Equipment and Calibration History

History for Apogee S2-411 1049

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
5996 2022-09-15 Gilbert Tract Removed Lab none Removed from GT tower after 1 month of intercomparison with the SRS NDVI sensors
5939 2022-08-16 Lab none Installed Gilbert Tract none Installed at GT in the incoming position and data collected in a separate data table for an NDVI intercomparison.
5783 2022-04-12 Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Removed Lab none Removed from the Tonzi Tower at the end of the inter-comparison
5727 2022-03-10 Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved from VR radiometer boom to TZ Tower top
5680 2022-02-09 Lab none Installed Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Installed at Varia as part of the CalKit
5571 2021-11-05 Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Removed Lab none Removed from BA tower at the conclusion of the rad calibration and brought back to the lab.
5537 2021-10-21 Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved from GT to BA as part of the radiometer cal kit to begin the calibration at BA
5459 2021-09-15 Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved from MB to the new Gilbert Tract site to continue the radiometer intercomparison there.
5427 2021-08-17 Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved from EE to MB after completion of radiometer intercomparison at EE
5391 2021-07-21 Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved from West Pond to East End at the conclusion of the radiometer intercomparison at WP
5348 2021-06-22 Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved from HS to WP as part of the radiometer calibration kit at the conclusion of the 2-week intercomparison at HS.
5323 2021-06-09 Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Moved from BC to HS as part of rad cal kit
5264 2021-05-27 Bouldin Alfalfa Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Test Moved Cal Kit Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Removed from the incoming position at BA where it was redundant with the SRS NDVI sensor for use with the cal kit subsequently installed at BC in the incoming position
4660 2020-08-05 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Test Installed at BA in the NDVI incoming position
4619 2020-07-15 Lab none Initial settings Lab none Set up as SDI-12 address G for NDVIin