Field Notes

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Eden Landing: 2024-08-14 08:45:00 (DOY 227)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Kuno, Arman, Hannah, Inbar, Dem, Ramon

Summary: 1st day of chamber campaign for CH4/N2O fluxes, beautiful day, very muddy, fixed EXO-datalogger connection

Eden Landing

Kuno, Arman, Hannah, and I arrived to the Eden Landing parking lot around 8:45 PST (9:45 PDT). Hannah is a rising senior at Harvard and will be doing her senior thesis with Jackie Matthes. Inbar and Dem opened the gate fro us and we all drove to the tower around 9:00 PST (10:00 PDT). Ramon joined us a little later.

Today was the first day of our 3-day chamber campaign. These measurements during the growing season will be compared with the measurements from the chamber campaign in December 2023 during the senescent season. The chamber campaign consists of taking CH4 and N2O fluxes at open water locations around the wetland. We have two CH4 analyzers and one N2O analyzer for this campaign. We are trying to get spatially diverse samples, with both channel and edge locations. At each location, we are also measuring water parameters (pH, DO, conductivity, temperature, water depth) and recording the GPS location. At randomly chosen sampling sites, we are also collecting a soil sample ~10cm deep for Kuno to analyze for genetic information (max 20 soil samples per day).

It was mild and sunny with a light breeze. A beautiful day for field work. The water level was low and the mud was super soft and sticky; we all took turns getting stuck. Patty’s group bring long dishwashing gloves for digging mud out from around their stuck boots. You don’t have to excavate the whole boot, just dig down far enough so you can get an air pocket underneath the boot. Breaking the mud seal makes all the difference in trying to pull out the boot.

The vegetation was mostly dead pickleweed and a grass (cordgrass?). Some of the higher mud areas were slightly drier with large cracks, making geometric patches across the mud, sort of like giraffe pattern. The patches had slightly curled edges which retained a film of water over the patch.

Ramon took some soil samples to test for a protein (?) gene related to methanotrophy.

Kuno, Arman, and Hannah were on team A. They carried both the CH4 and N2O analyzers and took 20 chamber measurements. Inbar, Dem, Ramon, and I were on team B and took 16 chamber measurements. For this campaign we borrowed two water quality probes from Patty’s department that measured pH, DO (as RDO), conductivity, and temperature. Team A measured some water parameters, but team B did not measure any water parameters because we did not see any standing water >0.5cm deep.

We finished measurements around 13:30 PST (14:30 PDT).

I took photos of most of the team B's sampling locations. They are on box:
Biometlab>Delta Data>FieldData>EdenLanding>Photos_20240815_ChamberCampaign

On the way out, we stopped at Patty’s lateral flux station because they had a bad connection between their EXO and EXO Signal Output Adapter (SOA). The EXO data is not getting saved to their CR6, so they have had to wade down to the EXO to manually download data via Bluetooth. On the SOA, the red LED was intermittently solid and flickering, so I had Inbar look up the SOA manual. Solid LED meant the EXO was not connected. 1Hz heartbeat LED meant the EXO was connected. We tried unplugging and replugging the terminal block, then tried power cycling. Same flickering LED. I re-did the wires of the terminal block (the wires generally looked fine) and plugged it back in. The LED became a steady 1Hz heartbeat, so we assumed all was ok. I didn’t have a miniUSB-USB cable to check the EXO directly.

We left around 14:35 PST (15:35 PDT).

4 photos found

Ramon, Inbar, and Dem taking a chamber CH4 flux sample at Eden Landing for the first day of the chamber campaign
20240814EL_RamonInbarDem.jpg ( 2024-08-14 13:03:28 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Ramon, Inbar, and Dem taking a chamber CH4 flux sample at Eden Landing for the first day of the chamber campaign

Hannah, Arman, Daphne, and Kuno at the end of the first day of the chamber campaign. Arman is carrying a homemade dark soil chamber.
20240814EL_UcbTeam.jpg ( 2024-08-14 14:43:15 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Hannah, Arman, Daphne, and Kuno at the end of the first day of the chamber campaign. Arman is carrying a homemade dark soil chamber.

Chamber sample B9 in a very thin layer of water. The water had a lot of small/tiny bubbles clustered at the surface. The soil surface was cracked into geometric patterns. Other photos from team B
20240814EL_ChamberB9.jpg ( 2024-08-14 13:33:34 ) Full size: 1441x1920
Chamber sample B9 in a very thin layer of water. The water had a lot of small/tiny bubbles clustered at the surface. The soil surface was cracked into geometric patterns. Other photos from team B's sampling locations are on box:

Kuno, Hannah, and Arman trekking across the wetland
20240814EL_ChamberCampaign.jpg ( 2024-08-14 13:41:39 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Kuno, Hannah, and Arman trekking across the wetland

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