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<--2018-07-12 14:05:00 | 2018-07-25 09:00:00-->Other sites visited today: East Pond | East End | West Pond
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Sherman Barn: 2018-07-17 12:20:00 (DOY 198)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Summary: Fixed sonic, lowered eddy sensors, traced soil sensor wires for correct multipliers.
Sherman Barn 2018-07-17 I arrived at about 12:20. It was hot and sunny but there was a strong gusty breeze from the west. I checked on the sonic data and discovered that the sonic had not been plugged in to the power strip. I plugged it in and the numbers looked reasonable. I lowered the eddy sensors by 42cm being careful not to change the sonic heading which I think was 340 true but forgot to write down. Please double check it. It is now easier to reach the gas analyzers for cleaning. I traced wires to match serial numbers with data columns for the soil heat flux plates: Soil set #1 (A) is to the NW and has SHF plate 6342 and Theta probe 377/008 Soil set #2 (B) is to the W and has SHF plate 6491 and Theta probe 54/016 Soil set #3 (C) is to the SW and has SHF plate 6498 and Theta probe 377/010 I left at 13:10 |
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15 SB_met graphs found
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