Field Notes
<--2024-12-19 13:10:00 | 2025-01-15 15:05:00-->Other sites visited today: Rush Ranch | Hill Slough | Bouldin Alfalfa | East End | Mayberry | Gilbert Tract
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Bouldin Corn: 2025-01-02 12:20:00 (DOY 2)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Joe
Summary: End-of-year data collection, talked to Steve, field remains flooded
2025-01-02 Bouldin Corn Joe and I arrived at 12:20 PST. Happy new year! It was a mild winter day, calm, cool, and sunny with high thin clouds. Lots of geese flying about. We ran into a Dinelli (Steve we think) on the way in as they were wrapping up their hunting trip. He said they planted sorghum last year because the price of corn was down and it was cheaper to plant sorghum but the weeds were a major problem. They will probably do corn again next year. He asked if the flooding was ok for Charlotte’s equipment: yup, just do what you need to do. The dividing line between Dinelli and Sierra Cattle is that main road next to the tower: Dinelli to the west, Sierra Cattle to the east. Our field is still flooded, with water draining from the southeast corner of the field. There seems to be slightly more visible surface water around the well pipe, although the ground under the tower still looks mostly dry. Joe cleaned flux and rad sensors and topped off the wash reservoir. He confirmed the precip bucket funnel was clean. He also tightened some of the tie-downs. I collected met, cam, USB GHG, and PA data. All the data (including sonic) seemed reasonable after removing the shorted water level sensor last time. The soil sensors are still under the tower and Joe thinks we should move them into the field next time since there’s still probably another 2 months of flooding. Joe increased the voltage coming into the met box from 24.5V to 25.7V to improve charging for the lithium power pack. The power pack immediately improved from 2 to 3 LED lights on. 7500 read: 440ppm CO2, 402mmol/m3 H2O, 14.2C, 102.1kPa, 99SS—99 after cleaning 7700 read: 2.15ppm CH4, 53RSSI – 68 after cleaning Maintenance to-do: - Replace wood in upper and lower boardwalk - Move soil sensors into flooded field We left around 12:50 PST. |
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17 BC_met graphs found
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1 BC_arable graphs found