Field Notes
<--2016-12-21 13:20:00 | 2017-01-17 13:00:00-->Other sites visited today: Mayberry | Sherman Wetland | Twitchell Rice | Twitchell Alfalfa | East End | Bouldin Alfalfa
Phenocam link: Searching...
West Pond: 2017-01-05 12:30:00 (DOY 5)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Sam Chamberlain, Kyle Hemes
Summary: Standard data collection, tules blown down since last visit
We arrived around 12:30. It was sunny and cold. The tules had blown down quite a bit since last visit. It would be interesting to look at the camera data to see when and how fast this happened. We downloaded met data, USB GHG data and camera SD card. We cleaned the radiation, CO2, and CH4 sensors. We refilled the wash reservoir; it was 2/3 full. The 7500 read: CO2 409.1ppm H2O 287.0 mmol/m T 9.4C P 101.4kPa SS 106.3 --> 107.2 after cleaning The 7700 read: CH4 1.97ppm RSSI 58.2 --> 85.8 after cleaning We left at 12:40. |
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