Field Notes
<--2011-02-08 11:30:00 | 2011-03-22 09:30:00-->Other sites visited today: Mayberry | Sherman Island
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Twitchell Rice: 2011-03-01 09:30:00 (DOY 60)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Jaclyn
Summary: LGR hung on reboot - restarted, still no keyboard/mouse, collected data.
3/1/2011 I arrived about 9:30am with Jaclyn. It was sunny and relatively warm with almost no wind. The field is mostly drained, but still has some shallow puddles. The LGR was off when we arrived. It had hung up in a reboot attempt. Cycling power fixed it. I tried another keyboard/trackpad and it still did not work. The internal connectors seem okay. On restart the LGR reported: 9:50PST, 15.18C, 99.72Torr, 17.193usec, 10Hz, 2.258ppm I adjusted the bypass valve to raise the pressure to 148.72Torr. The computer had been sleeping for four days – probably when power went down. I collected data and swapped the CR1000 card. Jaclyn cleaned the radiation sensors and collected the plant cam images. The solar system reported 14.5V, 3.3 A solar and 0.5 A load. We left for Sherman about 10:15. |
5 photos found
20110301TW_JoeBoxTower.jpg ( 2011-03-01 09:49:01 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Joe working on the equipment box at the rice site
20110301TW_SoilTempMuck.jpg ( 2011-03-01 09:51:07 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Soil sensors in muddy rice paddy
20110301TW_TowerField.jpg ( 2011-03-01 09:48:44 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Chamber measurement boardwalk structure on rice field
20110301TW_WellMuck.jpg ( 2011-03-01 09:50:56 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Water sensors on drained rice paddy
TW_plantcam_20110228_1330.jpg ( 2011-02-28 13:30:00 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Smoke on the horizon
6 sets found
12 TW_met graphs found
5 TW_flux graphs found
Can't check TWSI_mixed
Can't check SIMBTWEE_met
1 TW_cam graphs found
Can't check TATWBABCSB_cam