Equipment and Calibration History

History for PME miniDOT 1221

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6847 2024-09-18 Lab none Tested Lab none Tested in the lab and this sensor cannot measure DO. Q is 0 and DO is negative. Temperature seems reasonable though, so we could use it as a temperature sensor. I put it in the "Old Sensors" box in the sensor cabinet.
6772 2024-07-23 Gilbert Tract Removed Lab none Returned to us from USGS. Was co-located with their EXO in the Gilbert Tract channel, but the data wasn't good since August 2023.
5827 2022-05-06 Lab none Installed Gilbert Tract none Mckenna from USGS installed this at the GT breach site next to the other USGS water sensors in the channel. They plan to service the sensors every 3 months.
5828 2022-05-02 Lab none Serviced Lab none I connected to this miniDOT using sneakernet and was able to adjust the sampling frequency, but could not sync the clock. Joe thought that maybe the interface is checking a time server that doesn't exist anymore, or maybe the interface cannot be used with Windows 10. He ended up setting the clock by using the old Tonzi laptop (running Windows 7) connected to an external monitor. Campus wi-fi does not allow Windows 7 to connect to the internet b/c of security issues, so he ended up using his phone as a hotspot to connect the old laptop to the internet (after some more hiccups. 2.4 vs. 5.0 GHz wifi?)

The miniDOT clock was behind by 693 seconds (~12min). He synced the clock, set the sampling frequency to 5min, and put in fresh batteries (I think). I put in a fresh desiccant pack.

This miniDOT only accepts 2GB SD cards.
5533 2021-10-20 Lab none Tested Lab none This sensor was covered in barnacles, the copper screen was falling apart and there are nicks in the coating on the window. I cleaned up the sensor and tested it side by side with miniDot sn 931528. Both sensors were suspended in a bucket of water with a bubbler in the bottom. The sensors were out of the stream of bubbles. Ice was added to the water bringing its temperature down from 20C to 0C. Then the dissolved O2 was recorded by both sensor over about 24 hours as the water returned to room temperature. The two miniDots matched each other by better then 2%. And they matched the theoretical O2 saturation of the water at about 4%. This sensor had a quailty flag of about 0.84 whereas the newer, uncompromised sensor (sn 931528) had a quality flag on 1.03. I think I'll send a photo of the window coating and these notes to PME to get their take, but I think it's okay to return sn 1221 to service.
5531 2021-09-02 Mayberry DO Sensor D Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry because it had a bunch of barnacles growing on it, the copper screen was disintegrating and the coating on the window looked damage. Replaced by sn 899502
3962 2018-10-04 Mayberry DO Sensor D Notes Mayberry DO Sensor D Measured at -15 cm.
3996 2018-08-23 Mayberry DO Sensor D Maintenance Mayberry DO Sensor D Swapped 2x AA lithium batteries
3474 2018-05-31 Lab none Installed Mayberry DO Sensor D Installed on MB floating boom near the top of the water profile (co-located with top eosGP CO2 probe)
3438 2018-05-07 Lab none Maintenance Lab none The card from this logger is dead. I tried another old 2GB SD card and a 4GB SD card formatted as FAT and neither of these worked. I bought a new Transcend 2GB card and it seems to be working. I also replaced the rotten copper screen that was held on by three screws in its face with a new screen held on by a hose clamp. It has fresh desiccant and turned off but otherwise ready to go.
3415 2018-04-19 Mayberry DO Sensor D Removed Lab none Removed from the top location at Mayberry due to memory card failure. The SD card could not be cleared or formatted.
3961 2017-05-25 Mayberry DO Sensor D Moved Mayberry DO Sensor D Moved from static boom (upper position, -10 cm based on water level on 2017-05-10) to floating boom with sn 1219 (upper position, -17 cm).
3956 2017-05-10 Mayberry DO Sensor D Mayberry DO Sensor D sn 1221 moved slightly in the upper position from -8cm (based on water level on 2017-02-23) to -10cm (based on water level on 2017-05-10) with the other 2 miniDOTs.
2633 2017-02-23 Lab none Installed Mayberry DO Sensor D Installed on the new static water sensor boom in the top location - currently 8cm below the water surface
2497 2016-10-11 Mayberry DO Sensor F Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry due to lowering water for flushing salt. This sensor was at the bottom location. The top sensor (sn 1220) was no longer in water, but could not be removed due to rust and was moved to the bottom location.
3957 2015-04-23 Mayberry DO Sensor F Moved Mayberry DO Sensor F Sensor was moved up 15 cm on the fence post: from -109 cm (based on water level 2014-10-09) to -92 cm (based on water level on 2015-04-23).
1605 2014-10-09 Lab none Installed Mayberry DO Sensor F Installed at 109cm below the water surface on the fence post in the channel.
1602 2014-10-09 West Pond DO Sensor C Removed Lab none Removed from West Pond for installation at Mayberry where a longer profile is possible.
1586 2014-09-25 Lab none Installed West Pond DO Sensor C Installed at West Pond in a profile at 2cm above soil in water column.
1570 2014-09-23 Lab none Maintenance Lab none Using the miniDOTControl program I set the time and set the sample interval to one minute.