News 2003


The Fluxnet office, in collaboration with the AmeriFlux office is co-convening a session ('Estimating Terrestrial Carbon, Water, and Energy Fluxes From Site to Region') at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.

Talks and posters presented by members of the Biomet Group at AGU include:

Falk, M Baldocchi, D D. Investigation of Relationships between Canopy Conductance, Carbon Exchange and Evapotranspiration using FLUXNET data.


Kelliher, F.M. Ross, D.J., Law, B.E., Baldocchi, D.D., Rodda, N.J. 2003. Carbon and nitrogen mineralization in litter and mineral soil of young and old ponderosa pine forests during summer drought and after wetting. Forest Ecology and Management. Accepted for publication 127:159-173.

Gu L, Post W, Baldocchi DD, Black TA, Verma SB, Vesala T. 2003. Phenology Of Vegetation Photosynthesis. In: Phenology, an integrated Environmental Science Ed M Schwartz, Kluwer Academic Press. pp 457-485.

Staff News

Jianwu Tang was invited to give a seminar at Harvard on soil CO2 flux and concentration measurements.