Field Notes

<--2023-12-07 15:10:00 | 2024-01-04 11:20:00-->
Other sites visited today: Gilbert Tract | Mayberry | West Pond | East End | Bouldin Corn | Hill Slough

Bouldin Alfalfa: 2023-12-22 15:30:00 (DOY 356)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Arman

Summary: Standard data collection, swapped 7500 for calibration, the usual way is muddy - use the levee road.

Bouldin Alfalfa

Arman and I arrived at 15:30. It was a clear sunny and mild winter afternoon. The alfalfa is about shin high and sparse. Arman did veg height and spectra measurements. I worked on the tower.

I collected the flux, met, camera, FD, and IRT data. I swapped the 7500 for calibration: sn 0035 came off and sn 75H-2514 went on.
0035 read: 436.0ppm CO2, 590.4mmol/m3 H2O, 19.7C, 101.3kPa, 98.7SS
2514 read: 443.5ppm CO2, 571.9mmol/m3 H2O, 19.1C, 101.3kPA, 98.1SS
I updated the pressure coefficients and restarted the box.

We left at about 16:00

On the way out we took the low road past where they had been working on the levee. It was soft and muddy enough to make me worry about getting through in the truck. Better to take the road on top of the levee.

Next Mowing: 2024-01-05

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Graphs display:
7 sets found

4 BA_flux graphs found

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Explore the graph:LI-7500 CO2 and H2O in a new window

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Explore the graph:CO2 in ppm in a new window

21 BA_met graphs found

Explore the graph:Soil Temperatures Set A in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Temperatures Set B in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Temperatures Set C in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Heat Flux in a new window

Explore the graph:Temperature in a new window

Explore the graph:Solar Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:Air Pressure and RH in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Moisture in a new window

Explore the graph:PAR in a new window

Explore the graph:PRI Channels in a new window

Explore the graph:NDVI channels in a new window

Explore the graph:Battery Voltage in a new window

Explore the graph:NDVI and PRI in a new window

Explore the graph:Apogee NDVI in a new window

Explore the graph:FD Chamber A CO2 and Temp in a new window

Explore the graph:FD Chamber B CO2 and Temperature in a new window

Explore the graph:Surface Temperature in a new window

Explore the graph:Sentek Soil Moisture profile in a new window

Explore the graph:Sentek Soil Temperature profile in a new window

Explore the graph:Sentek Soil Salinity profile in a new window

Explore the graph:Forced Diffusion Soil CO2 Flux in a new window

6 BA_arable graphs found

Explore the graph:Incoming Solar Bands in a new window

Explore the graph:Reflected Solar Bands in a new window

Explore the graph:Solar Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:Temperatures, PPT in a new window

Explore the graph:Sentek Deep Soil Moisture in a new window

Explore the graph:Pressure, RH in a new window

Can't check TATWBABCSB_cam
2 BA_processed graphs found

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Explore the graph:Evapotranspiration in a new window

No data found for BA_adex.