Field Notes
<--2018-06-28 11:35:00 | 2018-07-12 12:08:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Barn | West Pond | East End
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East Pond: 2018-07-05 13:20:00 (DOY 186)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Joe, Robert
Summary: Checked battery system, removed 2 batteries, downloaded data
2018-07-05 East Pond We arrived at 13:20. it was clear, sunny, and warm. The water level was 60cm. There are some small (10-20cm) plants with small yellow flowers in the wetland. I downloaded USB GHG and met data. The Licor GHG data still looks like it's been dropping out at night between midnight and 5-6am, even after Joe refilled the battery water last week. Joe and Robert unhooked and checked all the batteries. Two were weak, so we took those home. This system sn BB-EP now has 4 batteries and will probably need a new set of batteries in the fall. The met and GHG data looked fine after power came back on. There were many fine spiderwebs around the flux sensors. I didn't have alcohol and wasn't able to clean the 7700 thoroughly. LI-7500 readings: CO2 388ppm H2O 650ppm T 28.2C P 102.2kPa SS 94 LI7700 readings CH4 1.97ppm RSSI 57ppm --> 63ppm after cleaning We left at 13:50. On our way out, we noticed the inlet pump was seriously gushing, so we closed it a bit. |
0 photos found
5 sets found
Can't check MBEEWPSWEPGT_cam
9 EP_met graphs found
4 EP_flux graphs found
Can't check EP_hobo
1 EP_hobo graphs found
Can't check EP_level1
3 EP_level1 graphs found