
Kuno Kasak   
Tartu University, Estonia

Josep Peñuelas

Josep Peñuelas   
Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

May, 2009, May, 2011, Feb, 2013, June 2017, July, 2019, Feb, 2023, April, 2024......

Martin Beland

Martin Beland   
Laval University

Martin is visiting in the fall of 2023 and spring of 2024. we are working on updating and applying CanVeg with new LIDAR LAI profiles. Lots of fun collaborating

Jose Fuentes

Jose Fuentes   
Penn State University

Jose was a Miller Fellow at Berkeley and was hosted by the D'Odorico and Biomet Labs during Fall, 2023.  This is Jose's third visit and it was great to host him

Other summer visit was in 2005, working on Biosphere-Atmosphere Intereactions, including couple ET- PBL Modeling

Alexander Knohl

Alexander Knohl   
University of Goettingen

Sabbatical, June to Sept, 2023

Previously here late Nov to early Dec, 2002. Fluxnet Visitor from Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany.

Worked on implementing the CANOAK-ISOTOPE model for use at the Hainich EuroFlux/Fluxnet site. We also made improvements to the Dispersion Matrix code that is linked to CANOAK. (we also got him involved in our weekly soccer games and he made us great apple streudel).

Kanishka Mallick

Kanishka Mallick   
Luxembourg Institute of Technology

Visiting Scholar

July-December 2022, March-August 2023

International Mobility Research Fellow (FNR-Luxembourg)

Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology


Vona Meleder

Vona Meleder   
University of Nantes

Berkeley-France Fund

Oct, 2021-Feb, 2022

Jiangong Liu

Jiangong Liu   
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Jan to June, 2019

KT Paw U

KT Paw U   
University of California-Davis.

Sabbatical in Berkeley, 2005, 2019

Isabel Reche

Isabel Reche   [email]
University of Granada

Sabbatical visitor working on wetland biogeochemisry. 2016-2017 Academic year

Markus Reichstein

Markus Reichstein   
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena

July-August 2016

Fluxnet collaboration

Markus worked on learning machine learning methods to simulate fluxes everywhere, all of the time

Shiping Chen

Shiping Chen   [email]
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Sept 2013-Sept 2014

Interests include measuring water and carbon fluxes of grasslands in Mongolia

Eva Rubio

Eva Rubio   [email]
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain

August - October, 2013

Interacting on carbon, water and energy fluxes of Mediterranean ecosystems.

Jordi Vila

Jordi Vila   [email]
Wageningen University

July and August, 2013

Working on PBL-Land surface interactions

Dario Papale

Dario Papale   
University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy

Summer 2013

Working on merging FLUXNET and AmeriFlux, advising LBL and the Biomet Lab on next generation FLUXNET database.

Mid August to Mid September, 2002.

Fluxnet Visiting Scientists. Worked on the use of neural networks to fill gaps in data and to produce integrated data sets for spatial integration of fluxes. We also started a synthesis of geographic variation of factors affecting carbon fluxes of ecosystems.

Markus Reichstein

Markus Reichstein   
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, Germany

July-August, 2011

Beniamino Gioli

Beniamino Gioli   
Biometeorology Institute, CNR, Firenze, Italia

June-August 2010

Sebastiaan Luyssaert

Sebastiaan Luyssaert   
University of Antwerp

Jan, 2009

Paul Stoy

Paul Stoy   
University of Edinburgh

Sept, 2008

FLUXNET Visiting Scientist

Dimmie Hendriks

Dimmie Hendriks   
Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands

June 2008

Methane emissions with eddy covariance

Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe

Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe   
Princeton University

Visiting Miller Professor, Jan-Feb, 2004.

Working on using FLUXNET database to test theories on ecohydrology

Ying Ping Wang

Ying Ping Wang   
CSIRO, Atmospheric Physics, Aspendale, Australia

April 19-May 7, 2004.

Working on FLUXNET data and optimization theory to predict the seasonality of photosynthetic capacity.

Yadvinder Malhi

Yadvinder Malhi   [email]
University of Edinburgh

April, 2003. Fluxnet Visitor.

Working on developing bioclimatic indices on the basis of derived variables (e.g. GPP, water balance) from the FLUXNET database.

Rob Clement

Rob Clement   
Edinburgh University

Mid September, 2002.

Compiling raw datasets of turbulence data to examine the role of low frequencies and long averaging on flux covariances. Producing standard software for data processing and viewing.

Riccardo Valentini

Riccardo Valentini   
University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy

Mid August to Mid September, 2002. Fluxnet Visiting Scientists.

Worked on the use of neural networks to fill gaps in data and to produce integrated data sets for spatial integration of fluxes. We also started a synthesis of geographic variation of factors affecting carbon fluxes of ecosystems.

Joon Kim

Joon Kim   
Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea

August 2002 through July 2003. Sabbatical Scientist

Director of KoFlux, working on Fluxnet and Flux footprint projects.

Peter Levy

Peter Levy   [email]
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK

July, 2001. Fluxnet visiting scientist.

Evaluated representativeness of flux towers using flux footprint models and high resolution satellite images of canopy structure.

Kai Morgenstern

Kai Morgenstern   [email]
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

September to October, 2001. Fluxnet visiting scientist.

Compiled raw turbulence data from an array of canopy sites. Is investigating the role of canopy roughness on turbulence spectra and CO2-w cospectra.

Francesca Ponti

Francesca Ponti   
Bologna University

Nov, 2000 to April 2001,

Soil respiration of grasslands and oak savanna. Using carbon isotopes to estimate fractions of root and soil respiration.

Francis M.'Tatoo' Kelliher

Francis M.'Tatoo' Kelliher   
Manaaki Whenua-Lancare Research, New Zealand

July 1, 2000 to August 18, 2000.

Measuring soil respiration and flux profiles in a ponderosa pine stand.

Laurent Misson

Laurent Misson   
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

January to March, 2001.

Modeling the effect of soil moisture deficits on stomatal conductance.

Laurent returned to Berkeley working as a postdoc in the Goldstein lab, through 2006. And he served as host for DDB's sabbatical in Montpellier, France in 2007. Laurent tragically died in a skiing accident in the Alps in 2010.