Field Notes
<--2009-11-19 10:30:00 | 2009-12-04 08:30:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island
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Twitchell Rice: 2009-12-01 09:30:00 (DOY 335)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Summary: Brought arrow board sign generator, Solar panel flipped by wind.
12/1/2009 Arrived about 9:30. Cool, calm, sunny, a little bit hazy. Frost in cold spots. Water is a little lower in the fields. More tundra swans and Canada geese but less other birds. Cranes in the fields to the south. Water seemed a little lower than last time. Jim has brought the arrow board sign generator to the field site. It’s a single cylinder diesel engine with alternator. It’s been idle for a year or two, but Jim said it fired right up after a little cleaning and fresh fuel. The specs have all worn off the tags on the equipment, but I saw a similar sign rated at 5.5kW. It is a 12VDC system and we have a 1000W inverter. Jim says he has a bigger alternator that he can put on the sign, but we may have to buy another inverter to power the scroll pump. I will try it out on Friday – should at least be running with the diaphragm pump. I setup the generator and started the LGR with the scroll pump. The scroll pump was kind of slow to start. Numbers seem okay. I replace the small stakes in the feet of the tower with three-foot long rebar stakes driven most of the way into the ground. I also screwed in an anchor under the center of the tower and tied it to the center of the tower with wire cable. I cleaned the radiation sensors and check their level. I also cleaned mostly spider webs from the sonic and IRGA. The solar panels and base had flipped in the wind on Saturday. The cable to the batteries in the other platform was pulled loose from the charge controller and very close to shorting out the batteries. I righted the panels, only one bolt of their mounts had come loose. I reconnected the batteries and all seemed well. I added two anchor stakes and cables at midpoint, front and back to help hold the platform to the ground. I checked on Frank’s tower and solar panels. Both had flipped in the wind and Jim had righted them yesterday. Went to Sherman about noontime. Returned from Sherman about 2pm. Collected data and swapped card. Shutdown generator and left. |
6 photos found
20091201TW_SignGeneratorAlternator.jpg ( 2009-12-01 12:21:03 ) Full size: 2048x1536
Alternator specs at the rice field
20091201TW_SignGeneratorInfo.jpg ( 2009-12-01 12:19:01 ) Full size: 2048x1536
Generator specs
20091201TW_SolarNewTieDown.jpg ( 2009-12-01 12:09:57 ) Full size: 2048x1536
New tie down for solar panel platform
20091201TW_SolarNewTieDownZoom.jpg ( 2009-12-01 12:09:36 ) Full size: 2048x1536
New tie down for solar panel platform
20091201TW_SolarPanelsAfterBlow.jpg ( 2009-12-01 11:44:50 ) Full size: 2048x1536
The wind blew over the solar panels and wooden platform
20091201TW_TowerAfterBlow.jpg ( 2009-12-01 10:47:41 ) Full size: 2048x1536
Migratory birds on the rice field behind the eddy tower
6 sets found
12 TW_met graphs found
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