Field Notes
<--2023-10-11 17:30:00 | 2023-10-26 15:45:00-->Other sites visited today: Tonzi | Vaira | West Pond
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Hill Slough: 2023-10-18 09:30:00 (DOY 291)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Joe
Summary: Deployed EXO after calibration, channel water sensors in mud--raised ~20cm, calm day
2023-10-18 Hill Slough Joe and I arrived at 9:30 PDT for a quick stop on the way to Tonzi/Vaira. It was clear, sunny, and mild. It was warm and there was no wind. The tide was low-ish and the staff gauge read 4.59ft at 8:45 PST. Joe cleaned the tower staff gauge with a scratchy pad on a stick. I deployed the EXO after calibration. Turbidity, fDOM, and pH data have been weird since the last deployment. However, all the sensors had perfectly fine calibrations. Today we figured out that since the water channels were installed last summer, enough mud has built up that the EXO and other water sensors are now in the mud. We raised the EXO by 8 links on the yellow plastic chain (about 20cm). We raised the miniDOT and eosGP by the same amount (about 20cm). I powered up the EXO and calibrated the depth sensor before I lowered the EXO down into the water. The real-time data looked reasonable. Senors installed: sn 22C103416 EXO2 sn 22E106072 Turbidity sn 22E100649 fDOM sn 23D104030 Conductivity/Temperature sn 22D102641 pH/ORP I measured the conductivity from the porewater sipper and from the surface water right by the sipper. . Sample, Temperature-compensated conductivity, Sample temperature, Time Porewater, 8.18mS, 20.3C, 9:00 PST Surface, 4.88mS, 17.5C, 9:01 PST We left at 10:05 PDT to head to Tonzi/Vaira. |
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