News 2009


American Geophysical Union Meeting in San Francisco with contributions from

A21B-0142. Gross Fluxes of Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide in a California Oak-Savanna Woodland: Seasonality, Soil Moisture and a Smaller Sink.  R. C. Rhew; C. Chen; Y. Teh; D. D. Baldocchi.

A51N-07. Methane Fluxes in a Composite Landscape in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.  A. Guha; M. Detto; D. D. Baldocchi; A. H. Goldstein

B11D-0499. How do land management practices affect net ecosystem CO 2 exchange of an invasive plant infestation?.  O. Sonnentag; M. Detto; B. Runkle; M. Kelly; D. D. Baldocchi.

B23A-0349. How does the photosynthetic machinery of invasive perennial pepperweed allow it to adapt and respond to changes in California’s climate?.  B. Runkle; O. Sonnentag; M. Detto; X. Liang; J. A. Dracup; D. D. Baldocchi

B31A-0313. Spatial radiation environment in a heterogeneous oak woodland using a three-dimensional radiative transfer model and multiple constraints from observations.  H. Kobayashi; Y. Ryu; S. Ustin; D. D. Baldocchi

B31A-0319. On the correct estimation of effective leaf area index: does it reveal information on clumping effects?.  D. D. Baldocchi; Y. Ryu; T. Nilson; H. Kobayashi; O. Sonnentag.

B31B-0349. Integration of near-surface remote sensing and eddy covariance measurements: new insights on managed ecosystem structure and functioning.  J. Hatala; O. Sonnentag; M. Detto; B. Runkle; R. Vargas; M. Kelly; D. D. Baldocchi

B33B-0390. Water Conditions Regulate Temperature Dependence of Ecosystem CO2 Exchange from a Case Study to a Variety of Ecosystem Types across Ameriflux .  S. Ma; D. D. Baldocchi

B33B-0391. A Spectral Evaluation of Models Performances in Mediterranean Oak Woodlands.  R. Vargas; D. D. Baldocchi; G. Abramowitz; A. Carrara; A. Correia; H. Kobayashi; D. Papale; D. Pearson; J. Pereira; S. Piao; S. Rambal; O. Sonnentag


B34B-04. Large non-CO2 fluxes from human modification of carbon rich soils .  W. L. Silver; Y. Teh; O. Sonnentag; M. Detto; M. Kelly; D. D. Baldocchi

B41D-03. Potential biogeochemical and biogeophysical consequences of afforestation in North America.  T. L. O'Halloran; B. E. Law; D. D. Baldocchi; G. B. Bonan; J. T. Randerson

B43E-01. Breathing of the Biosphere: How Physics sets the Limits, and Biology Does the Work (Invited).  D. D. Baldocchi

B43E-03. Relationships between water status, temperature, and photosynthesis in Quercus douglassii in a California Mediterranean savanna from gas-exchange and eddy-covariance data.  J. L. Osuna; D. D. Baldocchi; T. E. Dawson

B51A-0293. Impact of Rice Grown on Surface Energy Balance in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the Sacramento Valley.  F. Anderson; M. Detto; J. G. Verfaillie; D. D. Baldocchi; R. L. Snyder.

B51B-0308. Spatial and temporal variability of evapotranspiration derived from MODIS and FLUXNET over US from 2001 to 2008.  Y. Ryu; D. D. Baldocchi; J. Li; K. Jackson; C. van Ingen; D. Agarwal

GC13A-0711. Ecosystem Change in California Grasslands: Impacts of Species Invasion.  L. E. Koteen; J. Harte; D. D. Baldocchi

H34E-08. Towards Creating a Stand-Scale Ecohydrological Measurement Suite: Observations from Integrating Multiple Hydrological and Biophysical Approaches in a California Oak Savanna (Invited).  G. R. Miller; D. D. Baldocchi; Y. Rubin; X. Chen

IN31B-1007. Experiences Developing a Collaborative Data Sharing Portal for FLUXNET.  D. Agarwal; M. Humphrey; N. Beekwilder; C. van Ingen; D. Papale; M. Reichstein; D. D. Baldocchi

B51A-0296 . Ecohydrology of a semi-arid forest: effects of precipitation pattern and canopy structure on forest productivity.  N. Raz Yaseef; E. Rotenberg; G. Schiller; D. Yakir

'eScience in the Cloud: A MODIS Satellite Data Reprojection and Reduction Pipeline in Windows Azure Platform'), with Youngryel Ryu as a collaborator, has been accepted to the 24th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium.


Delta research covered in the Christian Science Monitor


Rodrigo Vargas attended a North American Carbon Project workshop in Oak Ridge, TN.


Ryu, Y., O. Sonnentag, T. Nilson, R. Vargas, H. Kobayashi, R. Wenk, and D.D. Baldocchi, How to quantify tree leaf area index in an open savanna ecosystem: A multi-instrument and multi-model approach, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150 (1), 63-76, 2010.

Rodrigo Vargas, Dennis Baldocchi, Michael Allen, Michael Bahn, T. Black, Scott Collins, Jorge Curiel Yuste, Takashi Hirano, Rachhpal Jassal, Jukka Pumpanen, and Jianwu Tang. Looking deeper into the soil: biophysical controls and seasonal lags of soil CO2 production and efflux across multiple vegetation types. Ecological Applications. accepted

Rutledge, S., Campbell, D., Baldocchi, D., Schipper, L. Photodegradation leads to increased CO2 losses from terrestrial organic matter. Global Change Biology. in press

Ma, S., Concilio, A., Oakley, B., North, M. & Chen, J. Spatial variability in microclimate in a mixed-conifer forest before and after thinning and burning treatments. Forest Ecology and Management in press.

Miller, G.R., Chen, X., Rubin, Y, Ma, S. Baldocchi, D.D. 2009., Groundwater uptake by woody vegetation in a semi-arid oak savanna. Water Resources Research. submitted


ddb visited the University of Minnesota and gave the Kuenhast Lecture on Breathing of the Biosphere: How Physics Sets the Limits and Biology Does the Work

ddb attended theInteragency Forestry Working Group Forest Inventory Symposium at the Air Resources Board in Sacramento and gave a talk on 1) Carbon cycle and 2) carbon fluxes of oak savanna and annual grasslands.

Rodrigo Vargas attended a Fluxnet synthesis workshop in Maine and a North American Carbon Project workshop in Reston Virginia.


Stoy, P. C., A. D. Richardson, D. D. Baldocchi, G. G. Katul, J. Stanovick, M. D. Mahecha, M. Reichstein, M. Detto, B. E. Law, G. Wohlfahrt, N. Arriga, J. Campos, J. H. McCaughey, L. Montagnani, K. T. Paw U, S. Sevanto, and M. Williams. 2009. Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CO2 in relation to climate: a cross-biome analysis across multiple time scales. Biogeosciences J1 - BG 6 (10):2297-2312

Curiel Yuste, J., S. Ma, and D. Baldocchi. Plant-soil interactions and acclimation to temperature of microbial-mediated soil respiration may affect predictions of soil CO2 efflux. Biogeochemistry. 10.1007/s10533-009-9381-1

Vargas, R., Baldocchi, D.D., Querejeta, J.I.,Curtis, P.S., Hasselquist, N.J., Janssens, I.A, Allen, M.F., Montagnani, L. 2009. Ecosystem CO 2 fluxes of arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal dominated vegetation types are differentially influenced by precipitation and temperature. New Phytologist, Published on line

Vargas, R., Detto, M., Baldocchi, D. Allen. M. .Multiscale analysis of temporal variability
of soil CO2 production as influenced by weather and vegetationGlobal Change Biology. in press

Teh, Y, Silver, W. Detto, M, Sonnentag, O, Kelly, M, Baldocchi, D. Large greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural and restored peatlands driven by management. Nature Geoscience. Submitted

Xiao, J, Zhuang, Q.,Law, B.E., Chen, J, Baldocchi, D.D., Cook, D.R., Oren, R., Richardson, A.D., Wharton, S., Ma, S., Martin, T.A., Verma, S.B., Suyker, A.E., Scott, R.L., Monson, R.K., Litvak, M., Hollinger, D.Y., Sun,G., Davis, K.J., Bolstad, P.V., Burns, S.P., Curtis, P.S., Drake, B.G., Falk, M., Fischer, M.L., Foster, D., Gu, L., Hadley, J.L., Katul, G.G., Matamala, R., McNulty, S., Meyers, T.P., Munger, J.W., Noormets, A., Oechel, W.C., Paw U, K.T., Schmid, H.P., Starr, G., Torn, M.S., Wofsy, S.C. 2009.. A Continuous Measure of Gross Primary Production for the Conterminous 1 U.S. Derived from MODIS and AmeriFlux Data. Remote Sensing of the Environment. Accepted.

Baldocchi, DD, Ma, S., Rambal, S., Ourcival, J-M, Limosin, J-M, Misson, L, Pereira, JS, Papale, D. On the Differential Advantages of Evergreenness and Deciduousness in Mediterranean Oak Woodlands: A Flux Perspective. Ecological Applications. Accepted

Detto, M., Katul, G. Baldocchi. D. Scaling properties of biologically active scalar concentration fluctuations in the surface boundary layer over a managed peatland Boundary Layer Meteorology. submitted

Ryu, Y., Nilson, T., Kobayashi, H., Sonnentag, O., Law, B.E. and Baldocchi, D.D., 2009. On the correct estimation of effective leaf area index: does it reveal information on clumping effects? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, In review.

Staff News

Naama Raz-Yaseef joins the Biomet Lab as a postdoctoral scientist for 2 years. Dr. Raz-Yaseef has funding from US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund. She has expertise in Ecohydrology and comes from Dan Yakir's lab at the Weizmann Institute.


Rodrigo Vargas represented the biomet lab at the Jena International CO2 Conference and a soil respiration workshop in Austria

ddb attended the annual Ameriflux meeting

Vargas R, Baldocchi DD, Bahn M, Hanson P, Kulmala L, Pumpanen J, Yiang B. A multiscale analysis of the influence of GPP on soil CO2 efflux: a wavelet coherence approach. International  Carbon Dioxide Conference (ICDC). September 13-19, 2009. Jena, Germany.

Vargas R. Understanding CO2 efflux and production: do we need to look deeper into the soil?  ESF LESC Exploratory Workshop: Diurnal to century scale controls on soil respiratory fluxes. Towards a new generation of integrated experimental and modeling approaches. September 21-23, 2009. Innsbruck, Austria.

ddb attended the AmeriFlux meeting in Washington, DC and lead a session on progress in FLUXNET


Ryu, Youngryel, Oliver Sonnentag, Tiit Nilson, Rodrigo Vargas, Hideki Kobayashi, Rebecca Wenk, and Dennis D. Baldocchi. How to quantify tree leaf area index in an open savanna ecosystem: A multi-instrument and multi-model approach. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology In Press.

 Ryu, Y., Baldocchi, D., Ma, S. Falk, M. Verfaillie, J. A novel spectral sensor built with light emitting diodes (LEDs) to monitor ecosystem metabolism, structure and function. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment. submitted

Staff News

Rodrigo Vargas was recognized as National Researcher Level 1 (out of 3 being 3 the highest category) from the CONACyT (it is the NSF of Mexico).


Jordi Vila, Wageningen

Josep Penuelas, Barcelona


ddb attended the ILEAPS meeting and gave a talk on 'Lessons Learned from 10 years of FLUXNET'

Rodrigo Vargas attended an LTER workshop in New Mexico.


Gu, L., Post, W.M., Baldocchi, D.D. Black, T.A. Suyker, A.E. Verma, S.B. Vesala, T., Wofsy, S.C. 2009. In: Phenology of Ecosystem Processes. Asko Noormets, Editor. Springer. Pg 35-58.

Vargas, R., Baldocchi, D.D., Querejeta, J.I.,Curtis, P.S., Hasselquist, N.J., Janssens, I.A, Allen, M.F., Montagnani, L. 2009. Ecosystem CO 2 fluxes of arbuscular and ectomycorrhizal dominated vegetation types are differentially influenced by precipitation and temperature. New Phytologist, in press.

Hollinger, D.Y. , S.V. Ollinger, A.D. Richardson, T.P. Meyers, D.B. Dail, M.E. Martin, N.A. Scott, T.J. Arkebauer, D.D. Baldocchi, K. Clark, P.S. Curtis, K. Davis, A. Desai, D. Dragoni, M.L. Goulden, L. Gu, G.G. Katul, S. Pallardy, K.T. Paw U, H. Schmid, P.C. Stoy, A.E. Suyker, and S.B. Verma. 2009. Albedo estimates for land surface models and support for a new paradigm based on foliage nitrogen concentration. Global Change Biology. In press.


Doug Fox and Evan Variano visited the methane flux sites on Twitchell and Sherman Island.


ddb participated on a panel discussion on 'From Farms to Forests: Carbon Implicatin of Land Use' at the 2009 Microsoft Faculty Summit.

ddb lectured at the University of Colorado Shortcourse on Flux Measurement and Modeling

Matteo Detto attended a workshop at the University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, MI.


Anders Lindroth, Lund University

Bart Kruij, Alterra, Wagenigen, Netherlands


Youngryel Ryu attended the 4th Global Vegetation Workshop in Missoula Montana.

ddb lectured at the 2009 Summer School on Land-Atmosphere Interactions and Climate Change at the Nanjing Institute of Science and Technology. He also visited the Institute for Geographical Science and Natural Resource Research, of the Chinese Academey of Science in Beijing.


Beer, C., P. Ciais, M. Reichstein, D. Baldocchi, B. E. Law, D. Papale, J.-F. Soussana, C. Ammann, N. Buchmann, D. Frank, D. Gianelle, I. A. Janssens, A. Knohl, B. K??stner, E. Moors, O. Roupsard, H. Verbeeck, T. Vesala, C. A. Williams, and G. Wohlfahrt. 2009. Temporal and among-site variability of inherent water use efficiency at the ecosystem level. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 23.


ddb gave a presentation on Carbon and water exchange of California rangelands: an oak savanna, annual grassland and peatland pasture . Cal-Pac Society for Range Management. Santa Rosa, CA. May 14, 2009.

Staff News

Three students in the Biomet Lab are finishing their Ph.D.s and are graduating this spring. They include Xingyuan Chen, Gretchen Miller, and Ben Runkle. Gretchen as been offered a position as an assistant professor of civil engineering at Texas AM. Congratulations to all.

Four PhDs in BioEnvironmental Engineering who have measured pre-dawn water potential ---and probably the only ones...though there is a MIT student with an email of


Prof. Josep Penuelas from Barcelona visited the Biomet Lab for 3 weeks in May. We discussed topics ranging from phenology, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, VOC emissions and ecosystem ecology.


Dennis Baldocchi was appointed Editor in Chief of Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences. The journal. JGR-Biogeosciences focuses on biogeosciences of the Earth system in the past, present, and future and the extension of this research to planetary studies. The emerging field of biogeosciences spans the intellectual interface between biology and the geosciences and attempts to understand the functions of the Earth system across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Specific topics within the scope of the section include process-based theoretical, experimental, and field studies of biogeochemistry, biogeophysics, atmosphere-, land-, and ocean-ecosystem interactions, biomineralization, life in extreme environments, astrobiology, microbial processes, geomicrobiology, and evolutionary geobiology. If you are developing original papers on process-oriented topics please consider submitting it to JGR Biogeosciences as your first choice.


Baldocchi, D.D. Chen, Q., Chen, X., Ma, S., Miller, G., Ryu, Y., Xiao, J., Wenk, R. and Battles, J. 2009 The Dynamics of Energy, Water and Carbon Fluxes in a Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii) Savanna in California, USA, In: Ecosystem Function in Global Savannas: Measurement and Modeling at Landscape to Global Scales – edited by Michael J. Hill and Niall P. Hanan and published by CRC/Taylor and Francis. Submitted.


A FLUXNET Modeling Workshop was convened at Asilomar, CA between Feb 10 and 13. A cross-section of scientists from the flux measurement and land surface modeling communities met to discuss future interactions among communities and how data can be interchanged to push science to the next level. The flux database has the potential to contribute towards improvements in data assimilation and Bayesian model parameter inversion and towards the use of Machine Learning models that produce regional maps of fluxes



Rodrigo Vargas. Looking deeper into the soil: environmental controls and seasonal lags of soil CO 2 production and efflux across four vegetation types. Ecosystem Science Division, ESPM, Jan 21

Dennis Baldocchi.Physics Wins, Biology is How its Done. Centennial Speaker Series, Department of Land, Air and Water Resources, UC Davis. Jan 21.


ddb attended the NCEAS workshop on Linking carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems with other climate forcing agents. Santa Barbara, Jan 27-29.


Sebastiaan Luyssaert from University of Antwerp is visiting the Biomet lab for a month as a FLUXNET visiting scientist. He is working on the role of extreme climate conditions on carbon fluxes.