Field Notes
<--2020-03-05 11:35:00 | 2020-04-03 12:55:00-->Other sites visited today: East End | Mayberry | Sherman Wetland
Phenocam link: Searching...
West Pond: 2020-03-11 11:00:00 (DOY 71)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Summary: Sheep grazing on surrounding levees, improved power connection at the box, restarted camera
West Pond 2020-03-11 I arrived at about 11:00. There are sheep grazing on the surrounding levees. I chased a herd around the north side of East Pond on my way over from East End. It was warm and sunny with some patchy high thin clouds. West Pond is dry. This was a quick stop to improve the power line from the solar panels. I undid the wire nuts on the end of the solid conductor line from the solar panels and moved the line from the north side of the tower around the south side and into the box. Inside the box I connected it directly to the 24V screw terminal strip removing a short section of 18ga wire. There were some intermittent connection as I got it back together but everything seemed to be running again. I restarted the auto camera. I left about 11:30 returning to East End to pick up Daphne. |
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