Field Notes
<--2019-07-26 15:05:00 | 2019-08-08 12:15:00-->Other sites visited today: Bouldin Corn | Bouldin Alfalfa | East End | East Pond | Mayberry | Sherman Barn | Sherman Wetland
Phenocam link: Searching...
West Pond: 2019-08-07 13:25:00 (DOY 219)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Robert, Ariane
Summary: Regular data collection/cleaning, removed camera for inspection, swapped 7500 for calibration, more wasps' nests
2019-08-07 West Pond Robert, Ariane, and I arrived at 13:25. It was sunny and windy with blue skies. The inlet was on and gushing. The water level was 41 cm. We sprayed and knocked off more wasps nests before we left. I downloaded met, USB GHG, and zcam photos. There were no photos again on the camera card, so we removed the camera to bring back and inspect in the lab. The zcam was a bit tilted, but we couldn’t fix it because we now need boots to cross over to the boardwalk. The wash reservoir was mostly full; we topped it off. We cleaned flux and rad sensors and swapped the 7500 for calibration: sn 0418 came down and sn 75H-2182 went up. I uploaded a new configuration file, updated the pressure coefficients, and reset the box. LI-7500 readings (sn 0418 --> sn 0418 clean --> sn 75H-2182): CO2 385ppm --> 392 --> 390 H2O 745ppm --> 655 --> 694 T 29.5C --> 29.3 --> 292.9 P 101.2kPa --> 101.1 --> 101.1 SS 94 --> 96 --> 99 LI7700 readings: CH4 1.95ppm RSSI 48--> 73 after cleaning We left at 13:45. |
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