Field Notes

<--2018-06-27 11:30:00 | 2018-07-11 09:15:00-->
Other sites visited today: West Pond | East End | East Pond

Sherman Barn: 2018-07-05 10:30:00 (DOY 186)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Joe, Robert

Summary: Dropped off corral panels, added fence charger

Sherman Barn

Joe, Robert, and I arrived around 10:30. It was a sunny, warm, and slightly hazy day with a small breeze.

We had stopped in Brentwood’s Tractor Supply store to pick up six 12’ corral panels, which we dropped off at the site for the Silver Lab to use with their chambers.

Joe and Robert set up posts for the flux sensors and for the radiation boom, and thought about how to mount the radiation boom (rail fittings + guy wire?). This will be a stationary (not rotating) boom that we can access with a ladder we’ll leave at the site. Joe improved the fence gate with a better 2x4 and coated-wire gate loops.

I set up an DC fence charger, which is mounted to a fence post just inside the fence. It's powered by the 2A 12V wall wart plugged into the AC. Joe and Robert test the hot wire, it seemed weaker than expected. We might need a higher power AC-DC or switch to solar and a battery. The hot wire goes around the perimeter of the barbed-wire fence, about 30cm above the ground. From outside the fence, you can reach through the fence to turn off the fence charger before unhooking the hot wire (yellow plastic handle) and opening the gate.

We left at 12:00. At Twitchell Island, we dropped off the leftover barbed wire roll from Sherman Barn and picked up some 4x4s to bring back to the lab for diagonal corner braces.

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