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Phenocam link: Searching...
Gilbert Tract: 2024-12-19 09:20:00 (DOY 354)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Kyle
Summary: Cold and foggy, no photos on cam card--fixed after clearing dead ants, EXO data looked reasonable, Campbell conductivity still dropping out at low tide
2024-12-19 Gilbert Tract Kyle and I arrived at 9:20 PST. It was cold and foggy with a slight breeze. A group of workers was pouring a small concrete pad just outside of the front gate. We had a big storm last week and more rain coming all next week. The staff gauge read 74cm at 9:42 PST. Kyle measured the surface water conductivity at the same time. Surface, 760uS, 8.1C I downloaded met and USB GHG data. I changed the eddy clock from 9:34 to 9:36:45 PST to match the laptop time and restarted logging. There were no photos on the camera card and the green “Link” light on the Nl115 card module was blinking rapidly. We haven’t had any photos here since Nov 26 and the card was not showing up under LoggerNet File Control. I connected to the camera directly through StarDot tools and it seemed fine except that I had to change the phenocam clock from 2024-04-19 9:34:20 to 2024-12-19 9:38:20. This is a recurring bug in some of the Stardom cameras where the clock jumps from December to April. I power cycled the datalogger and the camera but that didn’t make a difference. I removed the NL115 module and there were a bunch of dead ants crammed into plug where it connects to the datalogger. I blew them out with canned air, replugged the module, and the card showed up in File Control. I don’t have an ethernet switch here so I wasn’t able to manually run I also removed the power switch that connected the camera to the datalogger C8 and just powered the camera directly to the 12V power strip. I also changed its crontab time from “14,44 4-22” to “15,45 4-20” so now it should take photos on the 00:15 and 00:45 minute of every hour from 04:15 to 20:45. I saved its config. I downloaded the Song Meter Micro data, swapped its desiccant, and bluetooth’d to it which automatically synched its date/time and location with my phone. The battery was at 98%. Kyle cleaned flux and rad sensors and reported that there was water pooled on the incoming radiometers. The reservoir was 1/2 full and refilled. She said the precip bucket funnel was clean. I exported a few more cold wasps from the met box and stuffed some steel wool in the main enclosure hole. 7500 read: 449ppm CO2, 480mmol/m3 H2O, 8.4C, 102.4kPa, 98SS —99 after cleaning 7700 read: 2.4ppm CH4, 50RSSI – 83 after cleaning We got to the channel at 10:10 PST. It was near high tide I think. The water along the edges of the channel looked to be flowing out and the water in the middle of the channel looked to be flowing into the wetland. I downloaded the EXO data, which all looked reasonable since the power cycle last visit. I downloaded the SL data, reset its clock manually, and restarted logging. We left at 10:18 PST. Looking at the data in the lab, the Campbell conductivity is still dropping out at the lower low tide of the day. We should come at low tide next time to lower the sensor more. |
0 photos found
8 sets found
Can't check MBWPEESWGT_mixed
Can't check MBEEWPSWEPGT_cam
16 GT_met graphs found
4 GT_flux graphs found
3 GT_adcp graphs found
No data found for GT_cam.
2 GT_usgs graphs found
2 GT_chanexo graphs found