Field Notes

<--2018-05-16 14:00:00 | 2018-07-05 10:30:00-->
Other sites visited today: East Pond

Sherman Barn: 2018-06-27 11:30:00 (DOY 178)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Daphne

Summary: Set up cow fence, scaffolding, blue box, Power outlet seems to be 220V not 110V.

Sherman Barn

I arrived at 11:30 with Daphne. It was sunny and warm with a gusty wind from the northwest. They mowed much of the tall weeds in the south edge of the field. The surface is pretty dry and the weeds are mostly dead, but it is wet at 1m deep.

We put up a cow fence using the existing post with the power box as the southeast corner. The fence is 20ft on a side and is aligned with geographic directions N-S, E-W. We put 8ft 4x4 posts in the corners sinking them about a meter deep and T-posts in the center of each side. The south side has another 4x4 post in the middle to help support a gate. We used the old barbed wire from the last Sherman pasture site which is four strands with wire stretchers. We also ran a strand for an electrified wire. It needs better insulators on the corner posts. Also when we plugged in the fence charger it made some normal clicking noises followed by some not so normal loud popping noises. Seems the power outlet is 213V and not 110V. I talked to Bryan and he said he and Jim would check on it. However no electric fence for the time being.

It might be a good idea to add diagonal braces to the corner posts. The fence also needs some more u-nails and a 2x4 for the entrance gate.

Our scaffolding base is setup in the southwest corner and Tyler’s blue box is in the northeast corner with its AC unit.

We left at 15:20.

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