Equipment and Calibration
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Calibration: cal_LI-7700_snTG1-0423.pdfManual: Collecting_LI-7700_Ethernet_Data.pdf
Manual: LI-7700_Manual_V2_201103.pdf
Manual: LI-7700_Manual_V3_201312.pdf
PackingSlip: ps_Licor_20150910.pdf
Rec No. | Date | Loc From | Title | Loc To | Notes |
7133 | 2025-02-19 | East End | Calibration | East End | Calibration Location: East End Last calibration: 2024-08-07 RSSI=76%, Optical RH=7% Ambient P=102.2kPa, Tair=14.5C Zero Air at 450psi, AMP CA03923 3.3865 at 1300 CH4 Zero Offset: 0.01ppm CH4 Span Offset: -0.0135ppm Notes: Starting to rain but hood kept mirrors clean during calibration |
6809 | 2024-08-07 | East End | Calibration | East End | Calibration Location: East End Last calibration: 2024-01-11 RSSI=70%, Optical RH=4% Ambient P=101.1kPa, Tair=35.1C Zero Air at 1700psi, AMP CA03923 3.3865 at 1850 CH4 Zero Offset: -.028ppm CH4 Span Offset: -0.0185ppm Notes: Hot day |
6529 | 2024-01-11 | East End | Calibration | East End | Calibration Location: East End Last calibration: 2023-06-15 RSSI=79%, Optical RH=23% Ambient P=102.2kPa, Tair=16.0C Zero Air at 1800psi, AMP CA03923 3.3865 at 1725 CH4 Zero Offset: .015ppm CH4 Span Offset: .0015ppm Notes: After calibration, flushed headspace with zero air until optics RH=9% and swapped in a bottle with fresh drierite. |
6304 | 2023-06-15 | East End | Calibration | East End | Calibration Location: East End Last calibration: 2023-01-18 RSSI=82%, Optical RH=16% Ambient P=100.9kPa, Tair=26.7C Zero Air at 1150psi, AMP CA04119 4.2238 at 1000 CH4 Zero Offset: -.06ppm CH4 Span Offset: .0138ppm Notes: Optics RH=16%, which is pretty good, so we did not flush the headspace or change its desiccant. |
6168 | 2023-01-18 | East End | Calibration | East End | Calibration Location: East End Last calibration: 2022-06-09 RSSI=77%, Optical RH=21% Ambient P=101.9kPa, Tair=12.6C Zero Air at 1450psi, AMP CA04396 1.9317 at 1200 CH4 Zero Offset: .025ppm CH4 Span Offset: .0023ppm Notes: After calibration, changed desiccant and flushed headspace with zero air until optics RH=14%. |
5895 | 2022-06-09 | East End | Calibration | East End | Calibration Location: East End Last calibration: 2021-12-01 RSSI=70%, Optical RH=17% Ambient P=101kPa, Tair=29.5C Zero Air at 350psi, AMP CA04119 4.2238 at 1550 CH4 Zero Offset: .015ppm CH4 Span Offset: -.0098ppm Notes: Hot day, some breeze. Did not change drierite or flush headspace with zero air. |
5613 | 2021-12-01 | East End | Calibration | East End | Calibration Location: East End
Last calibration: 2021-06-01 RSSI=83%, Optical RH=15% Ambient P=101.2kPa, Tair=19.2C Zero Air at 1200psi, AMP CA04396 1.9317 at 1800 CH4 Zero Offset: .007ppm CH4 Span Offset: .0023ppm Notes: Relatively still day. Did not change drierite or flush headspace with zero air. Zero air tank pressure uncertain--wonky regulator. |
5279 | 2021-05-26 | East End | Calibration | East End | Calibration Location: East End
Last calibration: 2020-11-19 RSSI=80%, Optical RH=13% Ambient P=101.5kPa, Tair=29.2C AMP FB04161 at 500psi, AMP CA04119 4.223 at 2050 CH4 Zero Offset: 0ppm CH4 Span Offset: 0.008ppm Notes: Relatively still day. Zero gas was an AMP cal gas in a baby tank that we borrowed for the day. Zero was right on. |
4981 | 2020-11-19 | East End | Calibration | East End | Calibration Location: East End Last calibration: 2020-05-19 RSSI=77%, Optical RH=12% Ambient P=102.4kPa, Tair=18C Zero Air at 500psi, AMP CA3923 3.121 at 500 CH4 Zero Offset: -0.05ppm CH4 Span Offset: -0.002ppm Notes: Breezy day |
4454 | 2020-05-19 | East End Gas Analyzer CH4 | Calibration | East End Gas Analyzer CH4 | Calibration Location: East End Last calibration: 2019-10-22 RSSI=83%, Optical RH=20% Ambient P=101.5kPa, Tair=22.5C Zero Air at 900psi, AMP CA3923 3.121 at 850 CH4 Zero Offset: 0.01ppm CH4 Span Offset: 0.006ppm Notes: Swapped optics desiccant (indicating drierite) after calibration. Used zero air cal gas to dry out head space. New RH ~7%. |
4117 | 2019-10-22 | East End Gas Analyzer CH4 | Calibration | East End Gas Analyzer CH4 | Calibration Location: East End Last calibration: 2019-04-11 RSSI=83%, Optical RH=17% Ambient P=102.0kPa, Tair=24.6C Zero Air at 1300psi, AMP CA03923 3.121 at 1400 CH4 Zero Offset: 0.023ppm CH4 Span Offset: -0.001ppm Notes: |
3899 | 2019-04-11 | East End Gas Analyzer CH4 | Calibration | East End Gas Analyzer CH4 | Calibration Location: East End Last calibration: 2018-10-30 RSSI=73%, Optical RH=11% Ambient P=101.9kPa, Tair=16.5C Zero Air M4002 at 1700psi, AMP CA03923 3.121 at 1800 CH4 Zero Offset: 0.036ppm CH4 Span Offset: 0.013ppm Notes: Windy day |
3883 | 2019-02-12 | East End Gas Analyzer CH4 | Upgrade | East End Gas Analyzer CH4 | Upgraded firmware (embedded software) from 1.0.23 to 1.0.27. Licor change log: "Expanded a buffer in the DSP to prevent phase changes in the DSP data caused when the buffer filled up. This fixes the synchronization loss and resultant data loss between the LI-7550 and LI-7700." |
3787 | 2018-11-01 | Lab none | Installed | East End Gas Analyzer CH4 | Installed at EE to replace sn TG1-0421, which was brought back to the lab for a power board replacement and calibration. |
3781 | 2018-10-30 | Lab none | Calibration | Lab none | Calibration Location: Lab Last calibration: 2018-05-08 RSSI=80%, Optical RH=8% Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=27.97C Zero Air at 1500psi, AMP Air 1.9497 at 1000 CH4 Zero Offset: -0.015ppm CH4 Span Offset: -0.0027ppm Notes: First calibration after power board was replaced |
3780 | 2018-10-29 | Lab none | Upgrade | Lab none | I swapped out power board pn 9677-073G per Licor's instructions. The new power board is pn 9977-079. According to Licor the original boards Rev 0, could be damaged by exposure to voltage above 24VDC. The new board Rev 0A (V3) should not have that problem.
Note: This instrument was replaced with 2 original screws and 2 long screws. The long screws were used to help re-assemble the instrument, and I forgot to swap them for the original, shorter, screws. |
3771 | 2018-10-25 | Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CH4 | Removed | Lab Gas Analyzer CH4 | Removed from SW and brought back to the lab for a power board swap and calibration. It was replaced by sn TG1-0424. |
3453 | 2018-05-10 | Lab none | Installed | Sherman Wetland Data Logger Met | Installed on Sherman Wetland to replace sn TG1-0421 for calibration |
3449 | 2018-05-08 | Lab none | Calibration | Lab none | Calibration Location: Lab Last calibration: 2017-10-23 RSSI=73%, Optical RH=4% Ambient P=100.8kPa, Tair=23.9C Zero Air at 400psi, LBL Air 1.9497 at 1400 CH4 Zero Offset: 0.016ppm CH4 Span Offset: 0.0067ppm Notes: |
3447 | 2018-05-03 | Mayberry Gas Analyzer CH4 | Removed | Lab Gas Analyzer CH4 | Removed from MB and brought back to the lab for calibration. It was replaced by TG1-0423. |
3181 | 2017-10-26 | Lab none | Installed | Mayberry Gas Analyzer CH4 | Installed at MB to replace sn TG1-0357 |
3156 | 2017-10-23 | Lab none | Calibration | Lab none | Calibration Location: Lab Last calibration: 2017-05-31 RSSI=74.6%, Optical RH=3% Ambient P=101.3kPa, Tair=27.9C Zero Air at 425psi, AMP Air 1.9497 at 1850 CH4 Zero Offset: -0.055ppm CH4 Span Offset: 0.0197ppm Notes: |
3167 | 2017-10-19 | East End-Temp1 Gas Analyzer CH4 | Removed | Lab none | Removed with decommissioning of East End Open Water tower (temporary tower 1) |
2811 | 2017-06-01 | Lab none | Installed | East End-Temp1 Gas Analyzer CH4 | Installed at open water temporary tower in East End wetland |
2794 | 2017-05-31 | Lab none | Calibration | Lab none | Calibration Location: Lab Last calibration: 2016-10-11 RSSI=80.7%, Optical RH=10% Ambient P=100.3kPa, Tair=20.4C Zero Air at 1500psi, NOAA Air 1.89919 at 1600 CH4 Zero Offset: 0.017ppm CH4 Span Offset: -0.021ppm Notes: Replaced desiccant and flushed cavity with zero air. Optics RH was 26% before replacement and 10% after replacement. |
2673 | 2017-03-23 | Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CH4 | Removed | Lab none | Removed from Sherman Wetland and brought back to the lab for calibration. It was replaced by TG1-0224. |
2493 | 2016-10-11 | Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CH4 | Calibration | Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CH4 | Calibration Location: Sherman Wetland
Last calibration: 2016-05-20 RSSI=78.7%, Optical RH=23% Ambient P=101.6kPa, Tair=16.4C zero air at 850psi, AMP CH4 4.030 at 1900 CH4 Zero Offset: 0.026ppm CH4 Span Offset: 0.023ppm Notes: Windy. |
2285 | 2016-05-24 | Lab none | Installed | Sherman Wetland Gas Analyzer CH4 | Installed on the Sherman Wetland tower at the initial set up of the site. |
2276 | 2016-05-20 | Lab none | Calibration | Lab none | Calibration Location: Lab Last calibration: 2015-07-23 (Factory) RSSI=79.4%, Optical RH=18% Ambient P=100.08kPa, Tair=22.6C Zero Air at 500psi, 17-07-2013 CH4 Tank 4.995 at 500 CH4 Zero Offset: 0.03ppm CH4 Span Offset: 0.006ppm Notes: Uneventful calibration. Previous calibration was factory. |