Field Notes
<--2017-12-19 10:00:00 | 2018-01-11 11:00:00-->Other sites visited today: Bouldin Alfalfa | Mayberry | Sherman Wetland | East End | West Pond | Twitchell Alfalfa
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Bouldin Corn: 2018-01-04 12:40:00 (DOY 4)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Elke, Kyle, Dennis
Summary: Regular data collection/cleaning, Field is flooded, Removed LI-7500 because of PLL error
2018-01-04 Bouldin Corn We arrived at 12:40. It was partly overcast with a light breeze. The field is flooded and Tyler and Heather had moved their chambers to the side of the field. The ground by the tower is muddy but hiking boots were fine to access the tower. Kyle cleaned the flux and rad sensors. Elke refilled the water reservoir. We were planning to detangle the chamber and soil sensor wires, but we decided to keep the sensors in place for now. Kyle checked that the sensors were firmly in place in the soil; he adjusted some of the soil heat flux plates in the mud. I downloaded met, camera, and USB data. We brought LI-7500 sn 75H-2176 back to the lab. The sensor was not working and could not hear the optical wheel spinning. We tried re-setting the box and physically testing the connections between the sensor and the LI-7550. When the sensor was connected to the LI-7550, there was a "check PLL" error message. It seemed to have been out since 2017-12-30, and we will replace it next week. LI-7500 readings: CO2 0 H2O 0 T 17.6 C P 101.2 kPa SS 0 LI7700 readings: CH4 2.2 ppm RSSI 63 --> 70 after cleaning We left at 13:05. Since the roads were muddy, we drove back out to the highway to access BA. |
0 photos found
6 sets found
17 BC_met graphs found
5 BC_flux graphs found
Can't check TATWBABCSB_cam
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No data found for BC_arable.