Field Notes

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Mayberry: 2025-01-02 15:40:00 (DOY 2)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Joe

Summary: End-of-year data collection, floating boom bucket needs replacement, trimmed cattails under floating boom, a few days of missing data from dark/rainy days


Joe and I arrived at 15:40 PST. Happy new year! It was a mild winter day, cool, breezy, and sunny with high thin clouds. The staff gauge read 61cm. There ware some last vestiges of light green parts among the cattail, but the wetland is otherwise mostly brown. The precip bucket funnel looked clear.

The reservoir was 1/2 full, Joe refilled it. He cleaned flux and rad sensors; there was bird poop on both the lower 7700 mirror and the lower 7500 window.

He lifted up the floating boom and noticed that there was some water in the bucket from a crack in the lid. The whole bucket is brittle and should be replaced (or we should think of another place to install the water sensors). Joe got in the water and cut back the cattails underneath the floating boom. A temporary solution until new growth this spring.

I downloaded met, cam, and USB GHG data. We are missing about a day of data from the dark and dreary weather on Christmas Eve. I downloaded the miniDOT data and swapped its desiccant. I dropped the empty USB stick in the water and one of the small screwdrivers with the convertible flathead/phillip tips. I added a desiccant tube for the Campbell water level sensor to replace the one I dropped in the water a few months ago.

I measured the surface water conductivity.
Surface, 1746uS, 11.7C

7500 read: 432pm CO2, 340mmol/m3 H2O, 15.3C, 101.2kPa, 88SS—100 after cleaning
7700 clean read: 2.05ppm CH4, 35RSSI — 72 after cleaning

Maintenance to-do:
- 2 full-size scaffolding layers here that are partly rotted. Cut up and recycle?
- Improve mounting for smaller solar panel set (back legs loose on ground, one front corner secured with zip tie)
- Replace floating bucket or figure out where else to mount water quality sensors
- New sonic rangefinder
- Remove sippers?

We left at 16:10 PST.

0 photos found

Graphs display:
11 sets found

7 MB_flux graphs found

Explore the graph:Sonic Wind in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7700 mV signals in a new window

Explore the graph:Counts in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7700 CH4 from analog signal in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7500 CO2 and H2O in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7700 CH4 from digital signal in a new window

Explore the graph:CO2 in ppm in a new window

No data found for MB_met.
27 MB_tule graphs found

Explore the graph:MB Tule Tower: Open Water 2 (3/1/11-3/23/17) in a new window

Explore the graph:MB Tule Tower: Open Water 1 (3/1/11-2/21/13) in a new window

Explore the graph:MB Tule Tower: Tule Temps 2 & 3 (3/1/11-3/19/14) in a new window

Explore the graph:MB Tule Tower: Tule Temps 1 (3/1/11-3/19/14) in a new window

Explore the graph:Mayberry Tule Tower: Solar Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:Mayberry Tule Tower: Disolved Oxygen in a new window

Explore the graph:Mayberry Tule Tower: IRT and Sensor Temp in a new window

Explore the graph:Mayberry Tule Tower: Volts and RH in a new window

Explore the graph:LED NDVI Sensor in a new window

Explore the graph:Water CO2 in a new window

Explore the graph:Water Pressure in a new window

Explore the graph:Fluorometer Data in a new window

Explore the graph:Mayberry pCO2 Profile in a new window

Explore the graph:Water Temperatures in a new window

Explore the graph:Air Temperatures in a new window

Explore the graph:Air Pressure in a new window

Explore the graph:4-Way Radiometer in a new window

Explore the graph:MB Tule Tower: Open Water 1 (2/21/13-3/19/14) in a new window

Explore the graph:MB Tule Tower: Tule Temps 1 (3/19/14-now) in a new window

Explore the graph:MB Tule Tower: Open Water 1 (3/19/14-now) in a new window

Explore the graph:MB Tule Tower: Tule Temps 2 & 3 (3/19/14-3/23/17) in a new window

Explore the graph:MB Tule Tower: Tule Temps 2 (3/23/17-now) in a new window

Explore the graph:MB Tule Tower: Tule Temps 3 (3/23/17-now) in a new window

Explore the graph:SRS NDVI Channels in a new window

Explore the graph:SRS NDVI in a new window

Explore the graph:Net Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:Conductivity in a new window

Can't check MBWPEESWGT_mixed
1 MB_cam graphs found

Explore the graph:Mayberry Autocam GCC in a new window

Can't check MBEEWPSWEPGT_cam
Can't check SIMBTWEE_met
1 MB_minidot graphs found

Explore the graph:Mayberry miniDot Dissolved Oxygen in a new window

No data found for MB_processed.
Can't check MB_fd
1 MB_fd graphs found

Explore the graph:Water Forced Diffusion CO2 Flux in a new window