ESPM 2 The Biosphere Lecture Notes
Dennis Baldocchi
University of California, Berkeley
Fall, 2021
Lecture Notes
Introduction |
Biosphere History |
History, Universe, Solar System, Sun |
History, Earth |
Lithosphere, part 1 |
Lithosphere, part 2 |
Soils, part 1 |
Soils, part 2 |
Atmosphere Composition and Evolution, part 1 |
Atmosphere Composition and Evolution, part 2 |
Atmosphere Composition and Evolution, part 3 |
Atmosphere Composition and Evolution, part 4 |
Atmosphere, Weather and Climate |
Atmosphere, Climate History |
Hydrosphere, part 1 |
Hydrosphere, part 2 |
Biosphere, Life |
Biosphere, Metabolism and Energetics |
Biosphere, Energy Fluxes |
Biosphere, Structure and Function, part 1 |
Biosphere, Structure and Function, part 2 |
Biosphere, Ecosystems of the World, part 1 |
Biosphere, Ecosystems of the World, part 2 |
Biosphere, Scales and Complexity |
Method, How we study the Biosphere, part 1 |
Method, How we study the Biosphere, part 2 |
Method, How we study the Biosphere, part 3 |
Biosphere, Carbon Cycle, Global part 1 |
Biosphere, Carbon Cycle, leaves part 2 |
Biosphere, Carbon Cycle, ecosystems, part 3 |
Biosphere, Nitrogen Cycle |
Anthropocene, part 1 |
Anthropocene, part 2 |
Engineering the Biosphere |
Last Updated: 2023-10-19