Field Notes

<--2018-09-27 15:10:00 | 2018-10-18 09:30:00-->
Other sites visited today: Bouldin Alfalfa | East End | East Pond | West Pond | Sherman Barn | Sherman Wetland | Mayberry

Bouldin Corn: 2018-10-04 09:30:00 (DOY 277)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Dennis, Kuno

Summary: Recent rain left gas analyzers dirty, reinstalled soilT profiles, swapped Arable Mark.

Bouldin Corn

I arrived at 9:30 with Dennis and Kuno. It was cool with patchy high, thin clouds. The ground surface is damp with the first light rain of the season. Caltrans is spreading dirt on the ramp from the highway and on the road near the tower. Dennis talked to one of the Caltrans workers about soil subsidence and learned that wicking water out from under the highway led to a collapse that required a multi-million dollar rebuild of part of the new road. Recent light rain left the gas analyzers (especially the 7500) dirty.

All seemed well at the site. Dennis used a pilot rod to install the three soil temperature profiles properly and then cut some of the weeds around the tower. Previously the soil temperature profiles had been buried horizontally at about 2cm.

The 7500 read: 372ppm CO2, 741.1mmol/m3 H2O, 18.8C, 100.9kPa, 77.4SS
After cleaning: 410ppm CO2, 702.0mmol/m3 H2O, 18.8V, 100.9kPa, 88.0
The 7700 read: 1.94ppm CH4, 72.7RSSI – 85.7 after cleaning
The wash reservoir was mostly full – topped off.

Kuno swapped the Arable Mark: sn A000591 came off and sn A001911 went on. Arable detected that the backup temperature sensor was broken in the old one and wanted it back to find out why.

We left at 10:00

0 photos found

Graphs display:
6 sets found

17 BC_met graphs found

Battery Voltage

Soil Heat Flux


Solar Radiation

Air Pressure and RH

Soil Moisture

Bouldin Corn PAR

NDVI channels

PRI Channels

Soil Temperatures Set A

Soil Temperatures Set B

Soil Temperatures Set C


Surface Temperature

Forced Diffusion CO2

Forced Diffusion Soil CO2 Flux

Surface Temperature

5 BC_flux graphs found

LI-7500 CO2 and H2O

7700 CH4 and RSSI



CO2 in ppm

Can't check TATWBABCSB_cam
No data found for BC_pa.
1 BC_arable graphs found
