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<--2024-02-12 15:15:00 | 2024-03-25 12:50:00-->Other sites visited today: Gilbert Tract | Mayberry | East End | Bouldin Corn | Bouldin Alfalfa
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West Pond: 2024-02-28 13:20:00 (DOY 59)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Joe
Summary: Downloaded met/cam, fixed RH wire, removed sonic/7550
2024-02-28 West Pond Joe and I arrived at 13:20 PST. The Twitchell gate was closed for the first time in a long time. There are two gold combo locks there. The lock with faded red electrical tape wrapped around it opened with our latest combo. Bruce passed away last winter, RIP. For new combos, we could try calling Jaime or David Julian. It was warm, sunny, and relatively still. I wanted to stop today to download the picam data, which I didn’t get last time. The picam download worked this time, and I also downloaded the met data. We are losing nighttime data daily. The staff gauge read 67cm. Robert has been processing WP’s fluxes and discovered that the RH has been bad for a while. Although the data had diurnal variations, they were just temperature fluctuations. Today I saw that the RH wire of the HMP had been pulled out of its mux port. I don’t know how long it’s been like that, and I reconnected it. Maybe the RH will be all good now. Joe removed some of the unused instruments: Sonic sn 120908 7550 sn AIU-1570 and all of its cables Canon camera We left at 13:55 PST. |
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1 WP_DO graphs found
14 WP_met graphs found
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Can't check MBWPEESWGT_mixed
Can't check MBEEWPSWEPGT_cam
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4 WP_arable graphs found