Field Notes
<--2019-12-05 10:35:00 | 2020-01-07 14:35:00-->Other sites visited today: Tonzi | Sherman Barn | Sherman Wetland | West Pond | East End | East Pond
Phenocam link: Searching...
Mayberry: 2019-12-16 09:10:00 (DOY 350)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Joe, Ariane
Summary: Water samples, regular data collection/cleaning, water samples for Isabel, reset eddy clock +3 min
2019-12-16 Mayberry Joe, Ariane, and I arrived at 9:10 PST. It was a clear and cold day with blue skies. There were streaks of green material (algae?) on the water flowing to the right (to the southeast). The water level was 20 cm. Ariane got started collecting water samples at the channel 100 m west of the tower. There was not standing water at the vegetated areas but pore-water samples were collected at -10 and -20 cm at one site within the 0.5 footprint using pushpoints. Ariane plans to install permanent pore-water cups at two locations for monthly monitoring. Regular surface water samples were collected at the tower, west channel, west inlet and east outlet. Salinity was highest at the outlet at 4.6 ppt. Inlets were closed and no water was flowing downstream from the outlets. Readings at the tower: Conductivity: 4246 uS Salinity: 2.3 ppt pH: 8.27 Temp: 9.9 ºC Time: 10:06 Joe collected water samples for Isabel at 9:15 PST. He downloaded met, cam, USB GHG, and miniDOT data. He reset the 7500 clock + 3 minutes and set the 7700 clock to slave. I cleaned flux and rad sensors, and the camera window. There were lots of spider webs on the eddy sensors. The fluorometer windows were clean. I replaced the HMP fan; the HMP radiation shield needs another long bolt and an additional nut (dropped a plastic nut in the water and replaced it temporarily with a metal nut). LI-7500 readings: CO2 424ppm H2O 345ppm T 8.9C P 102.7kPa SS 102--> 104 after cleaning LI7700 readings: CH4 2.01ppm RSSI 52--> 86 Joe and I left at 10:00 PST to service the other Sherman and Twitchell Island sites while Ariane continued collecting water samples. We came back around 14:00 to pick up Ariane and collected water at 3 more sites (including the west inlet and east outlet). |
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