Field Notes
<--2016-10-06 13:30:00 | 2016-10-26 09:50:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Wetland | East End | Twitchell Alfalfa | Twitchell Rice | West Pond
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Mayberry: 2016-10-11 10:10:00 (DOY 285)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Kyle, Sam
Summary: Calibrated 7700, rain gauge test, datalogger still having problems, removed water CO2 and one DO sensor.
Arrived 10:10. Sunny and windy. Water very low and brown. Collected USB GHG data; collected met data from 23X; collected camera data. The 23x met data logger is still limping along. It didn't seem to be running at first. A couple of power cycles seemed to get it running again and then the RS232 port was only sporadically working and it was impossible to collect data on it. The CSIO port however worked to collect the data. Serviced the water sensors. The top DO sensor is now out of the water and the CO2 sensors have been giving odd readings. We pulled the remaining middle and lower GP CO2 sensors sn GP20140025 and sn GP20140024. We could not remove the top DO sensor because the hook is rusted shut. So instead we removed the bottom DO sensor sn 1221 and inverted chain so that the top DO sensor sn 1220 is now on the bottom (lower position) and the middle (sn 1219) is in the upper position. The water level sensor was almost out of the water so I lowered it 5cm. We tried to test the rain gauge but the data logger problems led to not recording all the tips. LI7500 readings CO2 386.8-400.0 after cleaning H2O 586 T 17.85 P 101.67 ss 98.15 -> 103.5 after cleaning LI7700 readings CH4 1.94 rssi 40.0 -> 77.3 after cleaning Calibrated 7700. Left 11:10 |
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