daphne Szutu Meant to be a regular site visit but lots of issues because of short in camera power cable. 7550 software/7500 not working, camera off--restarted, met data ok but dfPAR not working, swapped HMP, removed FD chamber, upgraded 7700 firmware
Mayberry (308) 2021-11-04 13:50:00 Joe Verfaillie Lost power a couple of times - hopefully fixed by tightening loose connections at solar controller, power loss killed pi-cam, cause 7700 to lose its wash settings, scrapped barnacles, got diffuse PAR running, AirT still drifting
Mayberry (294) 2021-10-21 12:20:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, journalist visit, cattails look well chewed, installed diffuse PAR--not working yet, dissolved CO2 data suspect, tested tipping bucket, first substantial rain earlier this week and more rain this weekend
Mayberry (280) 2021-10-07 09:50:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, swapped 7500 for calibration, got combo for main gate lock
Mayberry (266) 2021-09-23 13:45:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, cable gate lock cut, water level going down
Mayberry (258) 2021-09-15 10:10:00 Daphne Szutu Entered through levee gate, 7700 power disconnected--fixed, Installed picam, Only 2 photos on Stardot card, Removed rad cal kit
Mayberry (245) 2021-09-02 09:50:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, turned cal kit PAR upside down, precip bucket cable pulled out from datalogger--fixed, dropped level in water, 7700 optics RH high--needs new drierite, deployed barnacle-free miniDOT
Mayberry (229) 2021-08-17 14:30:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, caterpillars are here!, set up radiometer cal kit, miniDOT has a few barnacles, changed Stardot camera enclosure mount, tightened sonic cable
Mayberry (216) 2021-08-04 15:55:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, many catkins on cattails, removed Raspberry Pi camera because camera intercomparison is wrapping up
Mayberry (202) 2021-07-21 09:20:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, re-routing foot path to behind solar panels, wasp nest in empty battery box, swapped FD chamber, FD chamber performance check on fresh chamber
Mayberry (187) 2021-07-06 11:45:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, sonic cable disconnected--fixed, changed eddy clock +2min, reinstalled precip bucket, FD data mostly 0
Mayberry (173) 2021-06-22 16:40:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, breezy, forgot card reader for Stardot photos
Mayberry (167) 2021-06-16 07:50:00 Joe Verfaillie Swapped the 7500 due to pressure problem, fixed broken boardwalk, fixed bad sonic data, fixed loose phenocam ethernet cable
Mayberry (160) 2021-06-09 10:35:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, windy, measured staff gauge-soil offset, installed Stardot camera for camera intercomparison, no sonic data starting evening of 2021-06-02
Mayberry (146) 2021-05-26 16:15:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, swapped 7500 for calibration, calibrated 7700, upgraded 7550 firmware, Rnet sensor surface looks damaged
Mayberry (133) 2021-05-13 15:15:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, camera was off and missing 1 day of photos, raised height of floating boom, some pepperweed patches have been mowed
Mayberry (117) 2021-04-27 16:50:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, installed RPi cam for intercomparison
Mayberry (105) 2021-04-15 16:35:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, no photos since 4/10--fixed, green reeds around edges of open water areas and channels
Mayberry (98) 2021-04-08 09:00:00 Ariane Arias-Ortiz Removed Sedpoints to use them in the CH4 hotspot experiment. Installed a few in a new location.
Mayberry (75) 2021-03-16 17:10:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, replaced eosGP pCO2 sensor
Mayberry (63) 2021-03-04 11:10:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, swapped 7500 for calibration, changed eddy clocks +3min, no miniDOT data--fixed, pCO2 data sporadically noisy
Mayberry (57) 2021-02-26 11:00:00 Daphne Szutu Removed miniDOT buried in mud, changed internal battery for Canon camera
Mayberry (49) 2021-02-18 11:00:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, camera lost its clock - reset but probably needs a new batt, eosGP looks dead, removed fluorometer cable, last batch of water samples for Isabel, iPad LIDAR scans of tower
Mayberry (35) 2021-02-04 10:30:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, windy day, sheep grazing on levee, HMP power disconnected-fixed
Mayberry (17) 2021-01-17 10:35:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, unseasonably warm day, fluorometer data still noisy--removed, water samples for Isabel, collected SW GHG files I forgot last time
Mayberry (3) 2021-01-03 09:45:00 Daphne Szutu Regular data collection/cleaning, added brushes back to fluorometer, cable gate fixed