Former Personnel

Ariane Arias-Ortiz

Ariane Arias-Ortiz   
Ph.D. Autonomous University of Barcelona Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technologies (ICTA)

Postdoctoral Scientist

NOAA Global Change Postdoc

August 2019 through December, 2022

Siyan Ma

Siyan Ma   [email]
Ph.D. University of Toledo

July, 2004-May, 2022

Savanna/Grassland Project, Measuring and analyzing long term carbon, water and energy fluxes over a savanna and grassland.


Camilo Rey-Sanchez

Camilo Rey-Sanchez   [email]
Ph.D. The Ohio State University

Jan 2019 to Aug 2021

Postdoc on the Delta Greenhouse Gas Project

Assistant Professor

Dept Marine and Atmospheric Sciences

North Carolina State University

Alex Valach

Alex Valach   [email]
Ph.D. Lancaster University

Feb 2018 to Oct 2020

Delta greenhouse gas project

Current position:

Research Scientist

Bern University of Applied Science

Ana Andreu Mendez

Ana Andreu Mendez   [email]
Ph.D. Agriculture and Fisheries Research Institute of Andalusia (IFAPA), Cordoba

Marie Curie Fellow

Jan 2018 to Feb 2020

Spanish research fellow from Cordoba, focusing on partitioning water fluxes from the soil and vegetation of savannas

Ana was here previously as a Postdoctoral Scholar

Fluvial Dynamics and Hydrology Research Group
Dept. Agronomy-DAUCO (María de Maeztu Unit)
Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research
University of Cordoba, 14014 Córdoba, Spain

Kuno Kasak

Kuno Kasak   [email]
Ph.D. University of Tartu

Baltic-American Freedom Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow

July 2018 to June 2019

Worked on greenhouse gas emissions (N2O, CH4, CO2) from the Delta

University of Tartu, Estonia


Kyle Hemes

Kyle Hemes   [email]
B.S. Colorado College; Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Fall 2015 to May 2019

Worked on Delta greenhouse gas project

Scaling equitable & effective climate change solutions

Amazon, Sacramento


Elke Eichelmann

Elke Eichelmann   [email]
Ph.D. University of Guelph

Dec 2015 to Dec 2018

Worked on the Delta greenhouse gas project.

Assistant Professor

School of Biology and Environmental Science

University College Dublin Ireland 

Sam Chamberlain

Sam Chamberlain   [email]
Ph.D. Cornell University

Oct 2016 to Sept 2018

Delta Greenhouse Gas Project

Web Site

Senior Project Data Scientist at Cash App


Housen Chu

Housen Chu   [email]
Ph.D., University of Toledo

Jan 2015 to Dec 2017

Worked on the Fluxnet project

Staff Scientist

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

web site

Sara Knox

Sara Knox   [email]
B.S. McGill University; M.S. Carleton University

Fall 2011 to May, 2016


Worked on the Delta Greenhouse Gas Flux projet. Interested in the roles of land use on the budgets of CO2, water and methane fluxes.

Assistant Professor

Geography Dept

University of British Columbia

Vancouver, BC

Patty Oikawa

Patty Oikawa   [email]
Ph.D. University of Virginia

USDA/AFRI Postdoctoral Fellow. Oct. 2013 to Sept 2016

Investigated changes in greenhouse gas emissions resulting from land-use conversion in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta

new position

Assistant Professor

Dept of Earth and Environmental Science

Cal State- East Bay

Hayward, CA

web page

Cove Sturtevant

Cove Sturtevant   [email]
Ph.D. UC Davis, San Diego State


Boulder, CO

Postdoctoral fellow, June 2013 to August 2015

Worked on the Delta Greenhouse Gas Flux Project. Interested in upscaling fluxes from the paddock to landscape scale using remote sensing and flux footprint models and use of mutual information theory to look at associations between flues and biophysical drivers

Eric Waller

Eric Waller   [email]
B.S. UC Berkeley; M.S. UC Santa Barbara

Graduate student, co-advised with Max Moritz. Collaborating on fog climatology of the Central Valley and on the cloud climatology of redwoods in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

Geospatial Ecologist

USGS, Menlo Park, CA

Sebastian Wolf

Sebastian Wolf   [email]
Ph.D. ETH Zurich

Postdoctoral Fellow, Swiss National Science Foundation and European Commission
(Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship), Nov. 2011 to 2015

Studying water and energy exchange between vegetation and the atmosphere. Leading a synthesis study on the effects of the 2012 drought/heat spell across North America on energy and carbon exchange of ecosystems.

ETH Zurich

Department of Environmental Research Science

Web Site

Martin Beland

Martin Beland   [email]
PhD. University of Sherbrooke, Canada

Postdoctoral Fellow, Fonds de recherche du Quebec  Nature et technologies Feb. 2012 to 2015.

Using terrestrial and airborne LIDAR to study the structure of canopies and to develop better high resolution 3D radiative transfer models for computing fluxes of mass and energy between vegetation and the atmosphere

current position

Professeur adjoint

Departement des sciences geomatiques
Pavillon Louis-Jacques-Casault
1055, avenue du Séminaire, bureau 1325
Universite' Laval
Quebec (Quebec)  G1V 0A6

web page

Laurie Koteen

Laurie Koteen   [email]
Ph.D. UC Berkeley

Postdoc 2010 through 2013

Coastal Commission

San Francisco, CA

Naama Raz Yaseef

Naama Raz Yaseef   [email]
Ph.D. Weizmann Institute

United States-Israel BARD Postdoctoral Fellow

Ecohydrology of an oak savanna

current position


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Jaclyn Hatala

Jaclyn Hatala   [email]
BS, Harvard 2007

ESPM Graduate Student, 2009-2013

Spatio temporal dynamics of carbon dioxide and methane fluxes from agricultural and restored wetlands in the California Delta PhD, Spring 2013

Scientist, Harvard Forest


 Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Wellesely College, Wellesely, MA

Web Site

Rodrigo Vargas

Rodrigo Vargas   [email]
Ph.D. UC Riverside

Postdoctoral Scientist
NSF FLUXNET RCN Project, 2007-2010

Associate Professor
Plant & Soil Science
146 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716

Web Page

Jessica Cruz Osuna

Jessica Cruz Osuna   
BS, Illinois

ESPM Graduate Student, 2006-2011

Drought tolerance in Quercus douglasii in the California Mediterranean savanna: A study of photosynthetic functional responses, limitations and changes during annual seasonal drought. PhD, Spring 2011

Current position: Postdoc Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Livermore, CA 

Hideki Kobayashi

Hideki Kobayashi   [email]
Ph.D. Tokyo Institute of Technology

Postdoctoral Scientist

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2008-2010

Web Site

JAMSTEC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology Yokohama Institute for Earth Science 3173-25, Showa-mach, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama-city, Kanagawa, 236-0001, Japan

Matteo Detto

Matteo Detto   [email]
Ph.D. Universita Milano

Postdoctoral Scientist, 2007-2010

Measuring methane fluxes over Sherman Island pasture


Associate Research Scholar

Dept Ecology and Evolution

Pacala Lab

109 Eno Hall



Youngryel Ryu

Youngryel Ryu   [email]
BS, Seoul National University, Korea

ESPM Graduate Student , 2006-2010

Near-surface remote sensing of canopy architecture and land-atmosphere interactions in an oak savanna ecosystem., Ph.D. Spring 2010.

Web Page

Youngryel Ryu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering
Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

Oliver Sonnentag

Oliver Sonnentag   [email]
Ph.D. University of Toronto

Postdoctoral Scientist, co-advised with Maggi Kelly
Methane Delta Project 2008-2010

Assistant Professor
Geography Dept
University of Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

web site

Ben Runkle

Ben Runkle   
BES. Princeton Civil and Environmental Engineering

Collaborating Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Modeling salinity in Soi-vegetation-atmosphere transfer model

graduated Dec. 2009

Assistant Professor

Dept of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

University of Arkansas


web site


Xingyuan 'Lorraine' Chen

Xingyuan 'Lorraine' Chen   [email]
BS, Tsinghua University

Civil & Environmental Engineering Graduate Student, co-advised with Yoram Rubin'Soil moisture and water balance modeling of savanna and optimizing for model parameters', Ph.D , Spring 2009

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352

Gretchen Miller

Gretchen Miller   [email]
BS, University of Missouri-Rolla

Civil & Environmental Engineering Graduate Student, co-advised with Yoram Rubin

Measuring and Modeling Interactions Between Groundwater, Soil Moisture, and Plant Transpiration in Natural and Agricultural Ecosystems, Ph.D., Spring 2009

Asst Prof
Civil Engineering Dept
Texas AM, College Station, Texas

Web Site

Ted Hehn

Ted Hehn   
M.S. Univ. Wyoming

Developmental Lab Technician

NEON, Boulder, CO

Qi Chen

Qi Chen   [email]
BS, Nanjing University

ESPM Graduate Student, co-advised with Peng Gong
Measuring vegetation structure and modeling ecological functions for a heterogeneous savanna ecosyste, Ph.D, Spring 2007

Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Web Site

Jorge Curiel-Yuste

Jorge Curiel-Yuste   
Ph.D. Univ. Antwerp, Belgium

Postdoctoral Scientist (Dec 2005-Apr, 2007)

Ikerbasque Research Professor BC3-

Basque Centre for Climate Change

Sede Building 1, 1st floor

Scientific Campus of the University of the Basque Country 48940, Leioa

James Dorsey

James Dorsey   [email]
Ph.D. Manchester Inst. Science and Technology, UK

Postdoctoral Scientist (Jan 2006-Oct 2007)

MIST Manchester, UK

Alexander Knohl

Alexander Knohl   [email]
PhD. Jena University, Germany

Postdoc May 2004-May 2006.

Professor of Biometeorology
Georg-August University
Goettingen, Germany

web site

Josh Fisher

Josh Fisher   [email]
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

ESPM graduate student,

I. The land-atmosphere water flux across plant, ecosystem, global and social scales; II. GIS and spatial analysis for environmental justice and wildlife, Ph.D, May, 2006.

Science Lead, Hydrosat Inc.

Presidential Fellow of Ecosystem Science

Schmid College of Science & Technology, Chapman University

Project Scientist, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Jianwu Tang

Jianwu Tang   [email]
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

ESPM graduate student (co-advised with Ye Qi) and postdoc, June 2003-April, 2004

Soil carbon measurement and modeling in forest and savanna ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada: temporal variation, spatial variation and management impacts, Ph.D, Spring 2003

Assistant Scientist
The Ecosystems Center
Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL)
7 MBL St.
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Theresa Krebs

Theresa Krebs   
M.S. Colorado State University

grad student, Jan 2003-Sept, 2004

Matthias Falk

Matthias Falk   [email]
Ph.D. University of California, Davis

Postdoc Nov 2002-Jan 2006

postdoc, Univ California, Davis

Nancy Kiang

Nancy Kiang   [email]
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

ESPM grad student, July 1999-Dec 2002,

Savannas and seasonal drought: The landscape-leaf connection through optimal stomatal control, PhD,Fall 2002.

Research Scientist, NASA GISS, Columbia University, New York, NY

Liukang Xu

Liukang Xu   [email]
Ph.D. University of California, Davis

Postdoc, Feb 2001-March, 2004

Research Engineer, Licor, Lincoln

Eva Falge

Eva Falge   [email]
Ph.D. Bayreuth University, Germany

Postdoc, June 1998-Oct 1999

Eva Falge Deutscher

Wetterdienst Agrarmeteorologische Forschung

Braunschweig Bundesallee 50 D-38116 Braunschweig

Lianhong Gu

Lianhong Gu   [email]
Ph.D. University of Virginia

Postdoc, Feb 2000-June 2002

Distinguished Scientist, Environmental Science Division, Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN

Kell Wilson

Kell Wilson   [email]

Postdoc, May 1997-May 1999
NOAA/ATDD, PO Box 2456, Oak Ridge, TN 37831