Introduction to Methods in Environmental Science

Spring 2019

ESPM 100es

Dennis Baldocchi, Instructor

Introduction to basic methods used in environmental research by biological, physical, and social scientists; designed to teach skills necessary to conduct independent thesis research in the required senior seminar, 196A-196B/196L. Topics include development of research questions, sampling methods, experimental design, statistical analysis, scientific writing and graphics, and introductions to special techniques for characterizing environmental conditions and features. This course is the prerequisite to 196A.

Topics and Unique Aspects and Challenges of Studying the Environment

Contemporary Problems of the Environment: Anthropocene
Scientific Method and Critical Thinking
Environmental Measurements
Environmental Sensors: Where data come from and How good are they?
Conceptual and Theoretical Models in Environmental Science
Experiences as an Environmental Researcher in the University, National Labs and Industry

Social Science Methods:Polls, Surveys, Interviews

Overview of Public Environmental Databases

Primer on Data Science

Statistical Distributions, Tests
Regressions and Least Squares Fit
Non-Parametric and Bayesian Statistics
DataBase Mgt
Fundamentals in Scripting Languages

Literature Search, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Endnote/Mendeley Free Reference Manager

Elements of Science Writing

Visualizing Data, Dos and Don'ts
Publishing and Peer Review: Critiquing and Editing Literature Review
Soft Skills, Leadership, Team Work, Meetings


Last Updated: 2023-10-13