Field Notes
<--2018-06-14 09:25:00 | 2018-07-12 10:24:00-->Other sites visited today: East Pond | East End | Bouldin Alfalfa | West Pond | Sherman Wetland | Mayberry
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Bouldin Corn: 2018-06-28 09:15:00 (DOY 179)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Sam, Katrina
Summary: Regular data collection/cleaning, veg height, clip plots, LAI-2200, power was turned off 6/22 2:30 to ~13:00
2018-06-28 Bouldin Corn We arrived at 9:15. It was clear and sunny, breezy and mild. The corn is about thigh height. The farm workers were watering the roads and cleaning out the ditch on the field’s southern edge. People had broken into Tyler and Heather’s refrigerated box on 6/22 and turned off the power at the breaker boxes, but they didn’t seem to have taken anything from their or our boxes. Tyler turned the power back on on 6/22 afternoon. Katrina took LAI measurements; she took above and below measurements with the below wand because we forgot the mount that connects the wand to the tripod. The correct file is BC0628D. Sam took veg height measurements and biomass samples. I collected met, camera, and USB GHG data. Something was wrong with the USB stick I brought from the lab, so I just reused the same USB stick. There was no data on 6/22 between 2:30 and 13:00 because the power had been turned off, so there are some drops in average values (e.g., VWC values at 6/22 13:00). I also cleaned the flux and rad sensors and the camera window. The wash reservoir was mostly full; I refilled it. LI-7500 readings: CO2 387ppm H2O 731ppm T 20.6C P 101.7kPa SS 97 --> 101 after cleaning LI7700 readings CH4 1.94ppm RSSI 35ppm --> 89ppm after cleaning We left at ~10:20. |
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6 sets found
17 BC_met graphs found
5 BC_flux graphs found
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1 BC_arable graphs found