Field Notes
<--2020-09-01 15:40:00 | 2020-09-23 11:45:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Wetland | Mayberry | West Pond | Bouldin Corn | Bouldin Alfalfa
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East End: 2020-09-10 11:50:00 (DOY 254)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Daphne
Summary: Wetland is dry and yellow, Tested batteries - one weak battery removed from battery bank, replaced HMP fan but need correct voltage fan, took apart Pi-cam to clean view.
East End 2020-09-10 Daphne and I arrive at 11:50 in separate cars. It was mild and overcast, the sun an orange disk in the sky. I didn’t smell any smoke but nearby AQI stations were 100-130. The wetland is still dry (fixing fish screens on the siphons?) and about 60% yellow. There are still green patches along the channels and low spots. The ground was dry enough to walk on and work around the solar panels with getting wet. This site has been losing power in the early mornings. When we arrived the stats on the solar controller looked normal. The battery bank sn BB-EE had a lot of wet looking corrosion on the positive leads. We shut it down, disconnected all the batteries and load tested them each individually. One battery, fourth from the west end, tested bad. Water levels seemed mostly good – I added a little water to top off a few cells. I tried to clean the leads and lugs but probably could use some more attention. I reconnected the five good batteries and turned the system back on. Daphne trimmed the plants around the panels and washed the panels. I left the weak battery on the boardwalk – I need a battery box to protect our cars in transporting the battery. Daphne collected the data. The 7500 read: 408ppm CO2, 826mmol/m3 H2O, 23C, 101.5C, 96SS – 100 after cleaning The 7700 read: 2.0ppm CH4, 55RSSI – 76 after cleaning The wash reservoir was topped off. The eddy clock was adjusted from 11:53 to 11:50 The HMP60 ventilation fan was dead. It was a 12V fan and all we had was a 24V fan. We replaced it but it needs to be swapped for a 12V fan later. The Pi-cam had a bit of fluff on the inside between the lens and the window. We took it apart and cleaned it out. We left at about 13:15 Looking at the data back in the lab, there was some weird dates at the end of "," probably because of power issues. Daphne deleted the offending few minutes of data. All the other files seem fine. We'll keep an eye on the GHG files. |
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