Field Notes
<--2024-08-30 10:15:00 | 2024-09-26 12:30:00-->Other sites visited today: Gilbert Tract | East End | Bouldin Alfalfa
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Bouldin Corn: 2024-09-12 12:05:00 (DOY 256)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Koong
Summary: Sorghum will be harvested in about 3 weeks, Charlotte on site, wasps up the wazoo, LAI-2200C measurements
2024-09-12 Bouldin Corn Koong and I arrived around 12:05 PST. It was warm and breezy. Most of the corn we can see from Highway 12 has been harvested, although the field directly east of us is still full of corn. There were lots of wasps flying around, although they were strangely silent. We didn’t see any large nests anywhere. Charlotte was just finishing up her work in the field, and told us that Steve told her he wanted to harvest in “about three week.” She’ll check in with him in two more weeks because she wants to leave her chambers in the field for as long as possible. I think we can plan to remove our soil sensors from the field at our next visit in two weeks. I downloaded met, cam, USB GHG, and PA data. I checked the phenocam clock as part of its routine check every 6 months and changed the clock +2min from 12:10 to 12:12 PST to match the laptop time and saved its configuration. Koong cleaned flux and rad sensors and topped off the wash reservoir. I also tightened the datalogger and mux screws as a precaution, but nothing seemed loose. Koong and I did LAI-2200C measurements. He’s used the LAI-2200 before so was familiar with the technique. I set up the Above wand on a tripod. Koong did the first scattering file on the Below wand, “BC0912SC”. After the Above wand was done with its Auto Log, I did a second scattering file on the Above wand, “BC0912S2.” Koong took 16 “below” measurements in the sorghum canopy and 2 “above” measurements at the end. The wand direction was northwest and the viewcap was 270deg (270deg is visible). The 7500 read: 409ppm CO2, 569mmo/m3 H2O, 27.7C, 100.8kPa, 96SS - 98 after cleaning The 7700 read: 2.0ppm CH4, 52RSSI - 77 after cleaning We left at 12:50 PST. |
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