Field Notes
<--2014-08-13 13:50:00 | 2014-08-27 13:20:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | Mayberry | Twitchell Rice | East End | Twitchell Alfalfa
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West Pond: 2014-08-19 14:00:00 (DOY 231)
Author: Cove Sturtevant
Others: Sara
Summary: Site super green. Data collection, water samples, wasp control. Forerunner reading high.
West Pond 2014-08-19 We arrived about 14:00 PDT. It was warm and sunny with a nice breeze. The site is super green, unlike Mayberry. Sara took water samples at the inlet, outlet, and tower. I collected data and sprayed another wasp nest under the boardwalk. The Forerunner CO2 probe was reading quite high (4.93 V, equaling almost 20,000 ppm). I took it out of the water and watched it drop to near 1 V until I put it back (it was still dropping, but I was satisfied that it was working). When I put it back, I lowered the Forerunner 1-2 cm so that the white strip was fully submerged. 7500 readings: CO2 = 386 ppm (same after cleaning) H2O = 750 mmol m-3 (same after cleaning) signal strength = 82.2% (81.5% after cleaning) p = 100.6 kPa t = 25.4 C sos = 349.8 m s-1 7700 readings: CH4 = 1.9 ppm (same after cleaning) RSSI = 65% (73% after cleaning) Reservoir full. Met looked good. |
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