Field Notes
<--2020-02-20 11:55:00 | 2020-03-11 11:00:00-->Other sites visited today: East End | Mayberry | Bouldin Alfalfa | Bouldin Corn | Sherman Barn | Sherman Wetland
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West Pond: 2020-03-05 11:35:00 (DOY 65)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Ariane
Summary: Regular data collection/cleaning, Ariane took 50cm soil core
2020-03-05 West Pond Ariane and I arrived around 11:35 PST. It was a mild day with a cool breeze and cirrus clouds. The water level was 5 cm. Ariane took a 50cm soil core at the 0.5 footprint. [Ariane – more details] Core outside = 14 cm. Hole = 34 cm. I downloaded met, camera, and USB GHG data. Ariane cleaned flux and rad sensors. The wash reservoir was mostly full; I topped it off. There were wasps in the reservoir. LI-7500 readings: CO2 425ppm H2O 536ppm T 19.5C P 102.1kPa SS 94--> 96 LI7700 readings: CH4 1.98ppm RSSI 52--> 74 after cleaning We left at 12:05 PST. |
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